International Aid Transparency Initiative
The Sentry
Liberia extractive industries transparency initiative
Confluences Méditerranée
Confluences Méditerranée est une revue internationale créée en 1991 dont l’ambition est d’aborder les grandes questions politiques, géopolitiques, économiques et culturelles qui concernent les peuples et les sociétés du bassin méditerranéen et du Moyen-Orient. Chaque trimestre, elle publie un dossier thématique d’une quinzaine d’articles rédigés par les spécialistes du sujet, en donnant toute leur place aux jeunes chercheurs.
Federation of Women Lawyers
FIDA-Kenya is a premier women’s rights organization in Kenya that has offered free legal aid to over 3,000,000 women over
Kenya school of Government
Kenya School of Government is a statutory body established under KSG Act No.
An independent family publishing house founded in 1975 around universal values: human rights, the rights of peoples to self-determination and with the constant vocation to be at the service of research for a transformation social. Its ambition: to share knowledge and contribute to the emergence of French-speaking authors. A position that continually determines his editorial choices.