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Décret n° 2009-636 du 8 juin 2009 portant création de l'Etablissement public foncier de Bretagne.

Junho, 2009

Le présent décret crée l’Etablissement public foncier de Bretagne, un établissement public de l'Etat, à caractère industriel et commercial, doté de la personnalité morale et de l'autonomie financière. Cet établissement est habilité dans la région Bretagne à : procéder à toutes les acquisitions foncières et opérations immobilières de nature à faciliter l'aménagement au sens de l'article L.

Resolution No. 116/2017 ratifying the Tourism Land Use Planning (POT) of the Touristic Area of Salamansa (ZTS).

Outubro, 2017
Cabo Verde

This Resolution, consisting of 82 articles divided into seven Chapters and 16 Annexes, ratifies the Tourist Planning Plan (POT) of the Tourist Zone of Salamansa (ZTS), within the island of São Vicente. It includes reports of the Plan for urban areas, as well as environmental and landscape domain, the Plan Regulation and drawings, which constitute the framework and the charters.

Law No. 31/2016 on the third amendment of Law No. 54/2005 establishing the title ownership of water resources.

Agosto, 2016

This Law establishes the third amendment of Law No. 54/2005 regulating the title ownership of water resources. Amendments deal with the ownership of water resources and lay down the requirements to be satisfied in order to use such resources. In addition, it regulates the lake and fluvial public domain which belongs to the state or to the autonomous regions.

Decree-Law No. 10/2016 approving the General Rules of the Territorial Land Use Planning (POT) of the Ataúro Island.

Maio, 2016

This Decree-Law, consisting of 18 articles divided into five Chapters, establishes the general norms regulating the Territorial Land Use Planning (POT) of the Ataúro Island, including its territorial management instruments, as well as actions, programmes, projects and any licensing or authorizations, whether public or private.

Coastal Management Act 2016.

Junho, 2016

The objects of this Act are to manage the coastal environment of New South Wales in a manner consistent with the principles of ecologically sustainable development for the social, cultural and economic well-being of the people of the State, and in particular: (a) to protect and enhance natural coastal processes and coastal environmental values including natural character, scenic value, biological diversity and ecosystem integrity and resilience, and (b) to support the social and cultural values of the coastal zone and maintain public access, amenity, use and safety, and (c) to acknowledge A

Decreto-Ley Nº 2811 - Aprueba el Código nacional de recursos naturales renovables y de protección del medio ambiente. Texto consolidado.

Dezembro, 1974

El Código nacional de recursos naturales renovables y de protección del medio ambiente, consta de 340 artículos organizados en dos libros: Del Ambiente (Libro Primero) y De la Propiedad, Uso e Influencia Ambiental de los Recursos Naturales Renovables (Libro Segundo).

Act on improvement of agricultural structure and coast protection.

Setembro, 1969

According to article 91a, paragraph 1, of the German Constitution (Grundgesetz) measures on the improvement of production methods, working conditions, management and in general in the agricultural, fishery, forestry and water sector shall be taken with the agreement of regional governments. For this purpose a common frame work is devised and every year within the 1 March the Länder submit a general working plan to the Federal Minister for Nutrition, Agriculture and Forestry for approvement within the said frame work. The Act consists of 14 articles.

Decree No. 25/2009/ND-CP on integrated management of natural resources and environmental protection of the sea and islands.

Março, 2009

This Decree provides for the integrated management of natural resources and environmental protection in coastal areas, sea areas and islands of Viet Nam.The Decree aims at: ensuring unified, interdisciplinary and interregional management in the exploitation and use of natural resources; combining socio-economic development with environmental protection, ensuring safety at sea; preventing, stopping and mitigating pollution and remedying degradation of the environment of the sea and islands; protecting and developing ecosystems of the sea and islands for sustainable development; observing mar

Decreto Nº 105-2017 ─ Modifica el Decreto Nº 335-2013, Ley de fortalecimiento de la camaricultura.

Outubro, 2017

El presente Decreto Legislativo modifica la Ley de fortalecimiento de la camaricultura, respecto a la creación del Registro Especial Asociado de Concesiones o Contratos de Arrendamiento de Playones Nacionales para el Cultivo de Camarón, el cual está a cargo del Instituto de la Propiedad (IP), en el que debe inscribirse otorgamiento, modificación, cancelación, transmisión y gravamen de casa concesión; así mismo, debe inscribirse las mejoras actuales o futuras que los concesionarios efectúen en los predios otorgados en arrendamientos por el Estado (Artículo 6º).

Plan d'Action National pour l'Adaptation aux Changements Climatiques 2006.

National Policies
Dezembro, 2005

Face à l’avancée de la mer, l’érosion côtière, la perte des plages ; la désertification, la réduction des mangroves et autre zones de frayères, la perte des terres arables et autres pâturages ; la salinisation des eaux, la réduction ou l’insuffisance de la disponibilité de l’eau pour l’irrigation et la boisson et autres activités productrices, le Sénégal a élaboré son Plan d’Action National d’Adaptation (PANA) dont l’objectif est de proposer des options ou solutions d’adaptation face aux impacts négatifs des changements climatiques dans les secteurs économique clés (les ressources en eau, l

Decree-Law No. 14/2016 approving the Regulation on the preparation and implementation process of the Plans for the Management of Coastal Zones and the Adjacent Sea (POOC_M).

Fevereiro, 2016
Cabo Verde

This Decree-Law, consisting of 7 Chapters and three Annexes, regulates the preparation and implementation process of the Plans for the Management of Coastal Zones and the Adjacent Sea (POOC_M). This Plans are territorial management tools containing a set of actions for the coastal zone management, which interventions are planned for the terrestrial areas, referred as 'onshore', and areas called as 'adjacent sea areas'.