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Community Organizations Land Portal Foundation
Land Portal Foundation
Land Portal Foundation
Non Governmental organization
Non-profit organization


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The Land Portal is a Foundation registered in the Netherlands in 2014.

The vision of the Portal is to improve land governance to benefit those with the most insecure land rights and the greatest vulnerability to landlessness through information and knowledge sharing.

The goal of the Portal is to become the leading online destination for information, resources, innovations and networking on land issues. Through this it will support more inclusive and informed debate and action on land governance and will increase the adoption and up-scaling of best practices and emerging innovations on land tenure.

Read more about us and join the Land Portal now!


Laura Meggiolaro
Stacey Zammit
Silvina Rusinek
Romy Sato


Displaying 91 - 95 of 173

Towards an open up guide on land governance

Conference Papers & Reports
Fevereiro, 2020

This report provides a summary of an online workshop on March 16th 2020, organised in place of a planned fringe meeting of the World Bank Land and Poverty Conference which was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2-hour digital workshop brought together over 40 participants from across the world to discuss key data and key open data use-cases for land governance. This report is written based on workshop recordings and shared notes.

Webinar Report: Building a Land Information Ecosystem in India

Reports & Research
Janeiro, 2020

An information ecosystem is an extremely vast and cluttered space. What data exist? What data is up to date? What data is reliable? Who owns the data? Can I use the data without inflicting harm? Who are the data subjects? Many people across numerous sectors struggle with such questions and more. The land governance sector in India is no different. But somehow, it seems the land data ecosystem in India is more complex and controversial.

Webinar Report: Land, Territory and Human Rights Violations in Guatemala

Conference Papers & Reports
Dezembro, 2019

In 2018, Global Witness found that Guatemala had experienced the highest increase in the number of murders of land and environmental defenders of any country in the world. Last year alone, the president of the village chapter of the Comité de Desarrollo Campesino (CODECA), a national organization of social movements led by indigenous people who work for the recognition of land rights, was murdered, as well as four of his colleagues. Many of these murders occurred in the municipality of Izabal.

Tierra, territorio y violaciones a los derechos humanos en Guatemala

Conference Papers & Reports
Dezembro, 2019

En 2018, Global Witness encontró que Guatemala experimentó el aumento más alto en el número de asesinatos de defensores de la tierra y el medio ambiente. Sólo el año pasado, el presidente del capítulo de la aldea del Comité de Desarrollo Campesino (CODECA), una organización nacional de movimientos sociales liderada por los indígenas que trabaja por los derechos a la

tierra, fue asesinado, así como cuatro de sus colegas de CODECA. Muchos de estos asesinatos ocurrieron en el

Webinar Report: The Role of Land Certification in Securing Women's Land Rights on Collective Lands

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2019

Evidence shows that women can benefit from having individualised land rights formalized in their names. However, similar evidence is not available for formalization of land rights that are based on collective tenure. Studies have estimated that as much as 65 percent of the world’s land is held under customary, collective-tenure systems. Improving tenure security for land held collectively has been shown to improve resource management and to support self-determination of indigenous groups.