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Loi nº 171/AN/91/2eL portant fixation et organisation du domaine public.

LandLibrary Resource
África Oriental

Cette loi porte régime de base du domaine public naturel et artificiel de l'Etat et des relatives servitudes auxquelles sont assujettis les terrains et les bâtiments des propriétés privées. Le ministre chargé du domaine accorde par arrêté les autorisations à occuper le domaine public et à y édifier.

Loi nº 172/AN/91/2e L règlemetant l'expropriation pour cause d'utilité publique.

LandLibrary Resource
África Oriental

Cette loi porte réglementation de l'expropriation pour cause d'utilité publique, qui s'opère par autorité de justice et dont la procédure comporte 4 phases: la déclaration d'utilité publique; l'arrêté de cessibilté, lequel a pour but essentiel de déterminer les propriétés à exproprier et de donner aux intéressés la possibilité de faire valoir leurs droits et de produire leurs titres; le prononc

Loi nº 95-21 relative aux immeubles domaniaux agricoles.

LandLibrary Resource
Norte de África

Cette loi établit le régime relatif aux immeubles domaniaux agricoles. Elle comprend 33 articles répartis en 5 chapitres, à savoir: Dispositions générales (I); Exploitation des immeubles domaniaux agricoles (II); Aliénation en vue de la régularisation d'anciennes situations foncières (III); Echange (IV); Dispositions communes (V).

Environment, Sports and Territories Legislation Amendment Act 1995 (Act No. 25 of 1995).

LandLibrary Resource

The first and second Schedule to this Act set out amendments to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975: offences (sect. 38); preparation , amendment and revocation of plans of management by the Marine Park Authority (new Part VB); search powers of inspectors (sect. 46); penalties (various sections); and other matters.

Survey Act, 1990 (Act No. 4 of 1991).

LandLibrary Resource
África Ocidental

This Act provides in 30 articles divided into 8 Parts for the establishment of a Land Surveyors Board (sect. 3) and for the control and procedures of the surveying of land by surveyors licensed under this Act. The Board is responsible for the licensing of surveyors and to control their functioning (sect. 5).

Physical Planning and Development Control Act, 1990 (Act No. 1 of 1991).

LandLibrary Resource
África Ocidental

The Act provides in Part II for the establishment of a Planning Board (sect. 3) and Planning Authority for each planning district (sect. 5). There shall be 4 types of draft plans for spatial development of land. These are: National Plans; Divisional Plans; Development Plans and Local Plans (sect. 8). The Board shall prepare a National Plan for the Gambia.

Kathmandu Valley Development Authority Act, 1988.

LandLibrary Resource
Ásia Meridional

This Act concerns the establishment of the Kathmandu Valley Development Authority, whose functions shall pertain to land use planning, the development in land-use areas and the prescription of methods of construction works, the formulation and implementation for the development and maintenance of cultural heritage, the protection and conservation of the environment and natural resources.

Law on Land Management, Urban Planning and Constructions.

LandLibrary Resource
Sudeste Asiático

The purpose of this Law is to promote the organization of urban and rural areas throughout the Kingdom of Cambodia.The Law provides for the establishment of a National Committee for Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction for the Capital City of Phnom Penh and for Sub-Committees for the provinces and municipalities.

Presidential Decree No. 2008 validating the Regulation on State Commission on Land Reform.

LandLibrary Resource
Ásia Central

This Presidential Decree establishes that State Commission on Land Reform shall carry out the following tasks: (a) examination and expertise of reports submitted by local self-government related to allotment of land in ownership for the production of agricultural commodities; (b) supervision over allotment of land plots, establishment of size thereof with the consideration of irrigation limits;