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Sustainable Land Management Sourcebook

May, 2012

This sourcebook is intended to be a
ready reference for practitioners (including World Bank
stakeholders, clients in borrowing countries, and World Bank
project leaders) seeking state-of-the-art information about
good land management approaches, innovations for
investments, and close monitoring for potential scaling up.
This sourcebook is divided into three parts: the first part
identifies the need and scope for sustainable land

Papun Situation Update: Dweh Loh Township, January to March 2012

Reports & Research
May, 2012

This report includes a situation update submitted to KHRG in April 2012 by a community member describing events occurring in Papun District, in the period between January and March 2012. It provides information on land confiscation by Border Guard Battalion #1013, which has appropriated villagers’ communal grazing land between D--- and M--- villages for the construction of barracks for housing soldiers' families.

Nyaunglebin Interview: Naw P---, October 2011

Reports & Research
May, 2012

This report contains the full transcript of an interview conducted during October 2011 in Nyaunglebin District by a community member trained by KHRG to monitor human rights conditions. The community member interviewed Naw P---, a 42-year-old flat field farmer, who described her experiences being forcibly relocated by Tatmadaw troops, most recently in 2004 from D--- to T--- relocation village.

Institutional Pathways to Equity : Addressing Inequality Traps

May, 2012

Inequalities and development:
dysfunctions, traps, and transitions by Anthony J.
Bebbington, Anis A. Dani, Arjan de Haan, and Michael Walton.
Asset inequality and agricultural growth: how are patterns
of asset inequality established and reproduced? By Rachel
Sabates. Beneath the categories: power relations and
inequalities in Uganda by Joy M. Moncrieffe. Inequalities
within India's poorest regions: why do the same

Environmental Priorities and Poverty Reduction : A Country Environmental Analysis for Colombia

May, 2012

The analysis of the cost of
environmental degradation conducted as part of the country
environmental analysis (CEA) shows that the most costly
problems associated with environmental degradation are urban
and indoor air pollution; inadequate water supply,
sanitation, and hygiene; natural disasters (such as flooding
and landslides); and land degradation. The burden of these
costs falls most heavily on vulnerable segments of the

Pueblos indígenas resistentes del bajo río Tapajós, rostros contemporáneos de Brasil

Reports & Research
April, 2012

Esta tesis de maestría investiga el proceso de reconocimiento identitario de las comunidades del bajo río Tapajós en el Estado del Pará1, municipio de Santarém2, región norte de Brasil. Como problema central, el reconocimiento identitario es una demanda que emerge como fenómeno social en la Amazonía en la mitad de la década de los noventa, impulsado por las comunidades del bajo río Tapajós liderados por la comunidad de Takuara del pueblo Munduruku.

Toungoo Situation Update: Received in November 2011

Reports & Research
April, 2012

This report includes a situation update submitted to KHRG in November 2011 by a villager describing events occurring in Toungoo District prior to October 2011. It frames present village conditions within the context and consequences of the 2005 – 2008 Northern Offensive by Tatmadaw forces and details the following human rights abuses: forced relocation of villages; movement restrictions; forced labour by adult and child villagers; arbitrary taxation and demands; beating and torture of villagers, especially of village leaders; and attacks on and killing of villagers.

CEPAL presenta documento que examina brechas sociales en el contexto de los derechos indígenas de comunidades mapuche de Ercilla [álbum fotográfico]

Institutional & promotional materials
April, 2012

La Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) presentó el jueves 5 de abril de 2012 el documento "Desigualdades territoriales y exclusión social del pueblo mapuche en Chile: Situación en la comuna de Ercilla desde un enfoque de derechos", elaborado en conjunto con la agrupación Alianza Territorial Mapuche (ATM).

Kachin plight reveals Burma's patchy progress

Reports & Research
April, 2012

#039;"Welcome to our new Kachin townships," the camp administrator said sarcastically as he guided us down the muddy path leading to one of the dozens of refugee camps scattered through Kachin, the thin sliver of land which forms Burma's northernmost region. Makeshift shelters constructed from canvas and bamboo are now home for thousands of internally displaced people.

The United Nations refugee agency say there are more than 50,000 displaced people here, the Kachin put the figure much higher...

Transport on a Human Scale

March, 2012

An efficient and affordable access to
jobs, education and services is considered a fundamental
element for development. However, the mobility conditions in
the cities have deteriorated because of the increasing
motorization and urbanization. The number of new cars that
enter the cities every year outpaces the construction of new
roads, aggravating the existing congestion issues.
Therefore, the urban models that revolve around highways and