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Displaying 49 - 60 of 145

The Need For Spatial Data Infrastructure For Sustainable Development In Tanzania

December, 2020

This paper explores the use of spatial data in Tanzania, it underscores the reasons for lagging in the establishment of National Spatial Data Infrastructure. Using documentary analysis, strategically designed interviews, and questionnaires; data were collected from the spatial data user community in Tanzania.  Upon simple analysis of the data, the following were the findings: Firstly, it has been revealed that spatial data is not well managed, reused nor shared. Secondly, there are difficulties in the availability and accessibility of spatial data.

Geospatial Data Integration For Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Review Of The State Of The Art Of Spatio-Temporal Traffic Forecasting

December, 2022

Context and background:Intelligent transportation is a dynamic field focused on enhancing travel efficiency, reducing congestion, and increasing convenience. Central to this domain is the collection and analysis of spatio-temporal data, enabling precise traffic flow predictions and the development of intelligent traffic management systems. Integrating geospatial data, encompassing road topology and proximity to public infrastructure and transportation services, presents a significant challenge in designing effective intelligent transportation systems.

Effect Of Vegetation Shade On Soil Temperature

December, 2022
United States of America
United Kingdom

Context and backgroundThe Polytechnic University of Valencia UPV is collaborating with Valencia City Council in Spain, as part of the European GrowGreen project, to carry out a baseline study of the neighborhood, with the aim of improving the well-being of citizens and enhancing the green infrastructure of the Benicalap district.Goal and Objectives:In this research, monthly climate data recordings are made between April 2018 and July 2012, to compare the effects of different vegetation in different areas of the Benicalap park, on the temperature inside the soil as a function of the seasons.


Peer-reviewed publication

As African cities expand so does the pressure to improve infrastructure and extend key public services for the growing urban populations. With limited tax receipts, local governments are struggling to finance new urban development or even maintain existing infrastructure. As land has inherent advantages in generating revenue, Land-based financing (LBF) is being seriously considered or piloted as an innovative and additional source for enhancing budgets for infrastructure projects, public services and wider sustainable development.

Pakistan: Strategy to promote climate smart agriculture practices

December, 2023

Pakistan is a case of double injustice contributing a minuscule share of global greenhouse gases, yet it is bearing the brunt of global climate change impacts. It ranks among the top 10 countries vulnerable to climate change (Eckstein et al., 2021). The 2022 IPCC Report underlines the heightened vulnerabilities because of global warming and climate change leading to more floods. The Asia-Pacific Disaster Report 20221, Pakistan could lose more than 9 percent of its annual GDP due to climate change.

Water-energy-food planning and operations framework for river basins with a case study on the Blue Nile

December, 2023

Infrastructure in river basins is essential to achieving several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including SDG 2 on zero hunger, SDG 6 on water and sanitation, and SDG 7 on affordable and clean energy. However, important tradeoffs and synergies need to be navigated across these goals as both water and resources for infrastructure investments are limited. In transboundary river basins, such tradeoffs can transcend countries, creating a complex, interconnected system of water-energy-food linkages.

Narrative Report: Theory of Change - Nuapada Onion Value Chain Learning Lab

December, 2023

This Theory of Change Narrative is for one such Learning Lab (LL) set up by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in collaboration with one of the institutions within the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), namely ICAR - Indian Veterinary Research Institute (ICAR-IVRI). The Learning Lab will have various partners to support activities including research and operations.

How Useful? Fish-Friendly Irrigation Guidelines for the Lower Mekong Lack Definition in Five Key Areas

December, 2023

A proliferation of irrigation infrastructure throughout the Mekong River has impacted the ability of certain fish species to migrate to fulfil their lifecycle. In response, fishways, a type of fish-friendly irrigation structure, have been developed to provide passage for these fish. In recent years, several guidelines documents providing guidance on fish-friendly irrigation structures and their construction have been published. The development process from guideline inception to publication is unclear, while their purpose, audience, and contribution to fishway practice are vague.

Agrifood system employment: Innovations, policies, and knowledge gaps

December, 2023
United States of America

Key messages:
• Seven agriculture and agrifood value chain innovations are found to improve employment and income opportunities in the agrifood value chains.
• Such income and employment require adequate enabling policies, including infrastructure investments, support to wholesale market development, social protection, labor market regulation, and supporting collective action organizations.
• Eleven knowledge gaps need to be addressed to better inform agrifood system policy and investment decision-making.

‘Squeezing Out’ the Nile Delta’s drainage water to irrigate Egypt’s desert land

December, 2023

Egypt’s quota of Nile River water has been constant since the 1950s, despite the continual agricultural land expansion. To facilitate land reclamation, Egypt has reallocated Nile water from downstream users, mostly smallholders in the ‘old lands’ of the Delta. As water demands have grown, more attention has gone to the reuse of waste/drainage water as a reliable source for irrigated agriculture in the “old lands”.