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Persistencia comunitaria y solidaridad logran tierras en polochic

Policy Papers & Briefs
January, 2013
América Latina y el Caribe

La felicidad en cientos de rostros campesinos el pasado 19 de octubre, podía ser comparada con la sensación que da la bendición de una cosecha abundante, ya que la lucha de más de dos años y medio, obtenía su primer fruto: ¡tierras para las primeras 140 familias desalojadas en el Valle del Polochic, en marzo de 2011!

Gender and equity implications of land-related investments - Cases of study - Ghana (FAO 2013)

January, 2013
Western Africa

Agricultural investments create risks as well as opportunities, for instance The Case Study of Integrated Tamale Fruit Company (2013) In recent years, Ghana has witnessed increased interest from private companies in developing agricultural investments. This trend is common to many lower/middle income countries.

Gender and equity implications of land-related investments - Case of study - Zambia (FAO 2013)

Reports & Research
January, 2013
Southern Africa

In recent years, Zambia has witnessed increased interest from private investors in acquiring land for agriculture. As elsewhere, large-scale land acquisitions are often accompanied with promises of capital investments to build infrastructure, bring new technologies and know-how, create employment, and improve market access, among other benefits

A Case Study of Selected Agricultural Investments in Zambia (2013) 

Comprehensive Laos land concession inventory launched

Reports & Research
December, 2012

The land concession inventory is the result of a trilateral cooperation between the Lao government, Switzerland, and Germany. Representatives from the three partners jointly introduced the document published by MoNRE, the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

Palm oil, land rights and ecosystem services in Gbarpolu Country, Liberia

Reports & Research
December, 2012

This case study of a palm oil concession in Liberia highlights wider policy considerations regarding large-scale land acquisitions in the global South including the need for both formal mechanisms to ensure free, prior and informed consent; and rigorous environmental and social impact assessments before operations start.

Huile de palme, droits fonciers et services écosystémiques dans Gbarpolu pays, Libéria

Reports & Research
December, 2012

Ce Cas d'étude d'une concession d'huile de palme au Libéria met en lumière des considérations politiques générales sur ce qui concerne les acquisitions de terres à grande échelle dans les pays du Sudnotamment la nécessité pour les mécanismes formels pour assurer le consentement libre, préalable et éclairé, et les évaluations d'impact environnemental et social rigoureux avant le début des opérations.

Presenting the book: “China’s disappearing countryside: Towards Sustainable Land Governance for the Poor”

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2012

China’s land policy has been in the news frequently over the last few weeks, since the Chinese government announced it will reform its land policy in the wake of the Third Plenum last November.

For those who do not know the Chinese land system follows a brief introduction: