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Regulation on Combating Dust.

Julho, 2016

This Regulation consisting of 19 articles aims to regulate provisions on short-term and long-term plans to combat the harmful effects of dust in the country. The Regulation establishes the Committee to Combat Dust under the supervision of the Department of Environment.

On the Central Role of Small Farms in African Rural Development Strategies

Julho, 2016

Improving the productivity of
smallholder farms in Sub-Saharan Africa offers the best
chance to reduce poverty among this generation of rural
poor, by building on the limited resources farming
households already possess. It is also the best and shortest
path to meet rising food needs. Using examples from
farmers' maize and rice fields, and comparisons with
Asia, this paper examines why the set of technologies

Loi nº27/2016 du 08/07/2016 portant régimes matrimoniaux, libéralités et successions.

Julho, 2016

La présente loi régit les régimes matrimoniaux, les libéralités offertes ou reçues au sein d’une famille et les successions. Aux termes de cette loi, la propriété foncière (partage successoral de la propriété foncière) est transmise par succession comme tout autre bien immeuble. Le partage d'une propriété foncière suit les mêmes règles que celles applicables au partage d’autres types de biens. Toutefois, il est interdit de subdiviser les terres destinées aux activités agricoles et d’élevage lorsque la subdivision aboutit à des morceaux de terre de moins d’un hectare pour chacun d’eux.

Using Administrative Data to Assess the Impact and Sustainability of Rwanda's Land Tenure Regularization

Julho, 2016

Rwanda's completion, in 2012/13, of
a land tenure regularization program covering the entire
country allows the use of administrative data to describe
initial performance and combine the data with household
surveys to quantify to what extent and why subsequent
transfers remain informal, and how to address this. In
2014/15, annual volumes of registered sales ranged between
5.6 percent for residential land in Kigali and 0.1 percent

Arrêté du 4 juillet 2016 portant classement de communes ou parties de communes en zones défavorisées.

Julho, 2016

Le présent arrêté classe les communes ou parties de communes en zones défavorisées. Les territoires des communes ou parties de communes tels qu'ils figurent à l'annexe du présent arrêté sont classés en zone de montagne au titre de l'article D. 113-14 du code rural et de la pêche maritime.

Federal Law No. 337-FZ amending Federal Law No. 66-FZ on farming, gardening, housing non-profit-making associations.

Julho, 2016

This Federal Law links the amount of payment of membership fees of farming, gardening, and housing non-profit-making associations to the land area allotted to the member of farming, gardening, and housing non-profit-making associations. It also specifies the modalities of registration of members of farming, gardening, housing non-profit-making associations.

Amends: Federal Law No. 66-FZ on farming, gardening, housing non-profit-making associations. (1998-04-15)

Federal Law No. 336-FZ amending Federal Law No. 101-FZ on turnover of agricultural land.

Julho, 2016

This Federal Law establishes the right of tenants of agricultural land plots pertaining to state or municipal ownership to buy out or to conclude a new lease contract for the land plot without bidding. This is possible if the authorized bodies do not have information about the infringement of the Russian legislation revealed during the state land supervision and unresolved violations related to land use.

Amends: Federal Law No. 101-FZ on turnover of agricultural land. (2003-07-07)

Federal Law No. 354-FZ amending some legislative acts.

Julho, 2016

This Federal Law establishes new grounds and procedures for compulsory termination, as well as the specific features of acquiring, rights to plots of agricultural land. A land plot may be expropriated from the owner in a judicial procedure if it has not been used for 3 or more years to perform agricultural or other activities related to agricultural production.

Políticas Públicas e Desigualdades Sociais e Territoriais em Moçambique

Journal Articles & Books
Junho, 2016

As desigualdades de desenvolvimento e suas dinâmicas possuem razões políticas, económicas e sociais de longa duração. Estes factores influenciam os percursos históricos sobre as quais as políticas económicas e os poderes políticos procuram influenciar conjunturalmente sem que, na maioria dos casos, sejam efectivas mudanças fundamentais nas sociedades.
As desigualdades sociais e territoriais têm implicações sobre a estrutura e as dinâmicas do crescimento/desenvolvimento económico, sobre a estabilidade política e social e sobre a sustentabilidade ambiental, entre outros aspectos.

The global farmland grab in 2016. How Big, How Bad?

Reports & Research
Junho, 2016

Eight years after releasing its first report on land grabbing GRAIN publishes a new dataset documenting nearly 500 cases of land grabbing around the world. Includes what exactly does the data tell us?, despite many failed deals, the problem is real, the food security agenda is still a factor driving farmland deals, agribusiness expansion is the main objective, the financial sector is a big player,offshore and illicit finance underpin these deals, farmland grabs are also water grabs, cause for hope: resistance is growing.