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Land & Conflicts


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Câmara dos Deputados


O Papel da Câmara dos Deputados

O Poder Legislativo cumpre papel imprescindível perante a sociedade do País, visto que desempenha três funções primordiais para a consolidação da democracia: representar o povo brasileiro, legislar sobre os assuntos de interesse nacional e fiscalizar a aplicação dos recursos públicos.

Conselho Indigenista Missionário


O Cimi é um organismo vinculado à CNBB (Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil) que, em sua atuação missionária, conferiu um novo sentido ao trabalho da igreja católica junto aos povos indígenas.

Criado em 1972, quando o Estado brasileiro assumia abertamente a integração dos povos indígenas à sociedade majoritária como única perspectiva, o Cimi procurou favorecer a articulação entre aldeias e povos, promovendo as grandes assembléias indígenas, onde se desenharam os primeiros contornos da luta pela garantia do direito à diversidade cultural.

Instituto de Estudos Estratégicos


O INEST é um cen­tro de for­mação e pesquisa voltado para a análise das questões estratég­i­cas rel­a­ti­vas à Defesa Nacional e à Segu­rança Inter­na­cional. Tem como obje­tivo desen­volver e con­sol­i­dar o pen­sa­mento brasileiro na área, for­mando recur­sos humanos grad­u­a­dos e pós-​graduados na área dos Estu­dos Estratégi­cos e das Relações Inter­na­cionais. O mandato de seus debates e reflexões é global. É uma insti­tu­ição, em todos os sen­ti­dos, não par­tidária e plural.

Land Conflict Watch


Land Conflict Watch is a research-based data journalism project that maps, collects, and analyses ongoing land conflicts in India. It not only presents a macro picture at the national level but also zooms in to give details of each conflict at the micro level.

National Land Commission



Excellent administration and management of land for sustainable development



To implement an efficient land administration and management system in order to ensure equity in access to land



  • Efficiency
  • Transparency and Accountability
  • Innivativeness
  • Integrity

Ndifuna Ukwazi

Ndifuna Ukwazi is an activist organisation and law centre that promotes the realisation of Constitutional Rights and Social Justice – through legal, research and organising support to working class people, communities and social movements. The organistion works to advance urban land justice – that is the protection and promotion of access to affordable, well located housing in Cape Town; building inclusive and sustainable mixed use and mixed income communities; and supporting tenant rights and security of tenure in both private and public housing.

University of Nairobi



Our Vision is to be a world-class university committed to scholarly excellence.

Our Mission is to provide quality university education and training and to embody the aspirations of the Kenyan people and the global community through creation, preservation, integration, transmission and utilization of knowledge.

Technical University of Kenya

  • Vision
    • To be a top rated University of technology


    • To provide technological education and training and to contribute towards the advancement of society through research and innovation 


    • Education and training for the real world


    • To train high and middle level personnel for both public and private sectors.

United States Institute of Peace


The United States Institute of Peace is an independent national institute, founded by Congress and dedicated to the proposition that a world without violent conflict is possible, practical, and essential for U.S. and global security. USIP pursues this vision on the ground in conflict zones, working with local partners to prevent conflicts from turning to bloodshed and to end it when they do. The Institute provides training, analysis, and other resources to people, organizations, and governments working to build peace.

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