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European Commission
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European Commission

The European Commission represents the general interest of the EU and is the driving force in proposing legislation (to Parliament and the Council), administering and implementing EU policies, enforcing EU law (jointly with the Court of Justice) and negotiating in the international arena.



Displaying 31 - 35 of 60

Seventh Operational Phase of the GEF Small Grants Programme in Kazakhstan


To empower local communities and organizations to take integrated and adaptive actions for socio-ecological resilience and sustainable livelihoods in the seven target landscapes for local and global environmental benefits


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

SGP-OP7 is designed to achieve global environmental benefits (GEBs), as well as local benefits, in land degradation and climate change mitigation and adaptation. The project will contribute to the GEF’s Land Degradation focal area Objective 1 Support on the ground implementation of SLM to achieve LDN. It will restore approximately 15,000 ha of degraded agricultural land, will bring approximately 10,000 ha in target landscapes under improved practices, and promote landscape level planning and management in seven (7) target regions of Kazakhstan. On land degradation, the project will address erosion, desertification and deforestation through (i) Improved provision of agro-ecosystem and forest ecosystem goods and services (through dissemination of knowledge on agro-ecology and improved grazing/livestock maintenance); (ii) mitigated and avoided greenhouse gas emissions and increased carbon sequestration in production landscapes (reforestation, increasing plant coverage, conservation tillage). The project will also seek the sustainable mitigation of greenhouse gases (GHGs) through project interventions that promote: (i) introduction, application and dissemination of energy efficient technologies; and (ii) Increased use of renewable energy (solar, wind). The project aims to support 15,000 direct beneficiaries of rural and peri-urban communities to increase the social, ecological and economic resilience of the seven target landscapes through community-level small grant interventions aiming at (i) conservation of land and water resources and promotion of climate adaptive solutions, with a focus on the agro-ecosystems that many rural communities rely upon and (ii) adoption of RE and energy efficient technologies and solutions. The project recognizes that there will be little uptake of sustainable practices unless and until beneficiaries can see socio-economic benefits as a result. For that reason, the SGP is anchored on principles to enhance livelihoods whether it is through demonstrations, trainings, alternative livelihood opportunities or access to markets and loans. A few of the new themes for future products include extension communications for small farmers. In that regard, the project will seek synergies with relevant ongoing government support/subsidy programs (e.g. the Sybaga livestock development program, drip irrigation, sustainable fish farms, fish farming using a closed water system, cage farming, fish processing and final fish product production, agrotourism development, etc.), National Management Holding “Baiterek” or DAMU Fund in leveraging state funding for upscaling of community-based projects. The project will build capacities of CBOs, small holder farmers, individual entrepreneurs on (i) good and sustainable agroecological practices and systems (including agroforestry) in partnership with experienced NGOs and experts, extension services, local government departments, academic/research institutions, (ii) cost-effective energy efficient and renewable solutions, including for productive use (drying, heating, pumping, lighting, etc.); (iii) rules and requirements of existing state support programs of regional and rural district akimats; (iv) how to fill in and submit documents to NUM Baiterek or DAMU for state financial assistance.

Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Belize’s Maya Golden Landscape


To mainstream biodiversity in the Maya Golden Landscape’s key biodiversity areas (KBAs).


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

1. The proposed project will contribute several environmental (including Global Environmental Benefits), social, and economic benefits from biodiversity-friendly sustainable agricultural practices and integrated land management in the MGL’s forest reserves and Community Zones, as well as environmental benefits throughout the MGL. This Project will benefit the Mayan communities within the MGL and with the Government of Belize, the Project’s primary beneficiaries. 60,106 ha of landscape will be under improved management in 3 priority PAs, of which 13,568 ha are KBA). A further 34,893 ha of community zone will be under improved land management, with diagnostic information supporting integrated land management and/or sustainable production practices with BD supported. Benefits will also include improved biodiversity conservation through habitat management, with enhanced biodiversity data collection and monitoring to inform management, particularly of threatened species, including species monitoring programmes for IUCN Red-listed threatened species such as en Geoffrey’s spider monkey Ateles geoffroyi and VU White-lipped Peccary Tayassu pecari. 2. Project direct beneficiaries include a total of 1176 residents living in the 10 communities in the Community Zones, all Mayan Indigenous People, of which 50% are women. In addition, 12 GoB personnel from the MSDCCDRM, MAFDE and MHDFIPA are beneficiaries of technical equipment and strengthened capacities, and 2 members of YCT, the co-managers of the Project’s priority intervention sites within the MGL that support biodiversity conservation and sustainable production within the MGL. Total direct beneficiaries incorporates 196 producers, sustainable agricultural value-added producers and agricultural co-op/ association participants from these communities.

Increased and Sustained access to lifesaving water and sanitation for displacement affected populations in Dal


Since establishing initial operations in Somalia in 2004, the Norwegian Refugee Council has been implementing WASH, Food Security, Livelihoods, ICLA( Information Counselling and Legal Assistance )and Education sector programming throughout Somalia . In Juba region specifically, the proposed program will link with NRC’s ongoing interventions in ICLA, Food Security, Livelihoods, WASH and Education all defined to provide a combination of lifesaving and resilience building support to displacement affected communities. This project will include rehabilitation of WASH facilities in schools and dissemination of hygiene education. NRC will build on the aforementioned interventions to provide a holistic response to the disaster affected populations .NRC has evidence that confirms that an integrated, holistic intervention is required to meet the urgent and inter-connected food security, nutrition, and WASH needs in affected geographical location. It is with this understanding that this action is designed to act in complementarity to other related action that is currently being implemented. In Kismayo , access to and use of latrines and sanitation facilities is extremely low. Only a third of the populations use any method to prevent contamination of the water when storing or handling. As a result, cholera and acute watery diarrhea (AWD) are endemic and frequent outbreaks occur every year. This intervention targets IDP and host communities whose health and nutritional status is severely impeded by frequent water borne illnesses and whose traditional coping mechanisms and livelihood systems are still recovering from the recent recurrent emergencies. This situation is likely to be aggravated by the foreseen increase in number of returns arising out the intended closure of the refugee camps in Kenya. The project intends to increase equal and sustained access to reliable safe water, adequate sanitation, promote positive hygiene services and take appropriate action to contribute to the lifesaving and life sustaining integrated response to displacement affected populations among IDPs and host communities in Dalxiiksa Kismayo. This action will be implemented in the location with the highest number of IDPs within Kismayu . NRC seeks to implement hygiene promotion activities that include distribution of assorted hygiene items, training of promoters and wash committees, construction and rehabilitation of shallow wells and rehabilitation of other water infrastructure, construction of both communal latrines including de-sludging existing ones. The latrine facilities will be lockable and equipped with handwashing facilities. All activities will fall in line with both sphere and relevant approved WASH cluster standards and guidelines. The beneficiaries will be selected through a community consultative process with the community leaders in order to ensure that only those who meet the specified vulnerable criteria are identified for support. Female headed households will be given high priority while accountability and transparency measures will be put in place to ensure equity within an all-inclusive aid administration process. NRC will maintain and expand synergies across all the programs by ensuring that this action is implemented alongside other s and that benefits arising out of multiple actions to the same target groups are exponentially increased. NRC shelter and ICLA program will provide opportunities for constructing appropriate transitional shelters using preferred and locally available material through an owner driven approach, while livelihood interventions will direct efforts towards supporting a combination of both off farm and on farm food security interventions that ensure sustained improvement of food security indicators. The Shelter program will work hand in hand with ICLA to ensure that all those who benefit from WASH, Livelihood and Shelter intervention have secure land tenure arrangements and are guaranteed of protection.

Business Action and Advocacy for the Planet


Towards a nature positive world by 2030 through businesses driving policy ambition and reducing negative corporate impact


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

This project will contribute indirectly to socioeconomic co-benefits at national level in the four key geographies South Africa, India, Colombia and Malaysia, including sustainable livelihoods and economic growth through the innovative, circular solutions delivered by partner businesses which support biodiversity conservation and preserves and restores ecosystem services, as they become increasingly aware of their impacts and dependencies on nature and move towards implementing business-related targets of the CBD Post-2020 GBF. The 7,306 people who are expected to benefit directly from project activities and knowledge products will be equipped with much needed skills to transform business practices and models for nature and climate positivity, increasing their chances for sustained employment. Not only will they benefit individually, but the beneficiaries will also spark continued change by applying acquired knowledge disseminated through the project in different corporate environments, stimulating climate and nature positive business change in a variety of regions and sectors. The more knowledgeable a company’s workforce and management about their operations and supply chains impacts on nature and dependencies on ecosystem services, the higher the chances that they take sufficient and timely action to address their contributions to biodiversity loss, land degradation and climate change. In this way, improved knowledge of the corporate workforce is expected to translate into achieving the global environment benefits of biodiversity conservation, reversing land use change and habitat fragmentation, and mitigating GHG emissions to curtail climate change. Next to stimulating change in the four countries, knowledge products are also expected to increase the awareness and understanding of corporate actors globally, who then in turn are better informed to take action on nature and climate. Moreover, the project’s efforts to assist companies and governments to formulate an enabling policy environment that incentivizes sustainable business models, will contribute to sustaining ecosystem services on which human health depends. In other words, economic activities will shift to stay within planetary boundaries (leveraging on the Global Commons Alliance) and thus keeping health and wellbeing at the center of ambitions, in line with the healthy people, healthy planet concept. Finally, the project interventions will also lead to women empowerment at multiple levels, through a focus on women leadership enhancement in the corporate sector.