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Determining misuse of agricultural lands in Yenimahalle district of Ankara using GIS and remote sensing techniques

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2012

This study is carried out to determine land use changes by Geographic Information Systems and Remote sensing methods in Yenimahalle district of Ankara province. Changes in land use were identified between 2000-2005 and 2000-2010. For the study Landsat-5 image of year 2000, Ikonos image of year 2005, and SPOT image of year 2010 were used. 1:25000 scale topo maps and soil maps, and CORINE land use data were also used. GPS data collected from field were used for ground truth studies.

Description of land fragmentation in Latvia and its prevention opportunities

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2012

Already during the Land Reform, land properties of several land parcels were formed in the rural areas. Another factor that benefits to the fragmentation of farm properties is development of land market because buying or renting land for farm size building, it is not always possible to find adjacent land plot. Consequently, the land fragmentation not only makes land management difficult, but also increases the transport costs. With this rural land tenure system, competitive and efficient agricultural production cannot be discussed, so a large part of rural areas remains untreated.

Density of Large Predators on Commercial Farmland in Ghanzi, Botswana

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2012

Accurate estimates of predator densities are important for the conservation management of large predator populations. Predator densities outside of protected areas are often understudied and management decisions are based on assumptions of predator numbers. This study conducted three spoor surveys on commercial farmland in Botswana to estimate large predator densities. Brown hyaenas (Hyaena brunnea) were found to occur evenly across both cattle and game farms at higher densities than previously assumed.

General retrospective analysis and prospects of the use of agricultural lands in the Republic of Belarus

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2012

In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was conducted a general retrospective analysis and determined the prospects of the use of agricultural lands in the republic and its administrative regions. In course of the study there was presented a composition and structure of land of agricultural use in accordance with land types. There were analysed statistical data of area of agricultural lands in Belarus, as well as dynamics of the analysed lands in all regions of the Republic.

Efficiency indicators of farmlands use

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2012

The review of efficiency indicators of farmlands use was given. Their classification was analyzed and positive and negative sides of their various kinds were considered. Efficiency dependence of farmland use on value of specialization factor was investigated. Offers on perfection of system of the indicators characterizing rationality and efficiency of application of farmlands were made and also new approaches to an estimation of economic efficiency of their use were offered. The research was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus.

Methodical approaches to the improvement of the use of lands and organization of the territory of agricultural organizations in conditions of ecologization of land use

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2012

In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there were presented theoretical statements and methodical approaches to the improvement of the use of lands and organization of the territory of agricultural organizations in conditions of ecologization of land use. There were formulated the notion and tasks of improvement of the use of lands of agricultural organizations.

Long-term outcomes of agricultural investments: Lessons from Zambia

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2012

Discusses two agricultural investments in Zambia. Both projects started as state-led, development-oriented initiatives in the 1970s and early 1980s, and were later privatised. This long implementation history provides an opportunity to assess the longer-term socio-economic outcomes of agricultural investments, and to distil insights on practical ways to include lower-income groups in investment processes. Includes national context, design and implementation of the investment projects, and socio-economic outcomes.

Rolul gospodăriilor ţărăneşti (de fermier) în economia Moldovei

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2012

The study proposed in this article is devoted to the analysis of business process of the enterprises based on individual principles (agricultural farms) and to the determination of their role in Moldova’s agriculture development. The international practice, for a long time, demonstrated the efficacy and priority of the agricultural farms potential based on individual principles, mostly those of family type. In its turn, for Moldova’s agriculture, the individual form of enterprises is the closest to private ownership of agricultural land.

Land – price determinants in moldavian real estate market.

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2012

În acest articol este evaluat mecanismul de piaţă a operaţiilor de vânzare – cumpărare a terenurilor agricole în Republica Moldova. Analiza pieţei funciare în ţările CentralEuropene atestă proceduri macroeconomice specifice de formare a preţurilor terenurilor agricole.
Aceste proceduri presupun utilizarea matricelor standartizate de adiacenţă (SAM) ca o componentă
de bază a metodei econometriei spaţiale. Componenta spaţială SAM în analiza regresională
defineşte gradul de vecinătate a parcelelor incluse în relaţia funcţională între variabilele endogene

Heikikkers in Meerstad : toepassing van het model LARCH op de heikikker (Rana arvalis) in het project Meerstad als onderbouwing voor een duurzame instandhouding van deze soort

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2012

Ten oosten van de stad Groningen wordt het gebied Meerstad ontwikkeld voor 6500 woningen in het concept ‘wonen op en aan het water’. In het ontwikkelingsgebied komt de beschermde heikikker voor. Bij de ontwikkeling van Meerstad gaat leefgebied van deze soort verloren en het is de vraag of de regionale populatie daardoor duurzaam zal kunnen overleven. Alterra is gevraagd om aan te geven of de populatie heikikkers in Harksteder Broeklanden wel of niet een essentieel onderdeel is van de metapopulatie heikikker in en rond Meerstad.

Torrential floods and town and country planning in Serbia

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2012

Torrential floods are the most frequent natural catastrophic events in Serbia, causing the loss of human lives and huge material damage, both in urban and rural areas. The analysis of the intra-annual distribution of maximal discharges aided in noticing that torrential floods have a seasonal character. The erosion and torrent control works (ETCWs) in Serbia began at the end of the 19th century.