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There are 1, 849 content items of different types and languages related to Derechos sobre tierras comunales on the Land Portal.
Displaying 25 - 36 of 210

Biofuels in Tanzania: Small-Scale Producers and Sustainable Environmental Management

Reports & Research
Enero, 2013

The purpose of this study was to assess the bio-energy sector in Tanzania and to critically inquire the threats, benefits and opportunities to smallscale producers and sustainable environment management. Based on the terms of references this study focused on areas where land is earmarked or already in use for production of biofuels in Tanzania for both large and small-scale firms. The development of policy of liquid biofuels and other policies in general were examined.

Balancing the Scales: Community Protocols and Extractive Industries

Reports & Research
Enero, 2017

With the start of a commodity boom cycle in the early 2000s, many resource-rich countries reaped benefits as prices for commodities increased over the ensuing decade. Many of these countries see mining as a central element of modernising their economies, and actively promote investment in the mining and extractives sector. Indeed,between 2000 and 2012, investment spending by global oil, gas, and mining companies increased five-fold, especially in Latin American and sub-Saharan Africa.

FEMACT Loliondo Findings

Reports & Research
Julio, 2009

Over the Last three months, acts of unconceivable evil were perpetrated through an eviction operation against indigenous pastoralists in Loliondo. Loliondo is one of the three Divisions of the Ngorongoro District situated in the Arusha Region in Northern Tanzania. The Ngorongoro District Covers an area of about 14037 square Kilometres. Stretching across some 8,300 sq km, is the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, established in 1959 and governed by the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority, and the rest is the Loliondo Game Control Area consisting of the Sale and Loliondo Divisions.

Fact Finding Mission Report on the Prevailing Land Dispute at Namwawala Village in Kilombero District, Morogoro Region

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2009

This is the report relating to the facts finding mission conducted by HAKIARDHI and LHRC as an intervention in response to an outcry from the villagers at Namwawala village in Kilombero district, Morogoro region, owing to the alleged plan of the government to take possession of the village land for investment purposes.

Fact Finding Mission Report on Kimere Farmers Land Conflict-Mapinga

Reports & Research
Septiembre, 2011

This fact finding is based on one of the claims of a group of peri-urban dwellers in Kimere, Mapinga village in Bagamoyo District, whose land they claim have been invaded by one of the well connected elite with a view to assist them register their rights only to realise later on that he was playing a tricky game to own their land. 

Land Rights Monitors and the Struggle for Land Rights in Agricultural Investment Areas

Conference Papers & Reports
Febrero, 2014

To ensure that there is sustainability at the community level in its land rights and governance training programme, Land Rights Research and Resources Institute (HAKIARDHI), a Tanzanian national level organization that spearheads land rights of small-scale producers, uses land rights monitors (LRMs) in its program areas. In each of the selected villages of the program districts, two LRMs (a man and a woman) who have received land rights training from HAKIARDHI are democratically elected by villagers.

Modo capitalista de produção, agricultura e reforma agrária

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2006

Compreender a questão agrária sob o modo capitalista de produção sempre foi tarefa difícil e complicada. Não porque muitos autores não a tenham praticamente esgotada, mas porque os estudos mais trazem discordâncias do que convergência. Por isso, esta temática cria atritos entre os conservadores e os progressistas, entre os socialistas e os comunistas, e entre todos eles e os anarquistas. Não há possibilidade nenhuma de consenso ou mesmo de aproximações. Sempre haverá pressupostos que se interporão abrindo espaço para a polêmica e discussões.

Understanding the effectiveness of access to khas land: Comparing khas land receivers to Non-Receivers

Reports & Research
Septiembre, 2012

This study highlights that access to khasland is a strongly political process where the collective movement played a pivotal role in shaping the livelihoods of land receivers. The paper shows that 1. khasland provides insurance and security through creating diverse income opportunities which can often mitigate the negative and long term impacts of shocks and allow khasland receivers to cope better with shocks 2. khasland allocation incentivises women’s engagement with labouring activities, household asset management, as well as their mobility within the village 3.

Desafios do Desenvolvimento Rural em Moçambique: Contributo Crítico com Debate de Postulados Básicos

Journal Articles & Books
Febrero, 2008

Quando do Ministério da Planificação e Desenvolvimento veio a solicitação para que apresentasse uma palestra sobre os desafios do desenvolvimento rural, foi-me dito que deveria usar uma abordagem que provocasse a reflexão e a discussão crítica. Evidentemente, sem que eu próprio reflectisse criticamente sobre os desafios do desenvolvimento rural estaria incapaz de ajudar quem quer que fosse a fazer o mesmo. Lancei-me, então, na tarefa de construir um quadro analítico provocador e crítico que servisse para construir esta conversa. É este raciocínio que aqui pretendo apresentar.