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Issues Indigenous & Community Land Rights related News
Displaying 145 - 156 of 1119

From Recovery to Resilience: Community-led Responses to Covid-19 in Informal Settlements

17 January 2022

In 2020, as Covid-19 spread rapidly across the cities where SDI is active, federations recognised the need for both urgent responses to the acute humanitarian crises facing their communities and longer-term strategies to engage with government and other stakeholders to address the prolonged effects of this global crisis.

Why reconciliation agreement between Germany and Namibia has hit the buffers

09 January 2022

In bilateral negotiations  which are reported to have disregarded international participation rights based both in treaties and customary international law, both the German and Namibian governments have been accused of  “seeking forgiveness without listening to descendants” and with no reference to the return of land to the dispossessed as part of restitutive justice.

The ANC’s inertia on land could be the betrayal of its founding principles

08 January 2022

Tembeka Ngcukaitobi, a prominent South African Advocate and author writing an Op-Ed in the Mail and Guardian on 8th January, provides in depth analysis of the failure by South Africa's ANC ruling party  to address land issues. He argues that "the backstory to the formation of the ANC (in 1912) was land... Yet the evidence since 1994 shows hesitation, timidity and indifference to the resolution of land".  


Zimbabwe: High Court Gives Mnangagwa Greenlight To Evict Chilonga Villagers

07 January 2022

THE fate of 12 000 villagers in Chilonga, Chiredzi, has been effectively sealed after the High Court on Thursday ruled there was “finite wisdom” in gave President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s administration’s decision to evict them.


The controversial decision by government, which courted global outrage, has been raging for almost a year now. High Court judge Justice Joseph Mafusire dismissed an application by villagers in which they were challenging their pending eviction.

Scaling up Community-based Land Registration and Land Use Planning on Customary Land in Uganda” project launched

22 December 2021

Much of the land in Uganda is subject to customary tenure. Because it is not officially registered, land users fear that they may be forced off their land. Registering land has many benefits: it gives the users more security and means they can invest in the land and pass it on to their children.

Accès des femmes au foncier : L’engagement des ministères en charge de la femme et de l’agriculture

18 December 2021

Pour plus d’un, l’appui aux initiatives socio-économiques des femmes est chose indispensable dans la relance des économies de nos États, surtout en cette période post pandémie. Pour cette frange qui constitue plus de la moitié (52%) de la population sénégalaise, 6 d’entre-elles sur 10 vivent et travaillent dans les zones rurales où elles constituent 68% de la force de travail, ont révélé des statistiques du ministère de la Femme, de la Famille et de l’Enfant.

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