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La validazione del contenuto informativo è la chiave del successo di un processo BIM-based

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2015

L’industria delle costruzioni, e in particolar modo il settore pubblico, ha iniziato a porre più attenzione al contenimento dei costi e all’aumento delle prestazioni. Per questo motivo diversi enti pubblici in tutto il mondo stanno promuovendo nuove strategie adottando approcci innovativi come il Building Information Modelling (BIM).

Informative content validation is the key to success in a BIM-based project

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2015

The construction industry, particularly the public sector, started drawing attention towards containing costs and increasing performance. This is why several public entities worldwide are promoting new strategies and adopted innovating approaches such as the Building Information Modelling (BIM).

“Economic heritage impact assessment” come strumento per valutare gli impatti dei grandi progetti di riqualificazione delle città costiere siti Unesco. Il caso studio di Torre Annunziata nel golfo di Napoli

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2015

Quest’articolo parte dallo studio delle città portuali storiche, siti UNESCO, che oggi affrontano la sfida della riqualificazione dei waterfront urbani attraverso la conservazione del patrimonio culturale e paesaggistico.

Il crowdfunding finalizzato al co-finanziamento di progetti di valorizzazione di complessi di elevato valore storico architettonico: il caso di “Torino Esposizioni”

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2015

L’articolo affronta il tema del finanziamento degli interventi di restauro e riuso delle grandi architetture del ‘900, in un momento storico in cui le risorse finanziarie pubbliche sono sempre più scarse e difficili da reperire.

Tweede externe audit van de Basisregistratie Kadaster : rapportage en verklaring over de kwaliteit van de BRK

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
December, 2015

De kadasterwet stelt dat er elke drie jaar een audit moet plaatsvinden op de kwaliteit van de authentieke gegevens van de Basisregistratie Kadaster In 2015 heeft Alterra voor de tweede maal deze audit uitgevoerd d.m.v. interviews en literatuurstudie. Dit rapport bevat de bevindingen en aanbevelingen van deze audit, inclusief een verklaring over de kwaliteit van de Basisregistratie Kadaster.

Changes of land users in interwar Lithuania

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2015

The article presents the analysis of the change of land users in the Republic of Lithuania during the period between 1919 and 1940. The main factor affecting the relationship of land and its use was the political changes in the country, whereas economic and social aspects had less influence.

Importance of improving the use of information systems in land-cadastral works

LandLibrary Resource
Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2015

Modern market economy certainly requires a rational distribution of land and strict state control over land use and protection. In cadastre works are the basis of the data and are used very often. All of this activity is a complex and expensive process, so you need to effectively use and sharing of new information systems.

Experience of Tomsk Polytechnic University in the preparation and implementation of the master's program ''Management of land resources ''

LandLibrary Resource
Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2015

The article presents the conceptual approaches to the development of the master's program ''Land resource management '' in National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University. Marked conditions, labour market, issues, resources and perspectives of development direction.

Principles of state control system over protection and use of the land in Kazakhstan

LandLibrary Resource
Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2015

One of the areas of strategic development plans of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the implementation of the provisions of the Land Code is to ensure the sustainable use and conservation of land resources through the formation of highly productive, ecologically oriented and adapted land use, through improved economic mechanisms of land management and state control over observance of the land leg

Doing Business in Poland 2015

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2015

Poland’s economic growth over the last
25 years has been spectacular. In that period, Poland has
more than doubled its income per capita and became a
European growth champion. It was the only EU country to
avoid a recession in 2009. Its current GDP growth rate is