New documentary highlights mining destruction on South Africa’s West Coast
Aerial photo of mining on one of the beaches that is part of the extension of the Tormin Mining area just south of Brand se Baai. (Photo: Warren Witte)
Aerial photo of mining on one of the beaches that is part of the extension of the Tormin Mining area just south of Brand se Baai. (Photo: Warren Witte)
Bereng Mpaki writing in the Lesotho Times provides background on the Mines and Minerals Amendment Bill which seeks to legalise artisanal and small scale mining. This had previously been outlawed by the Mines and Minerals Act, 2005.
According to the the Chairperson of the Parliamentary Natural Resources, Tourism and Land Cluster Portfolio Committee the Bill sought to alleviate poverty by empowering locals to venture into mining.
Over the last two weeks, world leaders gathered in Glasgow, Scotland – home of the first industrial revolution – to find a tangible solution to growing climate change issues. The 26th United Nations Global Climate Change Conference (COP26) urged both developed and developing countries to shift from coal-based energy to clean energy by rewiring investments from fossil fuel to environmentally friendly solutions. As a result of this significant pledge, Mongolia and other coal-dependent countries’ long-term economic strategies will be deeply affected.
“Gold mining is one (of the) most destructive industries in the world. It can displace communities, contaminate drinking water, hurt workers, and destroy pristine environments. It pollutes water and land with mercury and cyanide, endangering the health of people and ecosystems.”
BOUSSÉ — Terror attacks on gold mining operations in Burkina Faso are becoming a regular occurrence. For VOA, reporter Henry Wilkins looks at the impact the attacks are having on the lives of survivors and what it could mean if extracting gold, the country's primary source of income, becomes too dangerous.
“Boukare,” whose name has been changed to protect his identity, is a survivor of the Yirgou massacre.
The attack by an unknown terror group in June this year targeted a small informal gold mining site, like this one, and killed at least 160 people, mostly mine workers.
Lucky Mabhiza, a journalist for the Mbare Times reports that the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development has cancelled certificates of registration for mining in Uzumba that had been given to a Chinese company, Heijin Mining Company (PVT) LTD.
Tafadzwa Ufumeli writing in African Arguments analyses a conflict of interest between the Dinde Community and Chinese coal mining investments
Guinea’s September coup sent shock waves through West Africa and the global commodities markets. Guinea is the world’s second largest producer of bauxite, the ore needed to produce aluminum, and has rich iron ore, gold, and diamond reserves.
La zone pastorale de la vallée de la Nouaho, dans la région du Centre-Est, a été créée pour assurer une sécurité foncière aux éleveurs et intensifier leurs systèmes de productions animales. Mais, de nos jours, elle est « infestée » par l’orpaillage dont l’ampleur préoccupe.
Eddy Claude Nininahazwe writing in Amjambo Africa! provides important background on the decision taken by President Evariste Ndayishimiye in July 2021 to suspend and renegotiate all foreign mining contracts in Burundi. Burundi has reserves of nickel, rare earth gold and coltan.
Adama Soro, vice-président chargé des relations du Groupe Endeavour pour le Burkina Faso, est le nouveau président de la Chambre des mines du Burkina (CMB) depuis le 25 juin 2021. Dans cet entretien accordé à Sidwaya, il décline ses ambitions pour le secteur minier burkinabè sous son mandat. Sans langue de bois ni faux-fuyant, il met le doigt sur les problèmes qui minent le secteur, propose des solutions pour réconcilier les burkinabè avec leur secteur minier.