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There are 2, 223 content items of different types and languages related to land access on the Land Portal.
Displaying 1 - 12 of 229

NEWS: Land Portal welcomes 2024 World Bank Land Conference materials into the Land Library

04 December 2024

December 3, 2024 — At the Land Portal, we are committed to advancing the accessibility and long-term sustainability of knowledge on land governance. The World Bank Land Conference is one of the premier venues for knowledge exchange on land, and we were thrilled when the organizers requested our support in making the 2024 conference session materials available to the public in our Land Library, which now hosts over 73,000 publications on land governance. 


Realising Ethiopian Women’s Rights to Land

21 July 2023
Land rights are among the fundamental rights of women. Supporting women to secure their land rights ensures equity in ownership, and improved livelihood opportunities for rural women. It further contributes to food security, addresses poverty, provides a basis for climate action, and promotes long-term equitable economic growth. However, a lack of awareness about land legislation and limited social freedoms in rural societies hinder the realisation of these rights. Three land-governance-focused projects implemented by GIZ Ethiopia and Djibouti , in collaboration with Habitat for Humanity International project Stand for Her Land (#S4HL) and the Women Land Rights Task Force (WLRTF), are working to improve women’s land rights in Ethiopia.

Episode 4- Where do we land up on the rights of persons with disabilities?

17 January 2023
In this episode of the LandUP! podcast, we wanted to better understand a largely unexplored subject matter: the land rights of persons with disabilities. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities defines Persons with Disabilities as including those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.

The forgotten Gypsies of Afghanistan demand legal recognition of their rights

06 October 2022

The 'Jogi', the Gypsies of Afghanistan, have launched a struggle with the State to access identification papers and defend their rights. Marginalised and plunged into poverty, they want to integrate into Afghan society.

In the northwestern suburbs of Mazar-e-Sharif, on the border with the rural world, small shacks made with beige bricks are developing one after the other.

India-China Disengagement: Locals Regret Loss Of Grazing Land In Ladakh, Military Experts Call It A Bold Move

15 September 2022
Following the latest round of disengagement of Indian and Chinese soldiers in Eastern Ladakh, elected representatives in the region and military experts have vastly different takes on the development, with representatives saying that India has now lost its grazing fields and military experts hailing it as a strategic move. 

MinAgro rechazó invasiones de tierras y dijo que responsables serían investigados

30 August 2022

Desde hace más de dos meses se venían reportando invasiones de predios privados especialmente en el Cauca, comunidades indígenas estaban apoderándose de tierras que hoy son usadas en su mayoría para la agroindustria de la caña. Finalmente el Gobierno rompió el silencio sobre los hechos, y fue la propia ministra de Agricultura, Cecilia López quien detalló que rechazan esos actos y "quienes quieren promover invasiones entorpecen la gestión del Gobierno y esto podría redundar en que sean investigados por parte de las autoridades".

Gobierno de Colombia confirma que habrá reforma agraria para “buscar equidad en el acceso a la tierra

30 August 2022

La productividad de las tierras en Colombia es demasiado baja, afirmó en julio de este año la ministra de Agricultura, Cecilia López. Dicha afirmación se centra en las cifras que tienen entidades como la Unidad de Planificación Rural Agropecuaria, que registra que el país tiene un total de 39,6 millones de hectáreas aptas para siembra; de estas, solo 5,3 millones se usa para tal fin. Por este y otros motivos, el Gobierno nacional anunció que sí se llevará a cabo una reforma agraria.

UN food agencies warn of rising levels of acute hunger with potential risk of famine in four hotspots

29 August 2021


6 November 2020, ROME - The world has been put on a heightened famine alert with a new report by two United Nations agencies that contains a stark warning; four countries contain areas that could soon slip into famine if conditions there undergo "any further deterioration over the coming months". These are Burkina Faso in West Africa's Sahel region, northeastern Nigeria, South Sudan and Yemen.

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