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Acuerdo Nº 29 - Lineamientos para la regulación y formalización de las servidumbres derivadas de actividades de utilidad pública sobre los predios baldíos de la Nación.

Août, 2017

El presente Acuerdo de la Agencia Nacional de Tierras (ANT), establece los lineamientos para la regulación y formalización de las servidumbres derivadas de actividades de utilidad pública sobre los predios baldíos de la Nación, y contempla las directrices para la regulación y formalización de servidumbres derivadas de actividades de utilidad pública e interés social cuando recaigan sobre predios baldíos de la Nación.

Order No. 71 of the Agency of Land Relations and Cadastre validating the Regulation on the content and elaboration of the documentation for the formation of real estate objects.

Août, 2017

Regulation on the content and elaboration of the documentation for the formation of real estate objects regulates the content and method of developing cadastral documentation for the formation of land plots irrespective of their specific uses, the absence or presence of constructions thereon, the formation of buildings and isolated premises, regardless of the type of property, as well as the formation of land plots of public property.

Regional Legislative Decree No. 30/2017/M establishing the procedure for delimiting the public water domain in the Autonomous Region of Madeira.

Juillet, 2017

This Regional Legislative Decree, consisting of 14 articles, establishes the procedure for delimiting the public water domain in the Autonomous Region of Madeira. The delimitation of the public water domain is the administrative procedure by which the line defining the extreme of the beds and banks of the public water domain bordering land of another nature is fixed.

Federal Law No. 217-FZ “On gardening and horticulture for individual personal needs”.

Juillet, 2017
Fédération de Russie

This Federal Law regulates the issues of gardening and horticulture by citizens for individual personal needs (subsistence farming), determines civil and legal status of non-commercial organizations constituted by citizens for gardening and truck farming in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Owners of plots of agricultural land destined for gardening and horticulture and citizens wishing to purchase such plots in accordance with land legislation can constitute non-commercial gardening and horticultural associations.

Regional Legislative Decree No. 25/2017/M adapting to the Autonomous Region of Madeira Law No. 54/2005 on the ownership of water resources.

Juillet, 2017

This Regional Legislative Decree, consisting of 18 articles, adapts Law No. 54/2005 on the ownership of water resources to the legislation of the Autonomous Region of Madeira. It regulates the following land ownership issues: Land near the crest of the cliffs reached or inserted in consolidated urban centres; Process of recognition of private property on public land parcels; Administrative easements on private plots of beds and public water banks; Areas threatened by the sea or floods, etc.

Implements: Law No. 54/2005 on the legal regime of water domain. (2005-11-15)

Ley Nº 4/2017 - Ley del Suelo y de los Espacios Naturales Protegidos de Canarias.

Juillet, 2017

La presente Ley del Suelo y de los Espacios Naturales Protegidos de Canarias, tiene por objeto regular en el ámbito de la Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias: 1) El régimen jurídico general de los recursos naturales, en particular del suelo, la ordenación del territorio y la ordenación urbanística; 2) La coordinación de las políticas públicas relativas a la planificación y gestión del territorio y a la protección del medioambiente; 3) La intervención en las actividades públicas y privadas con incidencia relevante sobre el territorio y los recursos naturales; 4) La protección de la legalidad urba

Law No. XIII-616 amending Forest Law No. IX-240.

Juillet, 2017

Article 11 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Transfer of forest land into other categories of land shall be prohibited in the following cases: (a) Group I forests; (b) Group II - protection of ecosystems in forests, except in specified cases; (c) in groups III - in forests of protected areas and in protected areas of state reserves, except for specific cases; (d) in other forests located one kilometer from the Baltic Sea and the Curonian Spit, in recreational forests of Group II and in protected areas, field protection and national park protection zones of Group III except for

Law No. XIII-423 amending Law on land (No. 1-446).

Juin, 2017

Article 7 shall be amended to add the following wording: “By Government resolutions, state forest land plots may be transferred by the right of trust to perform state functions specified by the Forest Law Act. State land plots may be transferred by the Government resolutions by the right of trust and to other entities specified in the Law on the Management, Use and Disposition of State and Municipal Property in the Law, when the law assigns them state functions.”

Amends: Law on land (No. 1-446). (1994-04-26)

Decreto Ley Nº 890 - Disposiciones para la formulación del Plan Nacional de Construcción y Mejoramiento de Vivienda Social Rural.

Mai, 2017

El presente Decreto Ley expide disposiciones para la formulación del Plan Nacional de Construcción y Mejoramiento de Vivienda Social Rural, que será formulado por el Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural.

Directive for the application of provisions of article 51, paragraph 3 of the Law on agricultural land.

Mai, 2017

This Regulation prescribes the necessary procedure aimed for the Agency for agricultural land and for local Self-Government units as regards the application of provision brought by the article 51 (paragraph 3) of the Law on agricultural land (published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 39/2013 and 48/2015).The above mentioned provisions are related to the land use and land lease permits without public call principle, that expired on 31 May 2015.The Annex is also part of this publication (administrative forms).

Implements: Law on Agricultural Land. (2013-03-22)

Shooting and Fishing Leases (Amendment) Act 2017 (No. 3 of 2017).

Mai, 2017

This Act amends the Shooting and Fishing Leases Act by replacing section 18. That section grants power to the Minister to make regulations for the purposes of this Act, and, in particular, but without prejudice to the generality of that power, may make regulations – (a) for the levying of charges and the taking of fees; (b) amending the Schedule. Regulations made under this section may provide that any person who contravenes them shall commit an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding 20,000 rupees and to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year.

Measures for the Administration of Overall Land Use Planing.

Mai, 2017

The Measures, containing 46 Articles divided into 9 Chapters, provide for the preparation, examination and approval, implementation, revision and supervision of the overall land use planning. The overall land use planning is divided into five levels: national, provincial, municipal, county and township (town) level. The village land use planning is an important part of the overall land use planning of the township (town).