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Displaying 517 - 528 of 686

Pushed to the Brink - Conflict and human trafficking on the Kachin-China border

Reports & Research
Junho, 2013

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: "The Burmese government’s renewed war against the Kachin has exponentially increased the risk
of human trafficking along the China-Burma border. New documentation by KWAT indicates that large-scale
displacement, lack of refugee protection and shortages of humanitarian aid have become significant new push
factors fuelling the trafficking problem.
Burma Army offensives against the Kachin Independence Army since June 2011 and widespread human rights

A Foreseeable Disaster in Burma: Forced Displacement in the Thilawa Special Economic Zone

Reports & Research
Outubro, 2014

"The displacement in Thilawa took place amid a broader
climate of state-sponsored abuse in Burma, where
people have no recourse to challenge illegal government
action. Specifically, the displacement process in Thilawa
violated residents’ human rights, negatively affected
their ability to provide for themselves, and resulted in
deteriorating food security and limited ability to access
health care. The TSEZMC will relocate 846 more
households when development begins on phase two of

"They Came and Destroyed Our Village Again"-- The Plight of Internally Displaced Persons in Karen State

Reports & Research
Junho, 2005

...While the nonviolent struggle of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi against the Burmese military government’s continuing repression has captured the world’s attention, the profound human rights and humanitarian crisis endured by Burma’s ethnic minority communities has largely been ignored.4

Internal Displacement and Vulnerability in Eastern Burma

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2004

"In September 2002 the Thailand Burma Border Consortium (TBBC), formerly the
Burmese Border Consortium, compiled a report “Internally Displaced People and
Relocation Sites in Eastern Burma”. The report was written because although the
Royal Thai Government was reluctant to accept more refugees and believed repatriation
should occur as soon as conditions were judged suitable, new refugees were still
arriving in Thailand. Since most of the new arrivals reported that they had formerly

Displacement and Poverty in South East Burma/Myanmar - 2011 Survey - TBBC (English)

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2011

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (extract): Poverty alleviation has been recognised by the new government as a strategic priority for human
development. While official figures estimate that a quarter of the nation live in poverty, this survey suggests
that almost two thirds of households in rural areas of South East Burma/Myanmar are unable to meet
their basic needs. Impoverishment is particularly severe in the conflict-affected townships of Kyaukgyi
and Shwegyin in Pegu/Bago Region and Thandaung in Karen/Kayin State. Comparative analysis with


Journal Articles & Books
Abril, 2014
A energia elétrica é uma das bases do desenvolvimento, consequentemente é um dos principais influentes na questão ambiental, estando no cerne das discussões do desenvolvimento sustentável.
A Usina Hidrelétrica de Belo Monte construída no Rio Xingu, no município de Altamira no Estado do Pará, passou desde o seu primeiro projeto por várias mudanças e discussões, principalmente na questão das terras indígenas, causando impactos na organização físico-territorial e sociocultural, além do desequilíbrio nas condições de saúde e alimentação.
Este ar

Land, Conflict and Livelihoods in the Great Lakes Region: Testing Policies to the Limit

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2004

Covers (1) Land as a source of conflict in Africa – the multi-dimensional nature of land issues; indirect causes of conflict, land access and structural poverty; interactions between customary and state-managed tenure systems; historical injustices and land disputes. (2) Land rights during conflict – population displacement; land as a sustaining factor in conflict; land rights of women, children and marginalized communities.

The urgent need to address farmers-pastoralists conflicts in Nigeria

Reports & Research
Maio, 2016

The rising conflicts between farmers and pastoralists threaten Nigeria’s food security, economic stability and ecological balance. Instead of ‘silently’ resolving the issues, the Nigerian government should intensify all means to end these crimes against livelihoods and address the root causes, like climate change, displacement and appropriation of grazing reserves.

Land, Power and Identity: Roots of violent conflict in Eastern DRC

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2010

Identifies disputed control over land as a root cause of conflict in Eastern DRC. Focuses on conflicts between customary and state-run land tenure systems, and claims by some communities to ‘indigenous’ status which are used to relegate others to ‘migrant’ or ‘foreigner’ status. Waves of population displacement have created overlapping claims to land, and an ongoing process of refugee return is currently increasing tensions over these claims in parts of Eastern DRC. Examines efforts to manage this return process and offers recommendations for action by local and international actors.

Land Matters in Displacement: the Importance of Land Rights in Acholiland and what threatens them

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2004

Comprises executive summary; introduction; land and land rights in Acholi; security, access to land and food security; interventions; return and the Land Act; conclusions and recommendations. CSOPNU is a loose coalition advocating for a just and lasting peace in Northern Uganda, based on analyses of underlying causes of the conflict. Research sought to provide an analysis of how issues related to land affect people in the conflict areas of Acholi sub-region, with a focus on return as a durable solution to internal displacement.

Host country governance and the African land rush: 7 reasons why large-scale farmland investments fail to contribute to sustainable development

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2016

Contributes to the research gap on host country governance dynamics by synthesizing results and lessons from 38 case studies conducted in Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria, and Zambia. It shows how and why large-scale farmland investments are often synonymous with displacement, dispossession, and environmental degradation and, thereby, highlights 7 outcome determinants that merit more explicit treatment in academic and policy discourse.