健健康的土壤是陆地上最大的碳 库。采用可持续方式管理的土壤 可以通过储存碳(碳封存)和减 少大气中的温室气体排放而起到 减缓气候变化的重要作用。相反,如果土壤管 理不善或采用不可持续的农作方法,土壤中的碳 则会以二氧化碳(CO2)的形式释放到大气中, 导致气候变化
健健康的土壤是陆地上最大的碳 库。采用可持续方式管理的土壤 可以通过储存碳(碳封存)和减 少大气中的温室气体排放而起到 减缓气候变化的重要作用。相反,如果土壤管 理不善或采用不可持续的农作方法,土壤中的碳 则会以二氧化碳(CO2)的形式释放到大气中, 导致气候变化
This publication was commissioned under the auspices of the project “FAO technical support to the COMESA-EAC-SADC program on climate change adaptation and mitigation in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSRO/RAF/307/COM)”.
La pérdida de bosques contribuye a un sexto de las emisiones anuales de gases de efecto invernadero que son la causa principal del cambio climático. La experiencia nos enseña que la implementación conjunta de enfoques de reducción de la deforestación y de la degradación forestal y de consolidación de la gobernanza forestal –como la Reducción de las emisiones debidas a la deforestación y a la degradación forestal (REDD+) y la Aplicación de leyes, gobernanza y comercio forestales (FLEGT)– puede ser mucho más eficaz para contrarrestar la pérdida de bosques.
El objetivo de este documento es seguir enriqueciendo un diálogo sobre las cuestiones relativas a la tierra (y a los territorios) entre la FAO y los países miembros, los pueblos indígenas, el Foro Permanente y otras entidades interesadas. En el documento se detallan. principios básicos de un enfoque metodológico para el reconocimiento territorial, así como para un desarrollo de esos espacios a partir de la constatación de que el simple reconocimiento jurídico en muchos casos no es garantía suficiente para el mejoramiento de las condiciones de los pueblos indígenas.
La Conferencia de Desarrollo Sostenible de Naciones Unidas de 2012 (Río+20) destacó la urgencia de enfrentar uno de los retos más urgentes y, a la vez, más complejos del paradigma del desarrollo sustentable: la conciliación entre la producción de alimentos, la seguridad alimentaria y la conservación del ambiente.
Цель Элементов содействия осуществлению на национальном уровне доступа и распределения выгод для различных субсекторов генетических ресурсов для производства продовольствия и ведения сельского хозяйства состоит в том, чтобы помочь правительствам, рассматривающим возможность разработки, адаптации либо осуществления мер обеспечения доступа и распределения выгод, учесть важность генетических ресурсов для производства продовольствия и ведения сельского хозяйства, их особую роль в обеспечении продовольственной безопасности и отличительные особенности их различных субсекторов, а также, в соответс
The National Medium-Term Priority Framework (NMTPF) 2011-2015 builds on the experience acquired with NMTPF 20006-2010, which dealt with FAO assistance in a comprehensive way. Its overall goal is to pursue the development of sustainable agriculture, fisheries and forestry as a contribution to the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, improving the living standards of all Cambodians, especially the poorest, most food insecure, most vulnerable, in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable manner.
The Elements to Facilitate Domestic Implementation of Access and Benefit-Sharing for Different Subsectors of Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture aim to assist governments considering developing, adapting or implementing access and benefit-sharing measures to take into account the importance of genetic resources for food and agriculture, their special role in food security and the distinctive features of their different subsectors, while complying, as applicable, with international instruments.
The aim of this document is to help countries seeking to develop a REDD+ Forest Reference Emission Level and/or Forest Reference Level (FREL/FRL) under the UNFCCC. The document provides a structural overview of UNFCCC requirements for FREL/FRL construction, summarizing UNFCCC guidance and translating it into elements needed for FREL/FRL construction. A description of possible advantages and risks associated with different options for each of these elements is added to provide some practical considerations to FREL/FRL construction.
The Agricultural Water Solutions Project aims to unlock the potential of smallholder farming by identifying, evaluating and recommending a variety of agricultural water management (AWM) solutions - including technologies as well as the necessary supporting policies, institutions, financing arrangements and associated business models. This is being achieved through a series of interlinked activities in the seven project sites in Africa (Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Tanzania and Zambia) and in India (Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal).
Almost every nation is now a signatory to the Convention on Climate Change. The first Conference of Parties (COP) was held in Berlin in 1995. Two decades since, we have come a long way, but we have yet to reach the ultimate objective of stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations at a level that would end human-induced influence on the climate. While the COP negotiations are landmark events for humankind, many experts who work in the field and are not directly involved in the negotiations cannot claim to comprehend what is being discussed.
Forests are essential to life on our planet, to mitigating and adapting to climate change, ensuring adequate supply of fresh water, enhancing biodiversity and providing sustainable incomes and livelihoods, including food security. But they face unprecedented and unrelenting pressures. This issue includes a broad selection of the best papers submitted to the XIV World Forestry Congress (Durban, September 2015), as well as an overview of the Congress’s ambitious agenda and outcomes.