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Coastal Management Act 1995.


This Act concerns the management of coastal areas in the State of Victoria to protect and maintain areas of environmental significance on the coast and to maintain and improve coastal water quality. It provides for the establishment and operation of the Victorian Coastal Council and of Regional Coastal Boards. It also promotes a coordinated approach in the preparation and implementation of management plans for coastal Crown lands.

Décret n° 2004-308 relatif aux concessions d'utilisation du domaine public maritime en dehors des ports.

Western Europe

Les dépendances du domaine public maritime situées hors des limites administratives des ports peuvent faire l'objet de concessions d'utilisation en vue de leur affectation à l'usage du public, à un service public ou à une opération d'intérêt général. Les biens ainsi concédés ne sont pas soustraits au domaine public. Ces concessions sont conclues pour une durée qui ne peut excéder trente ans.

Décret n° 2004-309 relatif à la procédure de délimitation du rivage de la mer, des lais et relais de la mer et des limites transversales de la mer à l'embouchure des fleuves et rivières.

February, 2004
Western Europe

Le présent décret fixe la procédure de délimitation du rivage de la mer, des lais et relais de la mer et des limites transversales de la mer à l'embouchure des fleuves et rivières, conduite, sous l'autorité du préfet, par le service de l'Etat chargé du domaine public maritime.

Décret n° 2004-310 relatif aux espaces remarquables du littoral et modifiant le Code de l'urbanisme.

Western Europe

Le présent décret modifie certaines dispositions du Code de l'urbanisme relatives aux espaces remarquables du littoral. Lorsqu'ils identifient des espaces ou milieux relevant du présent article, les documents d'urbanisme précisent, le cas échéant, la nature des activités et catégories d'équipements nécessaires à leur gestion ou à leur mise en valeur notamment économique.

Decision No. 12/2004/QD-BTNMT defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Topography and Cartography Department.

South-Eastern Asia

The Decision provides for the institution of the Department, its functions and powers, involving activities dedicated to the management of cartography and topography on land, sea and overland.

Decree No. 5.300 of 7 December 2004 implementing Act No. 7.661 on National Planning for Coastal Zone Management.

South America

This Decree, composed of 40 articles structured in seven chapters, implements Act No. 7.661 on National Planning for Coastal Zone Management, PNGC. The Decree rules on coastal zone use and occupation procedures and establishes rules for the management of maritime ORLA. It defines general rules for Coastal Zone environmental Management establishing the basic provisions for the identification of policies, plans and programmes at federal, state and local levels, indicating the related competent authorities.

Land (Removal of Sand) Regulations.


These Regulations prohibit the taking or removal of sand from the foreshore other than the foreshore within the limits of any harbor if no written permit signed by the Minister is obtained. Likewise the taking of sand from any Crown land or any other holding without a permit is prohibited. Offences are prescribed.

Development and Planning (Application Procedure) Rules 1997.

Northern America

These Rules concern applications for planning permission in the sense of section 1 of the Development and Planning Act 1974. They specify documentation requirements of the application such as architectural plan, draft plan of subdivision, location plan, site excavation plan, and site plan. Applications include applications for: applications to develop land, applications to subdivide land and applications for carrying out foreshore work. Other provisions concern procedures of applications and decision making, notification, etc.

Land Reclamation Act 1964.

Northern America

This Act empowers the Minister to enter into an agreement with any person for the reclamation of land (at least one acre) from the bed of the sea in any area lying within the outer limits of the reefs of Bermuda. Section 3 defines the compulsory content of a reclamation agreement, whereas section 4 specifies what reclamation agreement may contain. The agreement must be approved by the Governor.

Foreshore Licences Act 1945.

Northern America

This Act prohibits the carrying out of foreshore works other than with a foreshore license to be applied for under section 3 to the Minister responsible for development and planning. "Foreshore work" means: (a) the constructing or laying down of any building, structure or works on the foreshore or on the bed of the sea; or (b) the installing or deploying of a floating dock; or (c) land reclamation on the foreshore or the bed of the sea not exceeding one acre in extent.

Resolution No. 24/04 on maritime land concession.

Cape Verde
Western Africa

This Resolution, composed of 3 articles and one Annex, authorizes the concession of public land located in maritime areas for the construction of ports and related infrastructure devoted to navigation. The concession shall last up to 60 years.

Implemented by: Resolution No. 25/2011 approving the concession to Marina S.N. Lda to build harbour facilities in Tarrafal, within the island of São Nicolau. (2011-08-01)