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Issuesland tenureLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 121 - 132 of 4340

Smallholders’ Land Ownership and Access in Sub-Saharan Africa

July, 2015

While scholars agree on the importance
of land rental markets for structural transformation in
rural areas, evidence on the extent and nature of their
operation, including potential obstacles to their improved
functioning, remains limited. This study uses
household-level data from six countries to start filling
this gap and derive substantive as well as methodological
lessons. The paper finds that rental markets transfer land

After the Tsunami : Women and Land Reforms in Aceh

August, 2012

On Boxing Day morning, 2004, a 9.3
magnitude earthquake struck the Indian Ocean. The quake
unleashed a blast of energy and created a tsunami three
stories high. The disaster claimed more than 228,000 lives,
affected 2.5 million others and caused close to US $11.4
billion of damage in 14 countries. By far the highest price
was paid by Aceh, where more people died than in all the
other countries combined. In Banda Aceh, the capital of the

Land Governance in South Sudan : Policies for Peace and Development

December, 2014

South Sudan is a new country of 10.5
million people that has just emerged from conflict and still
facing challenges with recovery and development. Although
economic disparities, political exclusion and deprivation in
the distribution of political and economic power between the
northern and southern parts of then united Sudan were often
tendered as the proximal causes of the conflict, at the
center of the prolonged civil war was the struggle for

Land in Transition : Reform and Poverty in Rural Vietnam

Reports & Research
April, 2012

The policy reforms called for in the
transition from a socialist command economy to a developing
market economy bring both opportunities and risks to a
country's citizens. In poor economies, the initial
focus of reform efforts is naturally the rural sector, which
is where one finds the bulk of the population and almost all
the poor. Economic development will typically entail moving
many rural households out of farming into more remunerative

Inclusive Cities and Access to Land, Housing, and Services in Developing Countries

April, 2016

Paralleling the increasing disparities
in income and wealth worldwide since the 1980s, cities in
developing countries have witnessed the emergence of a
growing divergence of lifestyles, particularly within the
middle classes, reinforced by the widening gap between the
quality of public and private educational and health care
institutions, spatial segregation, gated communities, and
exclusive semiprivate amenities. This erosion of social

Kabul : Urban Land in Crisis

March, 2013

Afghanistan is one of the poorest and
longest suffering countries among members of the World Bank,
and has been ravaged by chronic conflict and political
instability. Afghanistan's infrastructure has been
destroyed or degraded; its human resource base severely
depleted; and its social capital eroded. Despite existing
public administration structures, the majority of state
institutions are only beginning to function effectively, and

Determinants of Participation and Transaction Costs in Rwanda’s Land Markets

August, 2015

Land markets play a limited role in
subsistence economies with low skill-intensity of
agricultural cultivation, equally distributed land
endowments and little movement out of agriculture to join
the non-farm economy. But, as the economy starts to
diversify, the scope for efficiency-enhancing land transfers
beyond immediate kin and for longer than just one season
assumes significantly greater importance. Lease markets can

Colombia : Land Policy in Transition

July, 2013

Unequal land distribution and the
negative social and economic implications resulting from
such polarization in Colombia have long been of concern to
policymakers. A 1950 World Bank mission identified unequal
land distribution as a key impediment to economic and social
development in the country. Since then, a wide range of
policies has been adopted to deal with this issue and its
consequences. Numerous studies show that the success of

Land Transparency Study : Synthesis Report

December, 2014

This report presents the results of a
novel study on land transparency in Vietnam; a study that
focuses on the actual provision of information related to
land. This study was produced as part of the Vietnam
Transparency Project, an effort to systematically measure
transparency, provide actionable advice on how to improve
transparency, and analyze the causes and effects of
transparency in Vietnam. If a country's political,

Sustainable Land Management : Challenges, Opportunities, and Trade-offs

June, 2012

Land is the integrating component of all
livelihoods depending on farm, forest, rangeland, or water
(rivers, lakes, coastal marine) habitats. Due to varying
political, social, and economic factors, the heavy use of
natural resources to supply a rapidly growing global
population and economy has resulted in the unintended
mismanagement and degradation of land and ecosystems. This
book provides strategic focus to the implementation of

India Land Governance Assessment

June, 2016

As India continues to urbanize and move
towards a less agricultural- and more industry-based
economy, land demands will continue to grow. Its urban
population is expected to increase by more than 200 million
by 2030, requiring 4 to 8 million hectares of land for
residential use alone. Demands for infrastructure and
industry could add a similar amount, summing to total land
demand of 5 to10 percent of the land area currently used for

Securing Africa's Land for Shared Prosperity : A Program to Scale Up Reforms and Investments

June, 2013

This is covers land administration and
reform in Sub-Saharan Africa, and is highly relevant to all
developing countries around the world. It provides simple
practical steps to turn the hugely controversial subject of
"land grabs" into a development opportunity by
improving land governance to reduce the risks of
dispossessing poor landholders while ensuring mutually
beneficial investors' deals. This book shows how Sub