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News & Events Abriendo nuevos caminos: Perspectivas e Historias sobre el impacto de la Corrupción en el sector de la Tierra en los Grupos Discriminados de África
Abriendo nuevos caminos: Perspectivas e Historias sobre el impacto de la Corrupción en el sector de la Tierra en los Grupos Discriminados de África
Breaking new ground: Insights and stories on the impact of land corruption on discriminated groups in Africa 
Land Corruption in Africa
22 April 2024
Land Corruption in Africa

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March, 2024
Sub-Saharan Africa
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In 2021, Transparency International and the Equal Rights Trust published Defying Exclusion: Stories and Insights on the Links between Discrimination and Corruption. Bringing together a diverse group of case studies from across the globe, it documented and illustrated the mutually reinforcing links – the vicious cycle – between discrimination and corruption. Defying Exclusion marked the first attempt to systematically explore the phenomena we termed “discriminatory corruption”.

Land & Corruption in Africa


Land & Korruption in Afrika


Das Vorhaben plant über eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit den nationalen Chaptern von TI in ausgewählten Ländern zu mehr Sicherheit bei Landrechten und zu einem fairen und gerechten Zugang zu Land beizutragen. Auch der Zugang zu Gerichtsbarkeit soll verbessert werden. Dafür sollen politische Analysen zu einem besseren Verständnis von Korruption im Landbereich führen.

Land & Corruption in Africa


Launched in 2014, the Land and Corruption in Africa Programme is addressing land corruption risks by: Sharing information on how land corruption manifests and what its effects are. Ensuring that land corruption and actions to fight it are put on the agendas of governments and international bodies like the African Union. Raising the importance of combating land corruption in the global land governance debate. Educating citizens about their land rights and how to defend them. Working with governments, traditional authorities, the private sector and civil society to find solutions to combat land corruption. Ensuring intergovernmental organisations, governments and business have procedures in place to sanction offenders and bring about justice for affected citizens. Pushing for solutions to land corruption that are responsive to the needs of women, young people and other marginalised citizens


This Beautiful Land

Reports & Research
March, 2024
Sub-Saharan Africa
South Africa

In 2021, Transparency International and the Equal Rights Trust published Defying Exclusion: Stories and Insights on the Links between Discrimination and Corruption. Bringing together a diverse group of case studies from across the globe, it documented and illustrated the mutually reinforcing links – the vicious cycle – between discrimination and corruption. Defying Exclusion marked the first attempt to systematically explore the phenomena we termed “discriminatory corruption”.

Land & Corruption in Africa


Land & Korruption in Afrika


Das Vorhaben plant über eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit den nationalen Chaptern von TI in ausgewählten Ländern zu mehr Sicherheit bei Landrechten und zu einem fairen und gerechten Zugang zu Land beizutragen. Auch der Zugang zu Gerichtsbarkeit soll verbessert werden. Dafür sollen politische Analysen zu einem besseren Verständnis von Korruption im Landbereich führen.

Land & Corruption in Africa


Launched in 2014, the Land and Corruption in Africa Programme is addressing land corruption risks by: Sharing information on how land corruption manifests and what its effects are. Ensuring that land corruption and actions to fight it are put on the agendas of governments and international bodies like the African Union. Raising the importance of combating land corruption in the global land governance debate. Educating citizens about their land rights and how to defend them. Working with governments, traditional authorities, the private sector and civil society to find solutions to combat land corruption. Ensuring intergovernmental organisations, governments and business have procedures in place to sanction offenders and bring about justice for affected citizens. Pushing for solutions to land corruption that are responsive to the needs of women, young people and other marginalised citizens


This Beautiful Land

Reports & Research
March, 2024
Sub-Saharan Africa
South Africa

In 2021, Transparency International and the Equal Rights Trust published Defying Exclusion: Stories and Insights on the Links between Discrimination and Corruption. Bringing together a diverse group of case studies from across the globe, it documented and illustrated the mutually reinforcing links – the vicious cycle – between discrimination and corruption. Defying Exclusion marked the first attempt to systematically explore the phenomena we termed “discriminatory corruption”.

Land & Corruption in Africa


Land & Korruption in Afrika


Das Vorhaben plant über eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit den nationalen Chaptern von TI in ausgewählten Ländern zu mehr Sicherheit bei Landrechten und zu einem fairen und gerechten Zugang zu Land beizutragen. Auch der Zugang zu Gerichtsbarkeit soll verbessert werden. Dafür sollen politische Analysen zu einem besseren Verständnis von Korruption im Landbereich führen.

Land & Corruption in Africa


Launched in 2014, the Land and Corruption in Africa Programme is addressing land corruption risks by: Sharing information on how land corruption manifests and what its effects are. Ensuring that land corruption and actions to fight it are put on the agendas of governments and international bodies like the African Union. Raising the importance of combating land corruption in the global land governance debate. Educating citizens about their land rights and how to defend them. Working with governments, traditional authorities, the private sector and civil society to find solutions to combat land corruption. Ensuring intergovernmental organisations, governments and business have procedures in place to sanction offenders and bring about justice for affected citizens. Pushing for solutions to land corruption that are responsive to the needs of women, young people and other marginalised citizens