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Issues Derechos de tierras related Blog post
There are 7, 196 content items of different types and languages related to Derechos de tierras on the Land Portal.
Displaying 61 - 72 of 108

Beyond Ownership: Measuring Land Rights

03 Mayo 2021
Prof. Cheryl Doss
Dr. Vanya Slavchevska

Advancing women’s land rights is a priority for the international development agenda. Yet, there is no consensus on which rights should be monitored and reported. Three indicators of women’s property rights are widely used in the literature. Each captures a different aspect of women’s land rights, but a recent paper explores the extent to which these different rights are held by the same person, using data from six African countries.

Why are tribal women in India still robbed of their land rights?

08 Marzo 2021
Shipra Deo

In Jharkhand, eastern India, women are not entitled to own land and accusations of witchcraft are wielded against them to silence their claims to land

When Talabitti’s husband died in 2016, her claim to the family land seemed to die with him. Though her husband had worked the family land by himself, upon his death his male cousins laid their claim. If Talabitti attempted to make a competing claim, they threatened to drive her away – with violence, if necessary. Sadly, this threat materialized.

“No se necesitan más reformas. Hay que aplicar lo que ya existe”

03 Marzo 2021

Expertos de la Red Rural se reunieron para discutir sobre las acciones que deben ponerse en marcha este año para potenciar, realmente, el desarrollo rural en el país.

Se ha vuelto un lugar común hablar del “inmenso potencial que tiene el campo colombiano”. Sin embargo, a lo largo de los años este futuro promisorio del desarrollo rural se ha quedado en el papel.


Helping indigenous communities secure land rights in Nepal

18 Diciembre 2020

Written by Jagat Deuja and Rachel Knight for IIED and CSRC. Originally posted at:

Main photo: Young 'social mobilisers' interviewed more than 2,700 landless or untenanted families and gathered the data that was needed for the government to register their tenure (Photo: copyright Kumar Thapa, CSRC)

Nicaragua: Las Regiones Autonomas frente al Covid 19

14 Septiembre 2020
Dolene Miller
Soy Dolene Miller, afrodescendiente de la Costa Caribe (Atlántica) de Nicaragua y para mi es importante y muy necesario apoyar toda iniciativa para proteger a mi comunidad del COVID19. Como minorías étnicas nos enfrentamos a una crisis sanitaria en condiciones precarias pues el mismo gobierno nacional no ha querido asumir su responsabilidad de proteger a la población del contagio,  no ha dictado cuarentena y, al contrario, promueve actividades masivas de acuerdo a su tesis de contagio del rebaño.

New York Global Landscapes Forum “Restore the Earth” 2019

07 Enero 2020
Fiona Flintan

The Rangelands Initiative of the International Land Coalition (ILC) is drawing attention to rangelands and drylands at the highest levels, in order to find solutions to the challenges faced by local populations that live and work there, and to encourage appropriate investment including in securing land rights and good governance, building resilience to drought and other shocks or stresses, and increasing rangeland productivity.