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Ley Nº 1.961 - Corredores de exportación de energía, hidrocarburos y telecomunicaciones de necesidad nacional.

América del Sur

Según lo dispuesto por el artículo 2º de la Ley de Hidrocarburos, dentro de los 50 km de las fronteras nacionales, ningún extranjero podrá adquirir ni poseer propiedades inmuebles por ningún título, con la excepción del caso de necesidad nacional declarada mediante ley expresa.

Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Act (Cap. 227).


This Act consists of 66 sections divided into 6 Parts: Preliminary (1); Administration (2); Licences (3); Financial (4); Offences and penalties (5); General (6).Section1 contains a list of definitions. Sections 2 declares the property in, and control over, petroleum in its natural condition in land in the Republic is vested in the Republic and prohibits carrying on in any land in the Republic petroleum prospecting or development operations, except under, and in accordance with, a licence issued under this Act.

Petroleum Exploration and Production Act, 2001 (Act No. 11 of 2001).

Sierra Leona
África occidental

The Act consists of 66 sections divided into 8 Parts: Preliminary (I); Establishment of Petroleum Resources Unit (II); Petroleum rights (III); Reports on exploration and discovery of petroleum (IV); Petroleum agreements (V); Rights and obligations of contractors and sub-contractors (VI); Miscellaneous (VII); Regulations (VIII).The Petroleum Resources Unit is established under section 3. It shall operate under the authority of the President and shall be headed by a Director-General.

Law on Energy (No. 56).

Asia central

The Law determines the basic principles of the organization and regulation of activities in the fuel and energy sector. All primary energy resources shall be the exclusive property of the state and the management thereof shall be subject to licensing. The Law shall be applicable to energy production, transmission, storage and to such fuels as oil, natural gas, coal and renewable sources of energy.

Guidelines for the calculation of damage caused to atmosphere, land and water resources by oil pollution.

Asia central

These Guidelines establish the modalities of the calculation of damage caused to atmosphere, land and water resources by chemicals, regulate calculation of payment for the compensation of damage caused to land by oil pollution and shall be applicable to all land categories. The Guidelines shall be applicable to dispute settlement regarding environmental offences and shall be used by the authorized environmental institutions and nature managers carrying out oil transactions. Damages shall be intended losses related to the mitigation of the consequences of environmental pollution.

Law No. 214 on licensing.

Asia central

This Law regulates relations regarding licensing of some activities. It shall not be applicable to the issuance of licences related to licensing agreement between natural and legal persons. The Act consists of seven Chapters divided into 52 Articles: (1) general provisions; (2) the state licensing system; (3) types of activity; (4) licensing of import and export; (5) licensing terms and conditions; (6) renewal, cancellation and suspension of licences; and (7) final provisions. Licensing terms and conditions shall be equal for all persons complying with the established requirements.

Decreto Supremo Nº 29.103 - Reglamento de monitoreo socio-ambiental en actividades hidrocarburíferas dentro del territorio de los pueblos indígenas originarios y comunidades campesinas.

América del Sur

El presente Decreto tiene por objeto establecer las atribuciones, los procedimientos y los mecanismos del monitoreo socio-ambiental relativos a todas las actividades hidrocarburíferas que tengan influencia en los territorios de los pueblos indígenas originarios y comunidades campesinas. Asimismo, el Decreto define el marco institucional para las actividades de monitoreo socio-ambiental, cuya autoridad principal estará constituida por el Comité de Monitoreo Socio-Ambiental Nacional.

Implementa: Ley Nº 3.058 - Ley de hidrocarburos. (2005-05-05)

Decreto Supremo Nº 29.033 - Reglamento de consulta y participación para actividades hidrocarburíferas de los pueblos indígenas, originarios y comunidades campesinas.

América del Sur

El presente Decreto regula el proceso de consulta y participación de los pueblos indígenas, originarios y comunidades campesinas en los casos en que se pretenda llevar a cabo actividades hidrocarburíferas en sus tierras comunitarias de origen y tierras de ocupación y acceso. Los principios sobre los que se basa el mencionado proceso de consulta son el de garantía de la integridad de las tierras de propiedad de los pueblos indígenas y comunidades campesinas, información previa y oportuna con respecto a las actividades hidrocarburíferas, participación y transparencia.

Decreto Supremo Nº 29.124 - Complementa el Decreto Supremo Nº 29.033, Reglamento de consulta y participación para actividades hidrocarburíferas de los pueblos indígenas, originarios y comunidades campesinas.

América del Sur

El presente Decreto tiene por objeto disposiciones que modifican y complementan el Decreto Supremo Nº 29.033, que establece los procedimientos de consulta y participación para actividades hidrocarburíferas de los pueblos indígenas, originarios y comunidades campesinas. Las modificaciones se refieren en particular al financiamiento del proceso de consulta y la planificación de las acciones a desarrollar en el ámbito de la participación de los pueblos indígenas, originarios y comunidades campesinas.

Oil Pollution (Land Use and Requisition) Ordinance (Chapter 247).

Asia oriental

This Ordinance lays down measures to prevent pollution of the waters and foreshores of Hong Kong from oil spillage.Any public officer shall have the power to enter and requisition any land or requisition any property in order to prevent, clear up or repair from pollution caused by oil spillage. The Ordinance further provides for compensation, liability for costs of cleaning-up operations, and offences.

Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Act (Chapter 67:01).

África austral

This Act makes provision for various matters relating to the activity of exploration and exploitation of petroleum resources in Botswana including licensing, control, surface rights, survey of wells, protection of the environment and compulsory acquisition of land.The Act sets out criteria and conditions for the granting of an exploration or a development licence. The Minister may enter into an agreement with a (potential) licence holder. A registered holder of an exploration licence shall notify the Minister on the discovery of petroleum in an exploration area.

Petroleum Development Road Regulation (B.C. Reg. 356/98).

América Septentrional

The present Regulation enacts section 133(2) of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act. In particular, the Regulation lays down provisions relating to petroleum development roads, which means a road constructed over Crown lands reserved for the construction and operation of a road, or operation of a road to facilitate exploration for, and the winning, extraction and removal of petroleum and natural gas, and includes any extensions of such a road over land other than Crown land provided for in the application or subsequently authorized by the commission.