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Are There Any Undesired Effects of Anti-Land Fragmentation Programs on Farm Production Practices and Farm Input Use?

Peer-reviewed publication
February, 2021

Most policies designed to reduce land fragmentation involve land consolidation. However, research examining the relationship between agricultural zoning and land fragmentation has not yet been explored. This paper considers the causal impact of an anti-land fragmentation policy on farmland use and farm production inputs relevant to environmental quality using a population-based census survey of farm households in Taiwan.

Community Preparation and Vulnerability Indices for Floods in Pahang State of Malaysia

Peer-reviewed publication
February, 2021

The east coast of Malaysia is frequently hit by monsoon floods every year that severely impact people, particularly those living close to the river bank, which is considered to be the most vulnerable and high-risk areas. We aim to determine the most vulnerable area and understand affected residents of this community who are living in the most sensitive areas caused by flooding events in districts of Temerloh, Pekan, and Kuantan, Pahang. This study involved collecting data for vulnerability index components.

Urban expansion and forest reserves: Drivers of change and persistence on the coast of São Paulo State (Brazil)

Peer-reviewed publication
February, 2021
United States of America

Landscapes changes are a result of a wide range of interactions between actors and driving forces (DFs). In this study, we quantify the contribution of different types of DFs to processes of land change in the Northern Coast of São Paulo State (NCSP), Brazil, an important region for tourism and the energy sector. We analysed the relationship between DFs and the processes of land change from 1985 to 2000 and from 2000 to 2015 with partial least squares path modelling.

In search of factors determining the participation of farmers in agri-environmental schemes – Does only money matter in Poland?

Peer-reviewed publication
January, 2021
United States of America

The growing awareness of the negative impact of agriculture on the natural environment creates social expectation towards the reduction of this impact through the pro-environmental activities of farmers. Agri-environmental programmes are one of the key instruments of EU agricultural policy aimed at encouraging farmers to do so. Due to their voluntary nature and involvement of farmers in these activities, there has been a scientific discussion for a long time on the factors determining the participation of farmers in these programmes.

Heterogeneous impacts of large carnivores on hunting lease prices

Peer-reviewed publication
January, 2021

Notwithstanding their crucial role in ecosystem functionality, large carnivores generally entail economic costs to hunters due to competition for the same prey. This cost could potentially vary depending on carnivore density and the game hunting values at stake. We estimate a hedonic price model applying the unconditional quantile regression method in order to investigate the impact of large carnivores along the distribution of hunting lease prices in Sweden.

Are land rental markets responding to rising population pressures and land scarcity in sub-Saharan Africa?

Peer-reviewed publication
January, 2021
Central African Republic

Although still at incipient stages in most areas, agricultural land markets in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are growing rapidly. While the literature on the region’s land markets is expanding, there has been little attention thus far paid to the drivers of land rental prices. We know quite little about whether and how land markets and land contracts respond to meso-scale factors such as spatial variations in land abundance, or to micro-level factors, such as household land endowments.

Nature conservation versus agriculture in the light of socio-economic changes over the last half-century–Case study from a Hungarian national park

Peer-reviewed publication
January, 2021

National parks and other forms of protection ensure the natural values in the European Union. However, a significant part of protected areas is under agricultural cultivation, and the two sectors have been kind of opponents to each other for a long time. In the last 50 years, because of various socio-economic changes, the European and Hungarian agricultural policies had opposing concepts and goals, even related to protected areas.

Does Urban planning affect urban growth pattern? A case study of Shenzhen, China

Peer-reviewed publication
January, 2021
United States of America

It is essential to understand how urban plans affect urban growth patterns in order to improve current urban planning and management systems. Few studies have been conducted to analyse urban growth patterns of Shenzhen, an international megacity located in southern China, but none of them revealed the relationships between urban planning and urban growth patterns. This study explores the effects of urban master plans on urban growth patterns in different plan periods in Shenzhen. We first quantified the urban growth patterns comparing pixel- and patch-based methods.

Expanding commodity frontiers and the emergence of customary land markets: A case study of tree-crop farming in Venda, South Africa

Peer-reviewed publication
January, 2021
Southern Africa
South Africa

Contemporary discourses on customary land tenure in Africa, and South Africa in particular, have emphasized the socially embedded and flexible nature of customary land rights, recognising these as inherently more ‘pro-poor’ than individual titling. Based on in-depth interviews and participant observations in Venda, a former homeland in South Africa, this paper explores how in the context of expanding commodity frontiers, customary land markets have emerged, leading to de facto privatisation of customary land.

Identifying economic and societal drivers of engagement in agri-environmental schemes for English dairy producers

Peer-reviewed publication
January, 2021
United States of America

Livestock production is under increasing scrutiny regarding its impacts on the environment and its wider role in climate change. Consequently, there are a growing number of private agri-environmental schemes (AES) now operating alongside public AES that offer farmers economic rewards to maintain and enhance the environment. This study focused exclusively on a small number of commercial dairy producers located in the North West of England who were all suppliers of a global food producer and members of the producer’s own private AES.

Outsourcing governance in Peru’s integrated water resources management

Peer-reviewed publication
January, 2021
Central America
South America

Participatory water governance has become highly influential around the world as a means for managing water resources. Scholars and practitioners advocate for the inclusion of previously marginalized communities in water resources management through the devolution of power, responsibility, and participation. Where community institutions are weak or missing, experts recommend strengthening or re-building them to enable inclusive decision-making over water resources.

Novel trends in SNS customers in food and beverage patronage: An empirical study of metropolitan cities in South Korea

Peer-reviewed publication
January, 2021
Republic of Korea

Driven by the development of information and communications technology as well as the spread of social networking services (SNS), access to spatial information has changed the way people select sites or areas. This study determines whether new urban place selection—that is, the selection of places in a way that differs from the classic locational principle of land use—occurs via SNS by examining changes in the location of Food and Beverage(F&B) retail facilities patronized by citizens daily.