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Displaying 361 - 372 of 2163

Review of Program Design and Beneficiary Profiles of Social Welfare Programs in Mongolia

October, 2015

The report begins with a summary of
programs reviewed, a description of the PMT targeting
system, and the profile of individuals in the database. It
then presents key findings from the review of budgets and
the analysis of SW Admin/PMT data on program coverage and
distributional equity of program benefits. The report
concludes with a discussion of policy implications and
recommendations that emerged from the key findings and the

Financing for Development

October, 2015

The development community is
increasingly accepting the importance of evidence, feedback,
and learning. Some of which is generated through research,
monitoring, and self-evaluation during policy-making,
program design, and implementation. Others come from
feedback from people directly affected by interventions who
have gained a greater voice, be it through third-party
feedback mechanisms, social media, beneficiary surveys, or

The Role of Identification in the Post-2015 Development Agenda

August, 2015

The post-2015 development agenda is being shaped as we speak. The role of identity and identification
and its importance to development outcomes places it within the new Sustainable Development
Goals (SDG) agenda—specifically as one of the proposed SDG targets (#16.9), but also as a key enabler
of the efficacy of many other SDG targets. Although there is no one model for providing legal
identity, this SDG would urge states to ensure that all have free or low-cost access to widely accepted,

Banking in Africa

February, 2014

This paper takes stock of the current
state of banking systems across Sub-Saharan Africa and
discusses recent developments including innovations that
might help Africa leapfrog more traditional banking models.
Using an array of different data, the paper documents that
African banking systems are shallow but stable. African
banks are well capitalized and over-liquid, but lend less to
the private sector than banks in non-African developing

SME Contributions to Employment, Job Creation, and Growth in the Arab World

February, 2014

Recent economic and political
developments have highlighted a challenge shared across the
Arab region of generating employment, promoting inclusive
growth, and improving competitiveness. In the short run,
weakened macroeconomic fundamentals in the developing
economies of the Middle East and North Africa are a key
challenge. The region's main challenge is to achieve
sustainable growth that delivers the quantity and quality of

Empowering Women : Legal Rights and Economic Opportunities in Africa

December, 2012

This book looks at the effect of legal
and economic rights on women's economic opportunities.
It focuses on entrepreneurship because women in Africa are
active entrepreneurs, and the links between property rights
and the ability to enter contracts in one's own name
affect entrepreneurial activities. The laws that are the
focus of this book are not business laws and regulations,
which are generally gender blind and presuppose that

Gender Inclusion Strategies in PNPM

July, 2015

The Program Nasional Pemberdayaan
Masyarakat (PNPM) or National Community Empowerment Program
is the world’s largest program of its kind with long term
goals to reduce poverty by making development planning more
inclusive, accountable, and reflective of local needs. PNPM
currently covers about 70,000 rural and urban communities
across Indonesia. PNPM works by giving communities block
grants to spend on projects developed through a

Opening Press Conference at the IMF-World Bank Spring Meetings, April 10, 2014

May, 2016

Jim Yong Kim, President of the World Bank Group, notes that the developing countries will have to grow
at a pace stronger than any time in the past 20 years to
achieve the goal of ending the extreme poverty by 2030. He talks about the
need for growth that is inclusive, creates jobs, and assists
the poor directly. He calls for ensuring economic
growth in the years ahead that is sustainable and takes us
off the destructive path of climate change. He focuses on

Count on Us

May, 2016

Jim Yong Kim, President of the World Bank Group, discusses fundamental issues in global development and
the World Bank Group's role in helping countries and
the private sector meet the greatest challenges in
development. He speaks
about the twin goals, to end extreme poverty
by 2030 and to boost shared prosperity. Due to television, everyone knows how everyone else lives. We must not remain voluntarily blind to the impact of economic choices on the poor and

Strengthening Economic Rights and Women's Occupational Choice : The Impact of Reforming Ethiopia's Family Law

February, 2014

This paper evaluates the impact of
strengthening legal rights on the types of economic
opportunities that are pursued. Ethiopia changed its family
law, requiring both spouses' consent in the
administration of marital property, removing the ability of
a spouse to deny permission for the other to work outside
the home, and raising women's minimum age of marriage.
Thus both access to resources and the removal of

Sweden's Business Climate

December, 2015

This report’s starting point is thus to
acknowledge that despite Sweden’s many virtues, there are
areas in which it can do better, and the task has been to
identify those areas, focusing particularly on the quality
of the investment climate and competitiveness. This has been
done in two main ways. First, by looking at areas of the
business environment captured by databases compiled in the
World Bank Group’s Global Indicators Group—Doing Business,

Estimating the Association Between Women's Earnings and Partner Violence : Evidence from the 2008-2009 Tanzania National Panel Survey

January, 2014

The aim of this study is to explore the
relationship between women's labor market outcomes and
partner violence among Tanzanian women, and to estimate the
difference in women's weekly earnings between women who
have been abused and women who have not. In addition, this
study estimates the lost earnings to women because of
partner violence as a share of Tanzania's gross
domestic product. Partner violence is the most common form