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Water security & the global water agenda: a UN-Water analytical brief

December, 2012

This analytical brief serves as a starting point for dialogue on water security in the United Nations system. Through this brief, UN-Water aims to capture the constantly evolving dimensions of water-related issues, offering a holistic outlook on challenges under the umbrella of water security. It highlights the main challenges to be addressed, the role water security plays in policy agendas and possible options for addressing water security challenges. The paper stresses that water security needs to be included in the formulation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Impact of climate and land use changes on water and food security in Jordan: implications for transcending 'the tragedy of the commons'

December, 2012

Jordan is dominated by arid climate with limited arable land and water resources. This study focuses on crop production and water resources under trends of anticipated climate change and population growth to analyse how these affect water and food security in the country. It finds that recession of irrigated areas led to lesser food production and food security. Results indicate that climate change and population growth increase and intensify problems of water scarcity and food insecurity.

Sustainable wetland management in the face of climate risks in Niger: the case of La Mare de Tabalak

December, 2012

The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) recently implemented climate risk management studies in seven countries. This report, commissioned by the United Nations Development Programme’s Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, gives a detailed summary of efforts in a Niger wetland environment to conduct one such study, incorporating climate change with three key sectors: agriculture, livestock and water resources.

Reflections on 20 years of land-related development projects in Central America: 10 things you might not expect, and future directions

December, 2012
Latin America and the Caribbean

Drawing upon several sources of information and types of analysis, including literature reviews, field visits and rapid participatory assessments, this paper provides a critical assessment of land-related development policies and projects over the past two decades in Central America. Reflections on past land-related development policies and projects in Central America are based on their contributions to growth and poverty reduction.

Protecting carbon to destroy forests: land enclosures and REDD+

December, 2012

This paper argues that REDD+ will not stop forest destruction developing countries and the underlying causes of deforestation remain untouched. The paper suggests that because REDD+ is embedded in the logic that environmental destruction in one location can be ‘compensated’ in another, it acts to reinforce the underlying drivers of deforestation and climate change. It also gives forest destroyers a way to legitimise their actions as environmentally ‘friendly’ or ‘carbon neutral’.

Land governance in South Africa

Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2012
South Africa

The World Bank in 2010/11 undertook an in-depth review of land governance and land policy in South Africa, with Urban LandMark managing the process and implementing a Land Governance Assessment Framework (LGAF) for South Africa.

The financing of city services in Southern Africa

Training Resources & Tools
December, 2012
South Africa

This case study draws on research that investigated the financial sustainability of cities in the Southern African region. The research was undertaken by the South African Cities Network (SACN). The project was jointly sponsored by the Public Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility and the World Bank. The contribution by SACN of the material for this document is gratefully acknowledged. The learning material presents an outline of the many challenges of financial sustainability and effective service delivery facing Southern African cities.

Development of local municipality territory use in land management

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2012

Human attitude to the land is the base for existence of humanity. It widely affects everybody– environment and landscape is changed, new buildings are constructed, new villages are developed in countryside. If such recensions aren’t planned it can cause serious problems in nearest future, considering limitedness and great significance of the land as unique resource. For correction of errors in land use immeasurable resources and decennaries are necessary. Tendencies in land use development and related problems concern to all people of Latvia, especially landowners.

Development of immovable property tax in Latvia

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2012

Immovable property tax is one of the national taxes the administration of which is subjected to continuous changes. Frequent amendments to the law “On Immovable Property Tax” (1997) also evidence the mentioned changes. The procedure for tax calculation, tax base, and tax rates has been considerably changed in the course of time. The research provides a discussion on the changes in tax formation, development, and administration in Latvia to understand better the essence of immovable property tax.

Description of land fragmentation in Latvia and its prevention opportunities

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2012

Already during the Land Reform, land properties of several land parcels were formed in the rural areas. Another factor that benefits to the fragmentation of farm properties is development of land market because buying or renting land for farm size building, it is not always possible to find adjacent land plot. Consequently, the land fragmentation not only makes land management difficult, but also increases the transport costs. With this rural land tenure system, competitive and efficient agricultural production cannot be discussed, so a large part of rural areas remains untreated.

Role of land resources in the development of the market of renewable energy sources of agricultural origin in Latvia

Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2012

To comply with the requirements of the EU Directive 2009/28/EC for using renewable energy sources (RES) in Latvia, the agricultural industry has to become a significant supplier of resources to energy producers and consumers. An increase in the area sown with maize is forecasted by exploiting the unused agricultural land to expand biogas production. The agricultural area has decreased by 2% in Latvia over the recent decade, and 16% of its total agricultural area are not exploited anymore.

Scientific bases of land use systems: science and practice

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2012

In agricultural industry of the Republic of Belarus the problem of increasing the effectiveness of utilization of land resources appears one of the most actual. Annual alienation of agricultural lands and arable fields under housing construction and industrial buildings, roads and other economic object leads to implacable decline of agricultural areas. Absence of new lands, suitable for agricultural use, promotes increase of agricultural productivity by means of intensification of producing process.