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Issuesland consolidationLandLibrary Resource
There are 644 content items of different types and languages related to land consolidation on the Land Portal.
Displaying 469 - 480 of 617

An econometric model of technical efficiency effects in a stochastic frontier production function for agricultural land consolidation in the Republic of Moldova

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2010

Economical efficiency reveals the quality of economical processes in
agricultural unities to produce positive financial effects with a minimum effort. In cereal
production the efficiency is influenced by a number of factors, which act together and
between them there is interdependence. We have used the stochastic frontier analysis for
calculating the economical efficiency of producing the cereal cultures in the Republic of

Arenda funciară ca mecanism efectiv de reparcelare a terenurilor agricole în Republica Moldova

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2011

The article isfocused on the investigation ofland re-parceling through land leasemarket development in Moldova. First, it describes land lease market development in Moldova and its impact on land re-parceling. Second, it analyzes strategies adopted by the agricultural farms regarding the participation in land lease and reasons why people lease land. And finally, it examines the problems of lease term and lease payment.

The multi-factorial regression models for studying the economic efficiency of land consolidation in the Republic of Moldova

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2011

The purpose of this paper is to study the economic efficiency of the autumn wheat with the help of the multi-factorial regression models. Assessing the elasticity coefficient of production factors in the agrarian sector of the Republic of Moldova gives the possibility to define the criteria for optimizing the land consolidation. By means of these assessment methods we can appreciate the existence, direction and the degree of interrelatedness between the economic processes.

Reforma agrară: concept şi realităţi

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2015

The study "Land reform: concept and achievements" the authors Simion Certan and Ion Certan meditate on achieving conception of agrarian reform and social - economic development of the village in Moldova, approved on 15 February 1991 in the Parliament Decision no. 510-a-XII. According to The concept Moldovan government was suposed to make the "land reform, management reform and economic relations agroindustrial complex, providing material, technical and scientific assistance and staffing agro-industrial complex, will help develop social-economic development of the village".

The economics of land fragmentation in the individual farm sector of Moldova

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2010

În această lucrare se descrie starea actuală a fragmentării funciare al gospodăriilor ţărăneşti din Republica Moldova şi efectele pe care le are aceasta asupra bunăstării familiilor rurale şi a productivităţii exploataţiilor agricole. Ipoteza de bază înaintată este dacă consolidarea terenurilor agricole va avea efecte benefice asupra productivităţii şi dacă această este binevenită pe termen lung. În acest context, se va examina consolidarea în baza principiilor economiei de piaţă, utilizând informaţia obţinută din mai multe studii de teren recent efectuate.

Principiile de determinare a eficienţei consolidării terenurilor agricole

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2006

In the article the results of the agrarian reform in the village Semionovca from Stefan Voda district were examined. There has been studied the project of a small peasant farm for one plot of land and the elements of the land use and land management. Some economic parameters were determined in order to demonstrate the efficiency of land consolidation.

Consideraţii cu privire la dezvoltarea conceptului şi strategiei consolidării terenurilor agricole

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2011

The article presents data concerning the results of introducing pilot projects in 6 villages of the Republic of Moldova in 2007-2009.As a result it was possible to accumulate the necessary experience for the extension of the se activities overall the country. Simultaneously, a number of difficulties and problems have been identified and without their elimination it will be difficult to accomplish these activities.

Forhandling, forhandlingsplanlegging og jordskifte i urbane områder

Reports & Research
November, 2020

Negotiations are important in urban densification processes. In particular, integrative negotiations seem to be relevant. The conflicts between neighbors and developers can be challenging to solve. Land readjustment is used in several countries to merge properties or reshape properties in conjunction with densification projects. Conflicts can be handled and reduced by land readjustment. Should such a measure be relevant in Norway, it is recommended, among other things, that a majority of the landowners within a land readjustment area must be in favor.

Evaluating the lifestyle impact of China’s rural housing land consolidation with locational big data: A study of Chengdu

Peer-reviewed publication
June, 2020
United States of America

Housing land consolidation and relocation has been widely implemented in rural China as a policy tool to reduce the area of built-up land, reclaim agricultural land, and redistribute the use of land. Despite of the large scale of implementation, the impact of this policy on the daily life of rural people is not sufficiently evaluated. Our work aims to fill in this gap by examining the daily activity pattern of rural residents in consolidated and unconsolidated villages through mobile phone locational data, using the Chengdu city-region as the case.

Classification of farmland ownership fragmentation as a cause of land degradation: A review on typology, consequences, and remedies

Peer-reviewed publication
October, 2016
United States of America

Farmland ownership fragmentation is one of the important drivers of land-use changes. It is a process that in its extreme form can essentially limit land management sustainability. Based on a typology of land degradation and its causes, this process is here classified for the first time as an underlying cause which through tenure insecurity causes land degradation in five types (water erosion, wind erosion, soil compaction, reduction of organic matter, and nutrient depletion).

Legal guide on land consolidation

Manuals & Guidelines
Legislation & Policies
January, 2020
Central Asia

Land consolidation is a highly effective land management instrument that allows for the improvement of the structure of agricultural holdings and farms in a country, which increases their economic and social efficiency and brings benefits both to right holders as well as to society in general. Since land consolidation gives mobility to land ownership and other land rights, it may also facilitate the allocation of new areas with specific purposes other than agriculture, such as for public infrastructure or nature protection and restoration.

Правовое руководство по земельной консолидации

Manuals & Guidelines
Policy Papers & Briefs
January, 2020
Central Asia

Консолидация земель - это высокоэффективный инструмент управления земельными ресурсами, который позволяет улучшить структуру сельскохозяйственных угодий и ферм в стране, что повышает их экономическую и социальную эффективность и приносит пользу как правообладателям, так и обществу в целом. Поскольку консолидация земель дает мобильность землевладению и другим правам на землю, она также может способствовать выделению новых территорий с особыми целями, отличными от сельского хозяйства, например, для общественной инфраструктуры или охраны и восстановления природы.