The FAO Legal Office provides in-house counsel in accordance with the Basic Texts of the Organization, gives legal advisory services to FAO members, assists in the formulation of treaties on food and agriculture, for which the Director-General acts as Depositary, publishes legal studies and maintains a database (FAOLEX) of national legislation and international agreements concerning food and agriculture (including fisheries, forestry and water).
Displaying 3266 - 3270 of 15550Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan regarding the delimitation of jurisdictional subjects and mutual delegation of powers between the State Bodies of the Russian Federation and the State Bodies of the Republic of Tata...
Authorised representatives of the state bodies of state power of the Russian Federation and the bodies of state power of the Republic of Tatarstan have agreed on the following: 1) Demarcation of the objects of management and mutual delegation of powers between the state bodies of the Russian Federation and the state bodies of the Republic of Tatarstan shall be governed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan and the present Treaty.
Ley Nº 63 - Crea la Dirección General de Catastro.
La presente Ley crea la Dirección General de Catastro, asignándole las funciones, y estableciendo un sistema catastral y velando por su mantenimiento y actualización.
Enmendado por: Ley Nº 24 - Declara de interés social las actividades de regularización y titulación masiva de tierra. (2006-07-05)
Enmendado por: Ley Nº 23 - Declara el territorio insular área de desarrollo especial. (2009-04-21)
Revocado por: Ley Nº 59 - Crea la Autoridad Nacional de Administración de Tierras. (2010-10-08)
Ley Nº 24 - Declara de interés social las actividades de regularización y titulación masiva de tierra.
La presente Ley declara de orden público y de interés social las actividades de regularización y titulación masiva de tierra que ejecuta el Estado a través de programas y proyectos vigentes o los que se desarrollen en el futuro.
Loi nº 2008-23 relative au régime des concéssions.
La présente loi fixe notamment les principes fondamentaux relatifs à l'octroi des concessions, à leur exécution et contrôle, de même qu'il détermine le régime juridique des constructions, ouvrages et installations nécessaires à leur exécution ainsi que les obligations relatives à l'utilisation et à l'exploitation du domaine public.
Mis en oeuvre par: Décret nº 2008-2034 fixant les modalités de la tenue du registre des droits réels grevant les constructions, ouvrages et équipement fixes édifiés dans le cadre des concessions. (2008-05-26)
Miscellaneous Act Amendment (Aboriginal Community Living Areas) Act.
This Act makes provision for the extinction of certain areas from pastoral leases and granting them as living areas for the benefits of Aboriginal who used to be resident in those areas or to other Aboriginals. For the purpose of solving disputes related to the implementation of the Act, the Community Living Areas Tribunal is established and regulated under the Act (Part 4).
Amends: Crown Lands Act. (2014-06-02)
Amends: Lands Acquisition Act. (2016-04-06)
Amends: Mining Act. (2007-05-17)
Amends: Real Property Act. (1999-06-09)