Participe do Debate / Webinários
O Land Portal organiza debates dinâmicos e bem estruturados que têm um impacto duradouro, chegando ao fundo das questões discutidas. Esta abordagem contribui para construir comunidades de práticas, garantindo uma diversidade de envolvimento das partes interessadas e proporcionando resultados duradouros através de registros profissionais que podem ser consultados nos próximos anos. Esperamos poder contar com a sua participação nos nossos próximos webinários.
Displaying 101 - 110 of 160
Lições de Resiliência Climática: O que podemos aprender dos Povos Indígenas e Comunidades Locais?
Os Povos Indígenas a nível mundial têm uma elevada exposição às mudanças climáticas e são frequentemente considerados uma população "em risco", embora haja provas crescentes da sua resiliência. Uma ampla investigação ilustra que os Povos Indígenas estão observando e se adaptando ativamente à mudança de diversas maneiras. Neste webinar vamos examinar o fator comum que afeta a resiliência à mudança ambiental entre os Povos Indígenas e as comunidades locais.
Land Rights, Biodiversity and Global Health: How Can Indigenous People Help Prevent Future Pandemics?
The Ford Foundation, the Land Portal Foundation, the Tenure Facility and the Thomson Reuters Foundation launched a webinar on May 20th on the the link between “environmental imbalances” and “emerging infectious diseases". This is well established in literature; studies have shown that activities associated with deforestation, and subsequent biodiversity loss, contribute to the spread of disease vectors and associated diseases. Maintaining intact forest cover and preventing the associated consequences of deforestation, would reduce virus emergence events.
Indigenous Peoples forests governance: a fundamental strategy in preserving forests and reducing carbon emissions
April 22nd, 2021 | 9:00AM-10:30AM EST - 3:00-4:30 CEST
Watch livestream here:
A governança das florestas pelos povos indígenas: uma estratégia fundamental para preservar as florestas e reduzir as emissões de carbono
22 de abril de 2021 (9:00h-10:30h EST)
Land Dialogues Webinar Series
The Land Portal Foundation, the Tenure Facility, the Thomson Reuters Foundation and the Ford Foundation proposed a series of Land Dialogues promoting the centrality of Indigenous and community land rights in advancing global efforts to halt the climate crisis, achieving a healthy planet and forwarding the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The dialogues focused on the importance of formally recognising and securing the customary lands of Indigenous Peoples and local communities as a crucial contribution to the overall climate health of the planet.
Webinário: "O papel da informação e das tecnologias digitais no acesso das mulheres à terra no Oriente Médio e no Norte da África"
Webinar: "The role of information and digital technologies in women's access to land in the Middle East and North Africa"
The month of March marks both International Women’s Day as well as International Open Data Day.
Qual a raiz da desigualdade? A posse tradicional e os direitos da mulher à terra na África Ocidental
Cadastre-se aqui!
The Root of Inequality? Customary Tenure and Women’s Rights to Land in West Africa
This webinar discusses women's land rights under customary tenure
Don’t forget the smallholder! Finding inclusivity in land investments
This webinar took place in the frame of the County Insights initiative and marks the launch of Land Portal's new country portfolios for Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. The aim was to unpack the topic of Responsible Agricultural Investment through experiences from these countries, while marking out tenure security risks for smallholders and the rural poor. In particular, the discussion will highlight new aims towards equitable and sustainable practices for land user and investor, comparing positive case examples, and challenges to promote inclusive measures.
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