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اللامركزية والضرائب على الملكية الريفية

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2004

تم إعداد هذا الدليل الخاص باللامركزية والضريبة على الملكية الريفية لمساعدة القائمين على إدارة الأراضي الذين يشاركون في تصميم وتنفيذ نظم الضريبة على الملكية الريفية، في وضع يشهد تزايد دعوة مؤسسات حيازة الأراضي إلى دعم نقل مسؤولية الخدمات إلى الحكومات المحلية. ويتوقع من عملية اللامركزية هذه أن تحسّن تقديم الخدمات عبر إيكالها إلى المستوى الحكومي الأقرب من المستفيدين منها. وإذ يتسع نطاق الخدمات التي توكل بها الحكومات المحلية، فإن العديد من البنى الحكومية الريفية ما زالت تفتقر إلى الموارد اللازمة للاضطلاع بالمسؤوليات الجديدة الملقاة على عاتقها.

Sociedades, legislación pesquera e instituciones marítimas en el Mediterráneo

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2004

En esta publicación se examinan algunas políticas de ordenación pesquera en el Mediterráneo a la luz de los nuevos objetivos de la sostenibilidad y el buen gobierno. Se hace hincapié en la descentralización de la acción pública y la reforma de los mecanismos institucionales. En el primer capítulo, se evalúan las bases históricas y sociales del dualismo entre las pesquerías en pequeña escala y las industriales.

La décentralisation et l'impôt sur la propriété rurale

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2004

Le présent guide sur La décentralisation et l'impôt sur la propriété rurale a été préparé pour aider les administrateurs des terres qui participent à la conception et à la mise en œuvre de systèmes d'imposition sur la propriété rurale. Les institutions foncières sont de plus en plus souvent appelées à soutenir la décentralisation des services vers les collectivités locales. L'un des objectifs de la décentralisation est d'améliorer la prestation de services au niveau administratif le plus proche de ces services.

El empleo rural no agrícola y la diversidad rural en América Latina

Reports & Research
Julho, 2004
América Latina e Caribe

En el decenio de 1990 el empleo rural no agrícola (ERNA) y los fac-tores que lo determinan fueron despertando un interés cada vez mayor entre los especialistas en desarrollo rural. Poco a poco, en el discurso político y algunos programas de fomento se fueron incorporando consi-deraciones sobre este tema. La localización es uno de los aspectos mencionados en muchos estudios como un elemento que influye en las características del ERNA, entre las cuales están la magnitud, el tipo, el ingreso generado y los miembros del hogar que participan.

Decentralization, participation and access to water resources in Malawi

Dezembro, 2003
África subsariana

This paper summarises BASIS research on the current state of decentralisation processes in Malawi with a focus on water resources.The following specific points and recommendations emerge from the policy review and case study:much will need to be done to draw reforms in Malawi’s environmental sector to people’s attention.


Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2003

The government of Uganda is currently decentralizing many of its services including those directly related to agriculture and the environment. Non-government organizations (NGOs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) are being asked to take the lead in the provision of government services such as agricultural extension during the transition to demand driven fee-for-service. This paper explores the role of government programs, NGOs and CBOs in the adoption of land management technologies.

Decentralization viewed from inside: the implementation of community forests in East Cameroon

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2003

Cameroon's 1994 Forestry law launched a new approach to natural resource management. The 1996 Constitution introduced decentralized authorities, whose role is to enable the economic, social and cultural development of its peoples. The new legal framework for environmental policy and overhaul of the Constitution show the Government's will to decentralize and to improve forest resources management. At the same time, decentralization management might be inappropriate in Cameroon.

Exploring the forest--poverty link: key concepts, issues and research implications

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2003

This paper provides a global review of the link from forests to poverty alleviation. Definitions are clarified and the key concepts and indicators related to livelihoods and policy reduction and prevention are explored--distinguishing between the analysis and the measurements of poverty. Reviewing the macro-level literature on the relationship between economic growth, inequality and poverty, the authors found that economic growth usually does trickle down to the poor and that poverty reduction without growth is in practice very difficult to achieve.

Refleksi empat tahun reformasi: mengembangkan sosial forestri di era desentralisasi: intisari lokakarya nasional sosial forestri, Cimacan, 10-12 September 2002

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2003

This proceedings contains a summary of national seminars on social forestry in Indonesia. It covers history of social forestry in Indonesia, principles of social forestry, and the different types of social forestry initiatives in Indonesia. There are similar problems faced in forestry sector such as forest boundaries, land tenure. Other problems in social forestry are: a) national forest policy (2) Decentralisation and space for social forestry; (3) Multistakeholder arrangements in social forestry; and (4) strengthening institutions and collective learning processes.

The effects decentralisation on forests and forest industries in Berau district, East Kalimantan

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2003

Berau district has been one of East Kalimantan’s largest sources of timber since the mid-1980s. Until the fall of the Suharto regime in 1998, most of the district’s formal timber production was conducted by large-scale HPH concession holders, and the vast majority of the fiscal revenues generated flowed to the national government. Over the last several years, considerable volumes of logs have also been harvested illegally both by timber concessionaires and by small-scale manual loggers.