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Tot elkaar veroordeeld? : het belang van gebiedsprocessen voor de natuur

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2008

Met het Investeringsbudget landelijk gebied (ILG) raken het natuurbeleid en de vele gebiedsprocessen in Nederland steeds meer met elkaar verstrengeld. De vraag hier is op welke manier gebiedsprocessen bijdragen aan de uitvoering van het natuurbeleid. Daarbij zijn twee provincies doorgelicht: Zuid-Holland en Overijssel, met bijzonder aandacht voor de Krimpenerwaard (ZH) en Loozensche Linie (Ov).

I Encuentro Nacional de Planeación local y Presupuesto Participativo

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2008

Maureén Maya Escritora e investigadora social Culminó con éxito el Primer Encuentro Nacional de Planeación Local y Presupuesto Participativo, con más de 800 asistentes, 20 delegaciones provenientes de distintos puntos del país y 3 invitados internacionales entre otros. Este fue un espacio de disertación teórica, estableciéndose así en una importante plataforma nacional de acción para el fortalecimiento de las redes locales organizativas, el tejido social y la democracia participativa.

Collective Action to Secure Property Rights for the Poor: A Case Study in Jambi Province, Indonesia

Conference Papers & Reports
Junho, 2008

This study presents an approach to analyzing decentralized forestry and naturalresource management and land property rights issues, and catalyzing collectiveaction among villages and district governments. It focuses on understanding thecurrent policies governing local people’s access to property rights and decisionmaking processes, and learning how collective action among community groups andinteraction among stakeholders can enhance local people’s rights over lands,resources, and policy processes for development.

Decentralization, Pro-Poor Land Policies, and Democratic Governance

Reports & Research
Junho, 2008

Land tenure reform policy has been affected by many different types of decentralization, but the literature has rarely explicitly addressed the implications of this. The paper provides a review of how the issues of decentralization are linked to land tenure reform in theory and practice. Begins with clarifying some key terms, then looks at contending perspectives on decentralization and how these relate to the UNDP’s pillars of democratic governance.

The International Land Coalition

Reports & Research
Junho, 2008

The organization, which is now called the International Land Coalition (ILC), was established on January 1, 1996, on the recommendation of the conference on hunger and poverty convened by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in 1995. At first, the organization was called the popular coalition to eradicate hunger and poverty. The ILC itself was formally constituted and launched along with its new name in February 2003.

Are community aspirations being accommodated in development plans?: a lesson from collective action in Jambi

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2007

The brief describes development planning consultations, locally known as musrenbang, conducted in stages through different levels of governance: village, sub-district and district. The brief then documents lessons from experience catalyzing collective action among local community goups (in particular women’s groups) to engage in this development process and to help articulate the women’s aspirations in such a way that they could be heard by district decision makers.

Assessing household poverty and wellbeing: a manual with examples from Kutai Barat, Indonesia

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2007

The manual reflects the results of a 3-year participatory learning process that comprised many meetings, workshops, village case studies, a baseline survey of 20 poor villages, two monitoring trials in another 20 villages, and a full monitoring survey of all 223 villages in Kutai Barat. The principal purpose of this manual is to provide technical guidelines and background information to poverty assessors at district, subdistrict and village level in Kutai Barat. Therefore, the manual is structured in modules according to the tasks of the assessors.

Correctifs pour la gestion décentralisée des forêts au Cameroun: options et opportunités de dix ans d’expérience

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2007

This Policy Brief: (1) outlines recommendations for change and improvement; (2) describes the legal and institutional infrastructure of decentralized forest management in Cameroon; (3) describes how basic mechanisms of decentralized forest management operate in practice; and (4) summarizes the findings of five years of World Resources Institute (WRI)-Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) research on decentralized forestry policy and practice.

Hacia el bienestar de las comunidades forestales: guía para la acción de los gobiernos locales

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2007

Governments in many countries are decentralising to give more control over decision making and budgets to local administrations. One expectation of this change is that local governments will more effectively and efficiently respond to the poorest citizens in their jurisdictions. Decentralisation is especially significant to forest communities, which have historically benefited little from government services and poverty reduction programmes because of their physical isolation and social marginalisation.

Implikasi perubahan kebijakan otonomi daerah terhadap beberapa aspek di sektor kehutanan: studi kasus di kabupaten Luwu utara, Sulawesi selatan

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2007

This report is based on a case study looking at the change in decentralization laws from the highly decentralized system under 22/1999 to a moderate system under 32/2004. It specifically analyses the implications of such change for local-level forest decision making processes related to forestry, spatial planning, shared revenues and village-level institutions in Luwu Utara district, South Sulawesi province. The research is a continuation of previous ACIAR/CIFOR collaborative research under the theme “Can Decentralization Work for Forests and the Poor?”.