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نُظُم التراث الزراعي ذات الأهمية العالمية

Institutional & promotional materials
October, 2018

قامت منظمة الأغذية والزراعة بوضع " نُظُم التراث الزراعي ذات الأهمية العالمية" للمساعدة في صون نُظُم الزراعة التقليدية البارزة وإدارتها إدارة متكيفة. وتعتمد هذه النُظُم على الممارسات الزراعية التي تعود إلى قرون والمعارف المتراكمة على مدى قرون للتكيف مع السمات الفريدة للمناظر الطبيعية المحلية وإنشاء نُظُم بيئية غنية بالتنوع البيولوجي والمرونة وذات طابع مميز.

Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS). Combining agricultural biodiversity, resilient ecosystems, traditional farming practices and cultural identity

Institutional & promotional materials
December, 2018
South Africa

For centuries, farmers, herders, fishers and foresters have developed diverse and locally adapted agricultural systems managed with time tested, ingenious techniques. These practices have resulted in a vital combination of social, cultural, ecological and economic services to humankind. “Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems” (GIAHS) are outstanding landscapes of aesthetic beauty that combine agricultural biodiversity, resilient ecosystems and a valuable cultural heritage.

Sistemas importantes del patrimonio agrícola mundial (SIPAM). La biodiversidad agrícola y los ecosistemas resilientes. Prácticas agrícolas tradicionales e identidad cultural

Institutional & promotional materials
September, 2018
Sri Lanka

Durante siglos, los agricultores, pastores, pescadores y silvicultores han desarrollado sistemas agrícolas diversos y adaptados localmente, y los han gestionado con técnicas y prácticas ingeniosas que han perfeccionado con el paso de los años. Han sido los responsables de aportar a la humanidad una combinación esencial de servicios sociales, culturales, ecológicos y económicos. Estos "Sistemas Importantes del Patrimonio Agrícola Mundial" (SIPAM) son paisajes estéticamente impresionantes que combinan la biodiversidad agrícola con ecosistemas resilientes y un valioso patrimonio cultural.

Systèmes ingénieux du patrimoine agricole mondial (SIPAM). Une combinaison de biodiversité agricole, d'écosystèmes résilients, de pratiques agricoles traditionnelles et d’identité culturelle

Institutional & promotional materials
September, 2018
Sri Lanka

Pendant des siècles, les agriculteurs, éleveurs, pêcheurs et sylviculteurs ont développé des systèmes agricoles diversifiés, adaptés à leurs conditions locales, en employant des techniques et des pratiques ingénieuses, éprouvées au fil du temps, afin de fournir un ensemble vital de services sociaux, culturels, écologiques et économiques à l'humanité. Ces «Systèmes ingénieux du patrimoine agricole mondial» (SIPAM) sont des paysages d'une beauté remarquable associant la biodiversité agricole à des écosystèmes résilients et à un précieux patrimoine culturel.

Dominican Republic and FAO

Institutional & promotional materials
January, 2019
Dominican Republic

Long before opening a country office in Santo Domingo in 1979, FAO provided technical and financial assistance to the Dominican Republic to boost development of its agriculture, fisheries and forestry sectors. Over the years, the Organization has implemented a large number of interventions covering a wide range of areas, including food security and nutrition, plant and animal health, sustainable natural resource use, forest management and institutional development.


Journal Articles & Books
June, 2011
Sierra Leone

Was the civil war in Sierra Leone (1991-2002) fought for diamonds, or was it a peasant insurgency motivated by agrarian grievances? The evidence on both sides is less than conclusive. Ibis article scrutinizes the peasant insurgency argument via a more rigorous methodology. Hypotheses concerning intra-peasant tensions over marriage and farm labour are derived from an examination of the anthropological literature.

Sugar beet and its use in agroenvironmental measures

Policy Papers & Briefs
September, 2012
Czech Republic

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of biostrips on the bio­diversity of plants and game animals in fields near Sardice (Czech Republic) and to propose some improvements. The experiment was carried out in an organic farm with cereals as the main crops. The biodiversity was assessed by the line method (game birds and mammals) and according to Dostal (flora) and Braun-Blanqueta (plant coverage). As shown by our results biostrips have an important function in agroecosystems. We suggest to include seeds of sugar beet to the seed mixtures used in biostrips.

Preliminary characterization of "Parda de Montaña" beef cattle farms in Asturias, Cantabria and Castilla y León [Spain]

Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2009

Surveys were conducted to 141 farmers registered in the FERPAM at Asturias (A), Cantabria (C) and Castilla and Leon (CL) regions, with the aim to know animal production system characteristics. Racial diversity was high (57.4% of the cows are "Parda de Montaña" (PM) and the 25.2% are cross with other breeds) and only 24.1% of farms have PM pure-breed animals. The average herd size was 32.1 cows in A, 35.3 in C and 64.6 in CL. The 95% of farms are located in mountain areas. The animals are kept indoors 3.7 months/year, as average. The average age of calves weaning was 5.8 months.

Preliminary characterization of "Parda de Montaña" beef cattle farms in Aragón [Spain]

Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2009

A survey that gathered information about farm structure, grazing system, feeding and reproductive management was conducted in 181 farms. Parda de Montaña is the main breed regarding cows (92.4%), heifers (95,3%) and calves (84,1%). Bulls belong to Parda de Montaña (65%) breed but also Limusine, Charolaise and Blonde d'Aquitaine. Farms had an average size of 53.6 cows. Feeding depends largely on grazing in different forage resources, from June to October in high mountain ranges, in spring and autumn in natural meadows and forage crops.