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IssuesdisplacementLandLibrary Resource
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Guide to Land Mediation: Based on the experience in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo

Reports & Research
December, 2012

The Guide to Land Mediation mainly draws its inspiration from practical experience on the ground of the land program conducted by UN-Habitat in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, especially in North Kivu, South Kivu and Ituri. It refers, in some places, to other countries experiences in post-conflict situations. This guide offers practical steps and tools used during the land mediation process. The publication highlights, not only the role and responsibilities of mediation stakeholders and 'beneficiaries', but also principles and foundations of a good mediation

Consequences of evicting widows

Reports & Research
January, 2015
Central African Republic

The crisis that engulfed the Central African Republic (CAR) in the end of 2012 resulted in the perpetration of gross human rights violations, including the widespread looting and destruction of homes. As people fled the violence they left behind land which others occupied illegally. More than a year after the height of the crisis, approximately 440,000 Central Africans continue to be internally displaced. Almost half a million are refugees in neighbouring countries.


Reports & Research
May, 2014
Latin America and the Caribbean

The armed conflict in Colombia causes continued forced displacement into neighboring countries. Ecuador is the country receiving the highest number of Colombian refugees. By the end of 2013, 135 5881 people were registered inEcuador by UNHCR, with an average of 1000 new claims each month. In Panama, UNHCR estimates that 18 2972 people are living in a refugee like situations mostly in urban areas or marginalized suburbs.


Reports & Research

Palestinian women living in refugee camps and gatherings in Lebanon have little opportunity to realise their HLP rights. They face the double discrimination, challenged by both formal Lebanese law and familial Palestinian social systems.

In 2001, the Lebanese Government passed a law forbidding people who do not hold citizenship to a recognised state from getting property rights in the country. This has left many Palestinian refugees either losing property that they owned, or unable to inherit property from family members.

NOWHERE TO GO: Displaced and returnee women seeking housing, land and property rights in South Sudan

Reports & Research
South Sudan

Land is of tremendous importance in South Sudan. It represents community, belonging and place as well as provides a source of income, subsistence and survival. Control of land and resources was at the centre of the conflict that lasted five decades, leading to South Sudan’s independence in 2011.

The Rise of Large Farms in Land Abundant Countries : Do They Have A Future?

March, 2012

Increased levels and volatility of food
prices has led to a surge of interest in large-scale
agriculture and land acquisition. This creates challenges
for policy makers aiming to establish a policy environment
conducive to an agrarian structure to contribute to
broad-based development in the long term. Based on a
historical review of episodes of growth of large farms and
their impact, this paper identifies factors underlying the

Managing Environmental and Social Risks in Development Policy Financing

November, 2015

Effective environmental and social risk
management in development policy financing (DPF) is central
to achieving the World Bank’s goals of ending extreme
poverty and promoting shared prosperity in a sustainable
manner. If the World Bank is supporting far-reaching member
country reforms that are intended to contribute to the twin
goals, then it should seek to understand the impact of those
reforms on the poor. It should also ensure that the

The Unfulfilled Promise of Oil and Growth : Poverty, Inclusion and Welfare in Iraq 2007-2012

January, 2015

Iraq appears to have firmly entered the
ranks of upper middle-income countries in 2012, having
experienced strong economic growth following the
establishment of a civilian elected government in 2005-06.
In 2012 the years of growth culminated in a per capita GDP
of 2472 constant 2005 US$. This three-volume poverty and
inclusion assessment provides the first in-depth analysis of
Iraq's economic and social development during the

Forced Displacement in the Great Lakes Region

April, 2015

At the end of 2013, there were about 3.3
million people who remained forcibly displaced within the
Great Lakes Region (GLR) of Africa. Of these, 82 percent
were internally displaced persons (IDPs) and 18 percent
refugees; 64 percent were under 18 years old. This Report
analyzes the extent, causes, and character of this forced
displacement, with particular attention to certain situations.

Environmental and Social Management System Implementation Handbook : Animal Production

December, 2014

Environmental and social responsibility
is becoming more and more important in todayapos;s global
economy. There are thousands of environmental and social
codes and standards in the world today. The codes and
standards define the rules and the objectives. But the
challenge is in the implementation. An environmental and
social management system (ESMS) helps companies to integrate
the rules and objectives into core business operations,

Environmental and Social Management System Implementation Handbook : Crop Production

December, 2014

This Handbook is intended to be a
practical guide to help companies in the crop production
industry develop and implement an environmental and social
management system, which should help to improve overall
operations. If a company has existing management systems
for quality or health and safety, this Handbook will help to
expand them to include environmental and social performance.
Sections I and II provide background on environmental and

Impacts of Displacement on Urban Livelihoods

September, 2015

This article seeks to understand the ways in which urban livelihoods are affected by development-induced displacement, with a particular focus on residents remaining in the locality. Through an empirical case study of a railway upgrading project in Metro Manila, the article investigates livelihood impacts of large-scale demolition and displacement, which varied depending on whether the physical capital of remaining residents declined due to land clearance and the extent to which they relied on the local livelihood network established with displaced settlers.