Karen Human Rights Group (KHRG)
The largest body of high-quality reports on the civil war in Burma, especially focussed on the civilian victims - currently over 600 reports dating from 1992.
The largest body of high-quality reports on the civil war in Burma, especially focussed on the civilian victims - currently over 600 reports dating from 1992.
This link leads to a document containing the Table of Contents of the report, with links to the English, Burmese and Thai versions...
• In the past year, the Tatmadaw has deployed nearly 25% of its battalions to Kachin
State, escalating its war with the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and bringing
further suffering to civilian populations in Kachin State and Northern Shan State.
• Tatmadaw soldiers have constantly targeted civilians in Kachin State and Northern
Shan States as part of their military operations against the KIA. Human rights abuses
have included extrajudicial killings, rape of women, arbitrary arrests, torture, forced
"The Thailand Burma Border Consortium (TBBC) first collaborated with communitybased
organizations to document the scale and distribution of internal displacement
in Eastern Burma during 2002. Two years later, another survey was coordinated to
enhance understanding about the vulnerability of internally displaced persons. These
assessments sought to increase awareness about the situation in conflict-affected
areas which remain largely inaccessible to the international community.
1. Introduction 1;
2. Historical Context and Current Implications of the State Taking Control
of People, Land and Livelihood 2;
2.1. Under the Democratically Elected Government 2;
2.1.1. The Land Nationalization Act 1953 2;
2.1.2. The Agricultural Lands Act 1953 2;
3. Under the Revolutionary Council (1962-1974) 2;
3.1. The Tenancy Act 1963 3;
3.2. The Protection of the Right of Cultivation Act, 1963 3;
4. The State Gains Further Control over the Livelihoods of Households 3;
Executive Summary:
"Recently, much attention surrounding Burma has focused on the democratic reform, 2015
elections and the future of the National League for Democracy (NLD)-led Government, whilst
a profound humanitarian crisis and continuing concerns of the ethnic minority communities in
the southeast have been largely ignored. The recent story of political and economic reform
has insufficiently addressed the ongoing struggles of internally displaced persons (IDPs), as
A useful site focussing on helping Thai people to understand the situation in Burma. The main section is in Thai, with a set of articles from 2005-2007 translated into English...
"SNN is a project focusing on information and media, working to produce news and information about Burma in Thai language. So far, no organization in Thailand is focusing specifically on this arena, despite the fact that Thai and Burma are neighbors and a large number of people from Burma have fled to Thailand....
In this issue: 2015 displacement in Kachin and Shan...
2,000 still displaced in southern Shan...
Winter needs for IDPs in Sumprabum....
Cash assistance following floods...
Providing access to reproductive healthcare...
Ending recruitment of child soldiers.....HIGHLIGHTS:
• Around 100,000 people were newly displaced in Kachin and Shan states in 2015; about 90 per cent have since returned home...
• Almost 2,000 people remain displaced following armed conflict in southern Shan...
The Burmese military government, together with
the government of India, is planning to build a giant
hydroelectric dam near Tamanthi on the Chindwin River
in northwest Burma’s Sagaing Division. The dam’s fl ood
reservoir will be almost 1,400 sq km, the size of Delhi, and
will permanently displace over 45,000 people, including
the entire town of Khamti. Already over 2,400 people have
been relocated at gunpoint from the dam site, without fair
The Tamanthi dam will adversely affect the biodiversity
This compendium focuses on recent articles related to the development of industrial estates in the major urban centres of Myanmar. Although the clustering of traditional craft industries was common in towns and cities throughout Burma in the colonial era, it was not until the 1950s that modern industrial complexes such as those in the Pyay district of central Burma and in several parts of Rangoon began to take shape.
Dire humanitarian needs P.1...
Access constraints P.2...
Funding requirements P.3...
Sector needs and responses P.4.....
The Government reports that the total estimated number of IDPs in Rakhine reached 115,000 people, including over 36,000 newly displaced in late October.
Up to 75,000 people are estimated to have been displaced by insecurity in Kachin and northern Shan States which started in June 2011.
The Government indicates that at least 17 people were killed and 114 injured due to an earthquake in upper Myanmar.
At night the Shweli has always sung sweet songs for us.
But now the nights are silent and the singing has stopped.
We are lonely and wondering what has happened to our
Shweli?" ... "Exclusive photos and testimonies from a remote village near the China-Burma border uncover how Chinese dam builders are using Burma Army troops to secure Chinese investments. Under the Boot, a new report by Palaung researchers, details the implementation of the Shweli Dam project, China's first Build-Operate-Transfer hydropower deal with Burma's junta.