Rangelands: Securing pastoral women’s land rights in Tanzania
Genomic footprints of dryland stress adaptation in Egyptian fat-tail sheep and their divergence from East African and western Asia cohorts
Long-term livestock exclosure did not affect soil carbon in southern Ethiopian rangelands
Controlled grazing management is considered as an effective strategy to enhance soil carbon sequestration, but empirical evidences are scarce. Particularly, the role of livestock exclusion related to soil carbon sequestration is not well understood in arid and semiarid savannas of Africa. We investigated the effectiveness of long-term (14–36 years old) exclosures in enhancing soil carbon in the semiarid savanna, southern Ethiopia.
Rangelands: Making Rangelands More Secure in Cameroon: A Review of Good Practice
Rangelands cover a surface area of more than 2 million hectares in Cameroon. Despite their relatively unpredictable climate and unproductive nature they provide a wide variety of goods and services including forage for livestock, habitat for wildlife, water and minerals, woody products, recreational services, nature conservation as well as acting as carbon sinks. Rangelands in Cameroon are predominantly grassland savanna with three types distinguishable: the Guinean savanna, Sudan savanna (also known as ‘derived montane grasslands’), and the Sahel savanna.
Improving the Agency Model in distribution of Index Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI) – A study of Takaful Insurance of Africa
Policy dialogue on county spatial planning to support rangeland‐based development in northern Kenya and the frontier counties
Cadre analytique pour l'evaluation de la gouvernance des parcours: les différents niveaux et composantes institutionnels
Training Material of a two days Training on Rangeland Governance designed for Tunisian Governmental Forest Officers