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Displaying 1489 - 1500 of 1972

The Atlas of Rural Marginalized Areas and of Local Human Development in Romania

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Maio, 2016
Ásia Central

Romania aims to be a country in which all citizens are provided with an equal opportunity toparticipate in society, where their basic needs are met and their differences respected, and whereall people feel valued and can live in dignity.Our society is still far from this ideal. One in every five Romanian people is income poor. Most of the people living in relative poverty in Romania are in persistent poverty, meening that they have been in poverty for at least the last three years.

Romania Toward a Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Economy

Training Resources & Tools
Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2015
Ásia Central

In Romania, as well as in many other East European countries, transport sector Green House Gas (GHG) emissions are increasing fast and their growth is expected to continue into the future, accompanying the on-going economic convergence with the European Union (EU). The objective of the analysis was to assess the impact of green policies and investments on transport emissions. For this purpose, the Romania Transport Strategic Emission Prediction Tool (TRANSEPT) was developed.

Mali Financial Sector Assessment Program

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Dezembro, 2015

The performance of the Malian economy is largely dependent on the performance of the agricultural sector. The overall good growth in the Malian economy over the last several years is attributed to the agricultural GDP growth. Since 1995, the economy grew at about 5 percent per year until 2010, but a global recession, the military coup and terrorist activity caused a noticeable slowdown in GDP to about 1.2 percent in 2011-2012. The economic growth has resumed at a slow pace since 2013 and is currently estimated around 4.5 percent for 2014-2015.

Fecal Sludge Management

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Maio, 2016

Urban sanitation remains a significant challenge for most low- and middle-income countries. While sanitation coverage has been increasing across both the 48 least developed countries (LDCs) and developing regions as a whole, progress has been relatively slow. In many cities, even where improved on-site facilities are used to contain excreta, the level of quality and access to services for the emptying, conveyance, treatment, and disposal of the resulting fecal sludge is usually limited. These services are collectively called fecal sludge management (FSM) services.

Gender-Dimensions of Collective Forest Tenure Reform in China

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Maio, 2016
Ásia Oriental

The reform of China's collectively owned forest land, began in 2008, is arguably the largest land-reform undertaking in modern times in terms of area and people affected. Under the reform, forest lands have been contracted to rural households, allowing them more independence in exercising their rights and interests in the forest lands, giving them more opportunities to improve family incomes, and creating incentives for them to cultivate, conserve, and manage forests. These lands are home to some 610 million people, many of them poor.


Conference Papers & Reports
Setembro, 2005
África subsariana

Paul Wolfowitz, President of the World Bank, congratulated the editorial team of National Geographic for the special issue on Africa. National Geographic has played a unique role in broadening the knowledge of the world. The World Bank partnered with National Geographic to produce a full-color wall map to raise awareness of the millennium development goals (MDGs) and to highlight each country's progress. We often hear about an Africa that is ravaged by poverty, disease and conflict. There is another face to Africa, one of hope, ambition, energy, intelligence and achievement.

Federal Republic of Nigeria Slum Upgrading, Involuntary Resettlement, Land and Housing

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Maio, 2015

This report aims to extract lessons on slum upgrading and involuntary resettlement policies and practices learned from the process of addressing the Badia East case, which involved complex interactions between affected people, NGOs, the Bank and Lagos State Government.

Evaluating Multi-Sensor Nighttime Earth Observation Data for Identification of Mixed vs. Residential Use in Urban Areas

Journal Articles & Books
Fevereiro, 2016

This paper introduces a novel top-down approach to geospatially identify and distinguish areas of mixed use from predominantly residential areas within urban agglomerations. Under the framework of the World Bank’s Central American Country Disaster Risk Profiles (CDRP) initiative, a disaggregated property stock exposure model has been developed as one of the key elements for disaster risk and loss estimation. Global spatial datasets are therefore used consistently to ensure wide-scale applicability and transferability.

Address to the Board of Governors Meeting in Seoul, Korea

Reports & Research
Conference Papers & Reports
Outubro, 1985

In his speech, President A. W. Clausen reviews the economic and debt crisis of the last five years and shares his expectations for the next five years. The World Bank will play a vital role in a successful transition from recession to sustained economic growth. The Bank’s operational strategy rests on twin pillars: assisting borrowers in formulating adjustment programs, and helping mobilize external resources to sustain these programs. Heavily indebted middle-income countries need help to grow out of their debts.

The Challenge of Inclusion

Conference Papers & Reports
Setembro, 1997

This is the address to the Board of Governors, delivered by Mr. James D. Wolfensohn, President of the World Bank, in Hong Kong, China, on September 23, 1997. This year's core theme is the challenge of inclusion, bringing people into society who have never been part of it before, the main reason why the World Bank Group exists. On reviewing the state of development circa 1997: despite improved social indicators, the rapid rise in life expectancy levels, and freedom ascending, much still needs to be improved.

Agribusiness Indicators

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Dezembro, 2012

Agriculture and agribusiness play an important role in the Zambian economy, contributing around 20 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in recent years and about 12 percent of national export earnings. Agriculture employs nearly 70 percent of the labor force and remains the main source of income and employment for most of the people living in rural areas. The objective of the Zambia agribusiness indicators (ABI) country report is to examine factors that have affected agricultural productivity, market access, and the policy environment for agriculture in Zambia.

Agribusiness Indicators

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Novembro, 2012

Agriculture in Tanzania accounts for 28 percent of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employs 80 percent of its labor force. The sector is also an important source of export revenues. The data and findings presented in this report provide a summary of the performance of the agriculture sector in Tanzania using a set of indicators covering six areas.