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Ley Nº 37 - Código Agrario.

América Central

El Código Agrario tiene como objetivo fundamental la reforma agraria integral y la abolición del acaparamiento de tierra inculta u ociosa o con fines especulativos.

Enmendado por: Ley Nº 68 - Establece la titulación conjunta como forma de adquirir la tierra. (2001-12-19)
Enmendado por: Ley Nº 38 - Ley de Asociaciones Cooperativas. (1980-10-22)
Enmendado por: Ley Nº 55 - Código Agrario de la República de Panamá. (2011-05-23)

Deeds Registry Act (Chapter 33:02).

África austral

This Act establishes a deeds registry and provides rules for the registration of deeds, land and the rights in immovable properties.The Act defines the functions and powers of the Registrar who shall be appointed by the President under this Act. The Act also prescribes how land, including State land, must be transferred or partitioned and defines requisites for such transfer or partition to be valid.Other provisions of this Act deal with, among other things, subdivision of land in townships, transfer of mortgaged property, execution of bonds, leases, rights to minerals and servitudes.

Sub-divisions (Local Improvement Associations) Act (Cap. 258).


This Act makes provision for the formation and administration of “Local Improvement Associations" and defines rights and duties of such associations. An association may be formed by owners of lots of a sub-divided estate for the purpose of the carrying out of works in common and various other matters relating to the sub-divided land including matters regarding the maintenance of inland waterways. The procedures for establishment foresee, among other things, a petition by owners to the Minister and incorporation of the association.

Partition Act (Cap. 153).


This Act provides rules for legal proceedings regarding the partition of land and other properties held in possession by more than one person. The Supreme Court may order sale instead of partition of property if this would result more practical or beneficial to the parties involved. The Court may purchase parts of parties interested in sale and may allow other parties to bid at the sale at conditions set by the Court.

Ley Nº 662/60 - Ley de parcelación proporcional de propiedades mayores.

América do Sul

La presente Ley de parcelación proporcional de propiedades mayores, dispone que las propiedades que tengan una superficie de diez mil hectáreas o más de tierras aptas para la agricultura, quedan sujetas al régimen de parcelación proporcional. El Instituto de Reforma Agraria, determinará y declarará parcelable las, debiendo comunicarlo a sus propietarios. Estos, dentro de los noventa días a partir de la fecha de la notificación, procederán a reservar un área no menor de 10 por ciento de la superficie total para su loteamiento y posterior venta a los sujetos de la reforma agraria.

Law implementing the Land Consolidation Act.

Europa Ocidental

The purpose of the present Law is to provide for the enactment of the Federal Land Consolidated Act of 14 July 1953 (BGBl. I p. 591). In particular, the Law lays down provisions relating to the nomination of competent authorities and tribunals in the Land Baden-Wurttemberg responsible for the execution of the afore-mentioned Act. The text consists of 14 articles.

Implements: Land Consolidation Act. (2008-12-19)

Règlement d’exécution de la loi sur les améliorations foncières.

Europa Ocidental

Le présent règlement met en exécution la loi du 30 mai 1990 sur les améliorations foncières. Le texte comprend 90 articles répartis en7 titres comme suit: Dispositions générales (Ier); Organisation des entreprises d’améliorations foncières (II); Les divers genres d’améliorations foncières (III); Maintien de l’amélioration foncière (IV); Subventions (V); Commission de recours en matière d’améliorations foncières (VI); Dispositions transitoires et finales (VII).

Unit Titles Regulation .


This Regulation provides for the subdivision of land by units plans, setting the conditions for the subdivision of a parcel under a units, their registration and the management of units plans by owners corporations.

Implements: Unit Titles Act. (2006-11-03)

Ordinance relating to the Economic Development Law.

Europa Ocidental

The present Ordinance implements the Economic Development Law of 29 June 2006. In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the promotion of sustainable economic development. The text – consisting of 6 articles – deals with the following aspects: financing, administration, efficiency.

Implements: Economic Development Law. (2012-12-30)

Land Control (Minimum Acreage) Regulations, 2005 (L.N. No. 64 of 2005).

África Oriental

In a single article, these Regulations provide that no Land Control Board shall consent to divisions and subdivisions of any agricultural land into two or more parcels to be held under separate titles if the size of any of the parcels after divisions or subdivision will be less than one hectare.

Implements: Land Control Act (Cap. 302). (2008)