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Biofuels, land access and rural livelihoods in Mozambique

Reports & Research
June, 2010

Contains topic and rationale, research methods, socio-economic context and biofuels initiatives, policy and legal framework for biofuels production, reconciling competing resource uses, community consultations and community-investor partnerships. Concludes that the design and implementation of policy tools is riddled with difficulties. The inability to enforce progressive legislation results in threats to community rights. The effectiveness of community consultations is questionable, as is the claim that biofuels can be commercially grown on marginal land.

Emergencia agrícola

Reports & Research
March, 2010

El Cluster Alimentario pretende contribuir a la identificación de los daños y problemas sufridos con la catástrofe del 27 de febrero en los sectores frutícola, vitivinícola, alimentos procesados, aves y cerdos y carnes rojas para redireccionar el enfoque de los recursos públicos que permitan continuar y avanzar en la competitividad de estos sectores.

Operation of the market study: land access in urban areas - the case of Maputo

Reports & Research
January, 2010

The findings of this study by Urban LandMark,Universidade Eduardo Modlane and Universidade Pedagógica tell an important story of the significance of local land practices in creating opportunities for urban dwellers to secure land rights in the absence of an accessible and affordable formal system. And the findings not only shed light on our understanding of how urban territory is carved up and managed; they underscore the ways in which we conceptualise African cities, with implications for both urban theory and practice.

Analysis of land fragmentation in rural areas

December, 2009

Implementing the land reform, territories of farms were quite often formed of several - up to 20 - land plots, frequently with disadvantageous borders. With reorganization of production of the farms, rural development and activities of land market, importance and tasks of rational territory organization will grow. Besides, it can be forecasted that, as a result of land rent and further buy-sell and other transactions, many new farmland properties and land uses are going to appear which might not correspond to the requirements of rational territory organization.

Co-existing urban land use management practices

Training Resources & Tools
December, 2009
South Africa

This case study draws on research that investigated how urban land is claimed, used or divided and the various land use management (LUM) practices that exist around these various and sometimes competing land uses. This case study is based on a research study undertaken by Colin Marx and Margot Rubin with Progressus Research and Development, commissioned by Urban LandMark. An introduction to the case study is given below. You can do these activities on your own or in groups, as appropriate for your learning session.

Urban land development in practice

Training Resources & Tools
December, 2009
South Africa

This case study draws on research that sought to understand the process of urban land development in practice, from the perspectives of developers and municipalities. The research was undertaken by the Department of Town and Regional Planning, University of Pretoria, commissioned by Urban LandMark. The resource includes some learning and reflection activities based on the case study. These activities can be done individually or in groups, as appropriate for the learning session.

Land governance and its influence on access to urban land

Training Resources & Tools
December, 2009
South Africa

This case study is based on research undertaken into the experiences of a poor community in accessing land through formal channels in peri-urban South Africa. The research was conducted by a team of researchers pulled together by the World Bank. The work was the result of a request by Mogale City Municipality for technical assistance on the design and implementation of integrated housing and agriculture projects.  The document presents the story of Ethembalethu.

Biodiversity and Development of the Hydropower Sector: Lessons from the Vietnamese Experience

December, 2009
Eastern Asia
Southern Asia

Climate change prompts policymakers to pursue a low carbon energy pathway in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, this can lead to trade-offs with other sustainability objectives. This policy brief outlines key issues relating to biodiversity and the development of the hydropower sector in Vietnam. It is aimed at informing policymakers, civil society and donors. It argues that the large-scale development of the country’s hydropower sector is being undertaken without due consideration of the impacts that this is having on the nation’s biodiversity.

Trade and Climate Change Implications for Food Security in Mainland Southeast Asia

December, 2009
Eastern Asia
Southern Asia

This policy brief discusses the issue of food security in relation to trade and the anticipated impacts of climate change within Southeast Asia. It begins by contextualizing the debate before examining the manner in which trade, climate change and food security are interlinked within the Mekong region. The brief goes onto examine Cambodia as a case study in order to establish lessons for other countries in the region.

The Marital Immigrant. Land, and Agricultue: A Malawian Case Study

December, 2009
Sub-Saharan Africa

The central and southern regions of Malawi predominantly follow matrilineal succession and inheritance and practice uxorilocal marriages. Women, rather than men, own the primary land rights. Colonial government officials and some Eurocentric scholars have argued that the system of uxorilocal marriages and female ownership of land rights are inimical to agricultural development principally because men lose the motivation to make long term investments in land which does not belong to them.