Número no temático
Revista internacional de silvicultura e industrias forestales
Revista internacional de silvicultura e industrias forestales
An international journal of forestry and forest industries
Revista internacional de silvicultura e industrias forestales
Revue internationale des forts et des industries forestires
An international journal of forestry and forest industries
La Asociación Transatlántica para el Comercio y la Inversión (TTIP por sus siglas en inglés) podría tener un gran impacto en la agricultura y la producción de alimentos en la Unión Europea.
Until 1978, the Afghan state was weak but stable. In contrast, rural regulatory structures that complemented the state have always been strong. It was only the attempt to establish a strong state on the basis of foreign ideologies and military over the heads of the rural population that ultimately led to chaos and collapse.Whereas the central state sometimes broke down, many state