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Appropriate Groundwater Management Policy for Sub-Saharan Africa

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2011

This paper provides an overview of major groundwater issues for Sub-Saharan Africa, with an assessment of their policy implications in terms of potential development and appropriate management. In terms of construction time, capital outlay and drought resilience, groundwater is the preferred source to meet most water-supply demands, despite hydro geological complexity, natural constraints on water well yields and quality, and institutional weaknesses.

Potential Climate Change Mitigation Opportunities in Waste Management Sector in Vietnam

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
May, 2009
Eastern Asia

Along with economic growth and improved living standards, waste from households, industries, and commercial or service establishments is expected to increase rapidly over the next years. Managing this waste is a hard challenge for the Government of Vietnam because of its substantial cost and lack of awareness and participation of people and businesses. Wastes can be classified according to: their form (wastewater, solid waste); their origin (industrial wastes, agricultural wastes, urban (municipal) wastes); and their hazardous nature (non-hazardous or hazardous).

Whose development is it?

Reports & Research
November, 2012

Since 1999 foreign governments have given large financial and political support to the building of the Mozal aluminium smelter in Mozambique. Half the costs of building Mozal came directly from publicly owned institutions, or were guaranteed by them. In return, they and the private investors have received large returns in profit and interest. But the Mozambique government has been left with very little.

Competitiveness in light of Mozambique’s resource boom

Reports & Research
September, 2013

The objective of this study and mission was to contribute to an understanding of and assist in developing consensus around the opportunities and challenges to Mozambique‟s economic competitiveness and growth as a result of the current resource boom. The mission identified competitiveness and growth challenges and issues, and prepared draft scopes of work for further research on competitiveness and growth in Mozambique in the context of potential “Dutch Disease”.

A competitividade à luz da grande expansão de exploração de recursos naturais em Moçambique

Reports & Research
September, 2013

O objectivo deste estudo e desta missão é contribuir para a compreensão e ajudar no desenvolvimento de um consenso sobre as oportunidades e desafios colocados à competitividade e ao crescimento económico de Moçambique, como resultado da actual grande expansão de exploração de recursos naturais. A missão identificou a competitividade, os desafios e os problemas de crescimento, e preparou esboços de trabalho para futuras pesquisas sobre a competitividade e o crescimento em Moçambique, no contexto da potencial “Doença Holandesa”.

Mineração sem desenvolvimento

Reports & Research
November, 2013

Em Moçambique, há grandes expectativas de que a abundância de minerais, petróleo, gás e pedras preciosas venha servir para financiar a saúde, a educação e a rede de infra-estruturas, contribuindo para pôr fim ao flagelo da miséria, que afecta a vida da maioria dos cidadãos.

COAL VERSUS COMMUNITIES: Exposing poor practices by Vale and Rio Tinto in Mozambique

Reports & Research
November, 2012

Mozambique has attracted two of the world’s largest mining companies – Brazil’s Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (Vale) and the Anglo-Australian multinational Rio Tinto – to extract coal from the huge fields in Tete province. In 2010, Vale and Rio Tinto were the second and third most valuable mining companies on earth – worth US$169 and US$83 billion respectively.

The Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2015

Legislation & Policies
February, 2015

The Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2015 is a legislation in India. It amended the Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act, 1957 and replaced the ordinance promulgated in January 2015.The bill seeks to bring transparency to the allocation of mining licence process by auctions.

The Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Ordinance, 2015 was promulgated on 12 January 2015.The bill seeking to replace it was passed in the Lok Sabha on 3 March 2015 and in the Rajya Sabha on 20 March 2015.