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Issues Indigenous & Community Land Rights related News
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Madagascar's land defenders call for a comprehensive framework to protect Malagasy rights

23 December 2018

As Madagascar elections near, its future is up in the air, and the question of land mining and land grabs by foreign multinationals remains a key issue for Malagasy citizens.

The root cause of Madagascar's 2009 coup was the prospective sale of arable land to the South Korean company Daewoo. Investment in Madagascar land has increased significantly since then.

It’s been 14 months since displaced people in Chiapas fled their homes

22 December 2018

Territorial dispute behind the forced exodus of residents of Chalchihuitán

It’s been 14 months since some 5,000 people in Chiapas were forced to flee their homes in Chalchihuitán. And although about 4,000 have since returned, 1,200 remain homeless, a situation for which they hold the municipal government responsible.

Representatives of the displaced people told a press conference this week that they have yet to recover their properties, which were occupied by armed civilians after the residents fled.

Latest forest policy move may be a boon for forest dwellers

20 December 2018

THE GOVERNMENT’S latest policy addressing the problem of overlapping rights on forested land will be a major turning point for residents, as it will allow them to live in forested areas and sustain themselves legally and also bring a halt to further encroachment, officials said yesterday.


However, civil groups, including those at a recent forest governance forum, pointed out that many forest residents were still uncertain if the new policy will maintain their land rights. 

Federal government asked to investigate Northern Land Council over CEO sacking

18 December 2018

One of Australia’s most powerful Indigenous organisations has abruptly fired its chief executive, and members are asking questions

The federal government has been asked to launch a full investigation into one of the country’s most powerful Aboriginal organisations, the Northern Land Council (NLC), as bitter tensions continue after the abrupt sacking of its CEO last month.


18 December 2018

For millions of people worldwide, land is a fundamental asset and source of wealth, security, social status, and economic opportunity. Secure land rights provide the foundation to improve lives and create pathways out of poverty – for women, families, and whole communities. Landesa’s work securing land rights for rural people has taken us around the world.

We invite you to explore our 2018 Annual Report to learn where this journey has taken us over the past year. To our many supporters, partners, and friends who make our work possible, we offer our deepest thanks.

Indigenous peoples denounce ongoing land rights violations in Ecuador

17 December 2018
  • Indigenous leaders in Ecuador say that a lack of progress toward addressing key issues stands in the way of their fundamental territorial rights.
  • Concerns include resource extraction projects initiated without proper prior consent and consultation, as well as the activation of several mining and oil concessions in Ecuador.
  • The outcry comes at a time when indigenous peoples are increasingly being recognized as key partners in ensuring the protection of the world’s tropical forests.

Report: Forest governance needed to ensure good cuts of greenhouse gases and healthy forests, says experts

16 December 2018

SOMSAK SAE-LAO, an assistant village chief in the small Nan community of Pang Kob, still has no idea whether his villagers could be subject to any benefits for helping protect surrounding forest under a global scheme known as REDD+, if implemented here.

The village has unresolved overlapping claims with Khun Nan National Park on a high mountain, thus becoming uncertain about their land rights.

Jokowi distributes 6,000 land certificates in Riau

15 December 2018

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo handed over about 6,000 land certificates to residents during his working visit to Pekanbaru, Riau, on Saturday, as part of efforts to fulfill his administration's ambitious agrarian reform program. 

Of the total certificates, 3,000 were part of the land certification program, while the remaining half were certificates of land redistribution under the mechanism of land objects for agrarian reform (TORA). 

Joan Carling is the winner of the Champions of the Earth Award, for lifetime achievement

14 December 2018

Joan Carling is an indigenous rights activist and environmental defender from the Philippines. She has been defending land rights from grassroots to international levels for more than 20 years. Her main concerns include protection of land rights of indigenous peoples, ensuring sustainable development of natural resources and upholding human rights of marginalized people. She has actively participated in global processes to defend these concerns, including those related to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and REDD+.

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