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There are 3, 907 content items of different types and languages related to farmland on the Land Portal.
Displaying 3553 - 3564 of 3654

Agricultural land market as a tool of sustainable development of rural areas in the Republic of Moldova

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2013

The paper has two main applications: it represents a model for pricing – which might be used by investment funds, or other organizations interested in agricultural land acquisitions; the interest is in buy/sell transactions - a financial mechanism could be created to facilitate these transactions. For example, the creation of a Land Bank or to attract land banking investment funds, which would have the goal to improve the transaction system, develop financial tools necessary for increasing efficiency, improving financial structure.

Principiile de determinare a eficienţei consolidării terenurilor agricole

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2006

In the article the results of the agrarian reform in the village Semionovca from Stefan Voda district were examined. There has been studied the project of a small peasant farm for one plot of land and the elements of the land use and land management. Some economic parameters were determined in order to demonstrate the efficiency of land consolidation.

Aspecte relevante privind modificările structurale ale fondului funciar in Republica Moldova

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2010

This article is investigating some relevant aspects considering structural
changes of the land fund in the Republic of Moldova. Also it is considering the structure
evolution of land fund along 2007-2009 years. The results of the research conclude that
one of the most important rise components of efficient usage of land fund is spread of
fertilizers according to settled standards by scientific research institutions. Economical
efficacy using the land fund may be provided by supplying the agricultural enterprises with

Sistemul informaţional al cadastrului agricol în Republica Moldova

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2013

Condiţiile climaterice instabile caracteristice pentru Republica Moldova destabilizează piaţa produselor agricole. Acestea, dar şi alte particularităţi ale agriculturii contemporane, pun societatea noastră în faţa unei nevoi acute de informatizare, mai ales înceea ce-i priveşte pe producătorii agricoli(fermierii), dar şi autorităţile publice de toate nivelurile. Implementarea Sistemului Informaţional al cadastrului agricol, iniţiată cu succes în ţara noastră, este o soluţie fundamentală în acest sens.

An econometric model of technical efficiency effects in a stochastic frontier production function for agricultural land consolidation in the Republic of Moldova

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2010

Economical efficiency reveals the quality of economical processes in
agricultural unities to produce positive financial effects with a minimum effort. In cereal
production the efficiency is influenced by a number of factors, which act together and
between them there is interdependence. We have used the stochastic frontier analysis for
calculating the economical efficiency of producing the cereal cultures in the Republic of

Eficienţa economică a potenţialului de producţie în unităţile agricole

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2009

În baza datelor a 857 întreprinderi agricole din Republica Moldova, s-a determinat nivelul potenţialului de producţie în profilul regiunilor de dezvoltare şi eficienţa economică privind utilizarea acestuia. Folosind metode economico-statistice, s-au stabilit factorii ce ţin de capacitatea productivă a terenului agricol, înzestrarea tehnică a forţei de muncă şi influenţa lor la creşterea eficienţei economice a potenţialului de producţie.

Consolidarea terenurilor agricole în procesul de dezvoltare durabilă în comuna Sărata veche raionul Făleşti cu aplicarea tehnicilor SIG

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2013

Land consolidation is a planned readjustment and rearrangement of land parcels and their ownership. It is usually applied to form larger and more rational land holdings. Land consolidation can be used to improve the rural infrastructure and to implement the developmental and environmental policies. The need to improve land management is obvious. Due to this, in this study special attention is paid to rural areas where land relations have profound implications for agricultural productivity, environmental sustainability and the economic and social status of rural households.

Piaţa de vânzare-cumpărare ca mijloc de consolidare a terenurilor agricole

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2010

The article is focused on the investigation of the land consolidation through purchase and sale land market development in Moldova. First, it describes land market development and its impact on land re- parceling. Second, it analyzes legal restrictions of buying land for foreign investors and its negative impact on land consolidation and agricultural development. Third, it shows the impediment of high transaction costs on the alleviation of high level of land fragmentation and proposes several solutions for its elimination.

Analiza potenţialului productiv al fondului funciar din Republica Moldova

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2010

In this article, some analysis models regarding land structure and productive capacity of the land fund are examined. Also, there were analyzed the influence of erosions degree and soil quality on the modification of the agricultural land efficiency. It was established that the productive potential of the land fund depends on climatic conditions, which determine the necessity to adjust agriculture to the peculiarities of different regions

Difficultăţile gestionării resurselor funciare in Republica Moldova

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2010

The article exposed the structure and land resource management issues
worldwide. Also, it explains the difficulties of effective management of land in Moldova
and the factors that generate them: high fragmentation of land, failure to comply with the
technological processing rules of the land, short-term lease etc.