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IssuesbiodiversityLandLibrary Resource
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Kennismarkt 22 maart 2007 : van onderbouwend onderzoek Wageningen UR naar producten MNP in 27 posters

Reports & Research
December, 2007

De presentatie van posters van WOT zijn ingedeeld naar de volgende onderdelen: 1. Bestuurlijke organisatie; 2. Implementatie van beleid; 3. Landschapskwaliteit; 4. Natuur, welzijn en draagvlak; 5. betekenis van de EHS; 6. Ontwikkeling in de landbouw; 7. Waterbeleid; 8. Internationale aspecten van natuurbeleid; 9. Kosten en baten van natuur; 10. Infrastructuur; 11. Milieu

Tropical landscapes in transition? : Widespread land-use change and measures to maintain forests, carbon stocks and biodiversity in North and East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Reports & Research
September, 2016

The production of commodities such as palm oil and pulpwood is leading to large-scale land use change in the rural tropics to fulfil the demands of the increasing world population and overall living standard. On the one hand, such land use changes provide income to companies, smallholders and government actors. On the other hand, these can lead to land use conflicts and declines in forest cover, biodiversity, carbon stocks, and local food production.

Global projections of future cropland expansion to 2050 and direct impacts on biodiversity and carbon storage

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2018

Cropland expansion threatens biodiversity by driving habitat loss and impacts carbon storage through loss of biomass and soil carbon (C). There is a growing concern land use change (LUC) to cropland will result in a loss of ecosystem function and various ecosystem services essential for human health and wellbeing. This paper examines projections of future cropland expansion from an integrated assessment model IMAGE 3.0 under a 'business as usual' scenario and the direct impact on both biodiversity and C storage.

Susceptibility of tropical mountain forests to biological invasions from the temperate and subtropical zone, exemplified by Zonitoides (Gastropoda: Gastrodontidae)

Journal Articles & Books
August, 2014

Colonisation by, and spread of, animal species from the temperate zone are rather uncommon observations in the tropics. The study provides the first reports of two snail species of the genus Zonitoides in Sabah, Borneo, namely Z. arboreus (Say, 1819) and Z. nitidus (O.F. Muller, 1774). The identification was aided using partial sequences of 28S rDNA, and the barcoding sequence of COI. So far, the two Zonitoides species were found in locations where the natural forest cover had been disturbed, and only in the montane forest at elevations between 1500 and 2000 m a.s.l..

Advies robuuste verbinding Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie

Reports & Research
December, 2010

In opdracht van de Dienst Landelijk Gebied is het ontwerp voor een robuuste ecologische verbinding tussen de Biesbosch en Loevestein / Munnikenland getoetst. Onderzocht is of de geplande verbinding aan de ontwerprichtlijnen voor robuuste verbindingen voldoet en met welke aanpassingen het functioneren van de verbindingszone eventueel zou kunnen worden verbeterd. Tevens is onderzocht of de inrichting van de robuuste verbinding aansluit bij of conflicteert met de wensen voor landschapsinrichting vanuit het herstelplan Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie.

Agrobiodiversiteit en duurzaam bodembeheer in de provincie Limburg (Venray e.o) : eind rapportage

Reports & Research
December, 2010

De Vereniging Innovatief Platteland (VIP) wil met innovaties en duurzame activiteiten werken aan een duurzame landbouw in het gebied rondom Venray. Werken aan biodiversiteit en duurzaam bodembeheer hoort daar nadrukkelijk bij. Door dit project is een aanzet gegeven in het gebied rondom Venray tot het verder implementeren en doorvertalen van wetenschappelijke kennis naar de praktijk. Er is in een nauwe interactie tussen wetenschap, adviseurs en andere intermediairen en ondernemers gewerkt aan duurzaam bodembeheer en beheersing van aaltjes en effecten van composten en groenbemesters.

Transition to Multifunctional Land Use and Agriculture

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2002

A sterilization control of paper impregnated with spores of the heat-resistant organism, Bacillus stearothermophilus, and specific culture media in a dehydrated state is described. When suspended in distilled water, the media will elute from the test strip and support the growth of surviving bacteria. The necessity of preparing media for culturing the controls is eliminated.

Effects of oil palm expansion through direct and indirect land use change in Tapi river basin, Thailand

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2016

The Thai government has ambitious plan to further promote the use of biodiesel. However, there has been insufficient consideration on the environmental effects of oil palm expansion in Thailand. This paper focuses on the effects of oil palm expansion on land use. We analysed the direct land use change (dLUC) and indirect land use change (iLUC) caused by the oil palm expansion and its effects on ecosystem services supply. Our analysis shows that between 2000 and 2009 dLUC related to oil palm expansion was more prevalent than iLUC.

Linking processes and pattern of land use change

Reports & Research
June, 2006

Land use change results from the interaction between the human and the natural system and therefore various scientific disciplines have developed paradigms and methods to study land use change. However, these disciplinary approaches can only cover part of the complex system of land use change. The objective of this dissertation is to develop interdisciplinary methodologies to identify and integrate factors that are important in the land use system to describe and model the land use system in a comprehensive manner.

Analyses of Land Cover Change Trajectories Leading to Tropical Forest Loss: Illustrated for the West Kutai and Mahakam Ulu Districts, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Journal Articles & Books
September, 2018

In Indonesia, land cover change for agriculture and mining is threatening tropical forests, biodiversity and ecosystem services. However, land cover change is highly dynamic and complex and varies over time and space. In this study, we combined Landsat-based land cover (change) mapping, pixel-to-pixel cross tabulations and expert knowledge to analyze land cover change and forest loss in the West Kutai and Mahakam Ulu districts in East Kalimantan from 1990-2009.

Conventional land-use intensification reduces species richness and increases production: A global meta-analysis

Journal Articles & Books
June, 2019

Most current research on land-use intensification addresses its potential to either threaten biodiversity or to boost agricultural production. However, little is known about the simultaneous effects of intensification on biodiversity and yield. To determine the responses of species richness and yield to conventional intensification, we conducted a global meta-analysis synthesizing 115 studies which collected data for both variables at the same locations. We extracted 449 cases that cover a variety of areas used for agricultural (crops, fodder) and silvicultural (wood) production.