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Countries China related News


Displaying 1 - 12 of 119
1 August 2024
Dès mon arrivée dans la province du Hunan, à la vue de ces extraordinaires collines de calcaire émergeant d'une végétation luxuriante, j'ai su que je mettais les pieds dans un endroit hors du commun. Là-bas, les gens vivent en harmonie avec les changements de saison et au rythme de la vie agricole…
20 December 2023
Foto: IWRM AIO SIDS/Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0) O Ministro da Agricultura e Ambiente, Gilberto Silva, recebeu esta segunda-feira, o Diretor da Divisão de Cooperação Sul-Sul e Triangular Sr. Anping Ye e a sua comitiva, no âmbito da Cooperação Sul-Sul (SSC) FAO-China, que visa a partilha de conhecimento,…
4 August 2023
Foto: Pacific Soutwest Forest Service/Flickr Organização Meteorológica Mundial, OMM, registra recordes de temperatura na terra e no mar; fogo causa evacuações e vítimas; temperatura na China chega a novo recorde de 52.2°C; cidade norte-americana de Phoenix contabiliza 31 dias com temperaturas…
28 June 2023
Foto: egorgrebnev/flickr Cientistas chineses e africanos renovaram nesta segunda-feira o apelo para melhorar os sistemas agrícolas em harmonia com a natureza e resilientes aos choques climáticos, a fim de superar a fome e a desnutrição. Falando em um fórum em Nairóbi, capital do Quênia, os…
11 April 2023
Photo:  Guizhi Xiong /Greenpeace (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 (link is external)) Angus Lam a rejoint GRAIN en 2022 après avoir travaillé plus de 25 ans en Chine et dans toute l’Asie en soutien à des mouvements pour une alimentation locale, des systèmes de semences communautaires, des réseaux paysans de co-…
28 January 2023
Foto: IFPRI/Flickr O secretário de Agricultura e Abastecimento de São Paulo, Antonio Junqueira, recebeu, na última terça-feira (17), a delegação da China. A equipe chinesa foi liderada pela consulesa Dra. Chen Peijie. A reunião, de acordo com a equipe de comunicação da secretaria, teve como…
16 December 2022
Despite the work, a new report says China has reclaimed 6 times more land in 10 years. Main photo: Pearson Reef, a rock located in the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea, has been one of the locations Vietnam has been expanding. The red square indicates Vietnam’s outpost there. Credit: CSIS…
5 November 2022
Beijing [China], November 5 (ANI): Chinese land grabs and interferences into Nepal’s territory are often not taken seriously by the Nepalese government which offers Beijing a loophole to keep expanding its expansionist designs in the Himalayas, as per an article written by Siegfried O. Wolf,…
18 October 2022
A land buying binge by local government-backed companies may slow, depriving China’s bruised real estate sector of a potential lifeline In the first nine months, land sales plunged 60 per cent as private developers who are struggling to pay their debts stayed away Main photo: A land buying binge by…
28 September 2022
Região de Ladakh é alvo de disputa entre Índia e China (Foto: Bernard Gagnon/Wikimedia Commons) Moradores estão receosos de perder fonte de renda com a perda de terras. Oposição acusa primeiro-ministro Narendra Modi de ceder mil quilômetros quadrados de território “sem luta” Após Índia e China…
26 September 2022
Main photo: A construction site of a real estate project is seen at the Changyao Mountain on the southeast edge of the Dianchi Lake, in Kunming, Yunnan province, China October 16, 2021. REUTERS/David Stanway Nearly a third of China's land is now off-limits to development under a scheme known as the…
15 September 2022
Elected representatives in Ladakh say their grazing fields would be lost with the disengagement in Eastern Ladakh’s Gogra-Hot Springs area. Main photo Shutterstock Following the latest round of disengagement of Indian and Chinese soldiers in Eastern Ladakh, elected representatives in the region and…