Latest News
23 March 2023
World leaders are currently coming together in New York from 22 – 24 March for the first water UN Water Conference in more than 40 years: their aim, to avert a global water crisis. But for farmers in Eastern Africa facing catastrophic food insecurity due to the sixth failed rainy season, or pastoralists who have lost over eleven million animals since drought started in 2020, the crisis is already here.
Central Asia’s poorest farmers know the value of their land
08 March 2023
Farmland and pastures across Central Asia are far less productive after decades of monocropping
Thai farmers near Mekong lose land as riverbanks collapse
13 February 2023
Questions mount over the Xayaburi Dam’s changes to water and sediment flows as the river swallows farmers’ land.
There are 739 content items of different types and languages related to water on the Land Portal.