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Displaying 1861 - 1872 of 1961

Ley Nº 5/2017 - Modifica la Ley Nº 2/2001, Ley de Ordenación Territorial y Régimen Urbanístico del Suelo de Cantabria.

Mayo, 2017

La presente Ley modifica la que tiene por objeto la regulación de los instrumentos de ordenación territorial, el uso del suelo y la actividad urbanística en la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria, en aspectos relacionados con la regulación de la tipología de las explotaciones mineras, entre las que prima la explotación a cielo abierto, con instalaciones de tamaño variable, desde pequeñas canteras hasta grandes instalaciones mineras, y en lo específico a la actividad de extracción de mineral en el subsuelo, que se autorizará en determinadas condiciones, siempre que se respeten los valores que co

Regional Legislative Decree No. 18/2017/M establishing the bases of the Public Policy for Land, Regional Territorial Planning and Urbanism within the Autonomous Region of Madeira.

Junio, 2017

This Regional Legislative Decree, consisting of 171 articles divided into nine Chapters, establishes the general bases of the Public Policy for Land, Regional Territorial Planning and Urbanism within the Autonomous Region of Madeira. This Regional Legislative Decree under Law n. 31/2014, of May 30, defines the regional system for the territorial management.

Town and Country Planning Act.

Julio, 1968

This Act provides for town and country planning and other planning in relation with development in Barbados.The Act defines duties of the Minister and constitutes a Town and Country Planning Advisory Committee. Development plans shall be prepared by the Chief Town Planner.

Ley Nº 1.848 - Expide normas en materia de formalización, titulación y reconocimiento de las edificaciones de los asentamientos humanos, de predios urbanos.

Julio, 2017

La presente Ley expiden normas en materia de formalización, titulación y reconocimiento de las edificaciones de los asentamientos humanos, de predios urbanos y dicta disposiciones para el pago de derechos notariales y de derechos registrales. La inscripción de actos administrativos de cesión o transferencia, a otras entidades públicas o a particulares, de bienes inmuebles de propiedad pública susceptibles de ser enajenados, que se encuentren ubicados en predios que hayan sido objeto de legalización urbanística, de acuerdo con las normas vigentes, se liquidarán como actos sin cuantía.

Enforcement Decree of the Urban Development Act.

Septiembre, 2008
República de Corea

The purpose of this Decree is to prescribe the matters delegated by the Urban Development Act and other matters necessary for the enforcement thereof. The text – consisting of 87 articles – deals, inter alia, with the following matters: Areas to be Designated as Urban Development Zones (art. 2); Requests for Designation of Urban Development Zones (art. 5); Phased Development Planning (art. 6); Matters to be Included in Development Plans (art. 8); Public Hearings (art. 13); Announcement, Public Inspection. of Designation of Urban Development Zones and Formulation of Development Plans (art.

Regional Law No. 181-Z amending Regional Law No. 105-Z “On plenary powers of state bodies and local government in the sphere of land relations”.

Diciembre, 2016

Article 4 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Local government shall be responsible for allotment of urban land plots with undelimited state ownership located within the boundaries of urban municipal unit”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 105-Z “On plenary powers of state bodies and local government in the sphere of land relations”. (2008-08-20)

Arrêté n° 14220-2016 du 5 juillet 2016 portant constitution de réserve foncière de l’Agence Nationale d’Appui au Logement et à l’Habitat (ANALOGH) pour ses projets de construction.

Julio, 2016

Le présent arrêté met en place une réserve foncière (04ha 98a 31ca sise à Piste Avaratra, Fokontany d’Antsirabe Avaratra, Commune Urbaine d’Antsirabe I, Vakinakaratra) de l’Agence Nationale d’Appui au Logement et à l’Habitat (ANALOGH) pour ses projets de construction, en application de l’Article 38 de la loi n°2005-019 du 17 octobre 2005 fixant le principe régissant les statuts de terre.

Met en oeuvre: Loi n° 2005 - 019 fixant les principes régissant les statuts des terres. (2005-10-17)

Decreto Legislativo Nº 1/2010 - Ley de Ordenación del Territorio y de la Actividad Urbanistica. Texto refundido.

Junio, 1998

La presente Ley de Ordenación del Territorio y de la Actividad Urbanística, que tiene por objeto la regulación de la ordenación del territorio y de la utilización del suelo para su aprovechamiento urbanístico en Castilla-La Mancha. La actividad administrativa de ordenación de la ocupación, transformación, uso y aprovechamiento del suelo es una función pública, cuyo cumplimiento corresponde a la Administración de la Junta de Comunidades y a los Municipios, en el marco de esta Ley y en las respectivas esferas de competencia que ella les asigna.

Regional Law No. 109-ZRT “On transfer to local government of state plenary powers related to governance of land plots with undelimited public ownership”.

Diciembre, 2016

This Regional Law transfers to local government plenary powers for governance of land plots with undelimited public ownership pertaining to categories of urban land and inhabited rural areas. The aforesaid plenary powers shall be transferred to local government for the period of five years.

Regional Law No. 3-TRZ “On state support of smallholders (family subsistence farming)”.

Enero, 2016

This Regional Law sets forth a series of arrangements for state support of smallholders (family subsistence farming) with a view of increase of employment and improvement of economic conditions of rural population, promotion of regional food market, and delimits plenary powers of state bodies in the aforesaid sphere. Agricultural commodities produced by smallholders shall be their property, and vending of cash crops shall not be considered entrepreneurial activity. Either urban land or agricultural land in rural areas can be used for family subsistence farming.

Decree-Law No. 34/2017 regulating land integrated in Special Tourist Zones subject of contracts signed by municipalities with private individuals.

Agosto, 2017
Cabo Verde

This Decree-Law regulates land integrated in Special Tourist Zones subject of contracts signed by municipalities with private individuals and alteration of the exceptional regime of transmission for the ownership of the municipalities of lands of the private domain of the State, approved by Decree-Law No. 39/2016 of 18 July 18.

Decree-Law No. 39/2016 approving the exceptional regime for ownership transmission of municipalities of land in the private domain of the State.

Julio, 2016
Cabo Verde

This Decree-Law, consisting approving the exceptional regime for ownership transmission of municipalities of land in the private domain of the State. The above mentioned exceptional regime regulates the following situations: The automatic validation of the alienations of land from the private domain of the State made by the municipalities, in the areas referred to; Validation of the disposals of land of the private domain of the State made by the municipalities in any land located outside specific areas for the purpose of performing tourist, industrial investments or similar nature.