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Sudahkah aspirasi masyarakat terakomodir dalam rencana pembangunan?: pelajaran dari sebuah aksi kolektif di Jambi

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2007

The brief describes development planning consultations, locally known as musrenbang, conducted in stages through different levels of governance: village, sub-district and district. The brief then documents lessons from experience catalyzing collective action among local community goups (in particular women’s groups) to engage in this development process and to help articulate the women’s aspirations in such a way that they could be heard by district decision makers.

Towards wellbeing in forest communities: a source book for local government

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2007

Governments in many countries are decentralising to give more control over decision making and budgets to local administrations. One expectation of this change is that local governments will more effectively and efficiently respond to the poorest citizens in their jurisdictions. Decentralisation is especially significant to forest communities, which have historically benefited little from government services and poverty reduction programmes because of their physical isolation and social marginalisation.

Towards wellbeing: monitoring poverty in Kutai Barat, Indonesia

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2007

Poverty is a persistent problem throughout Indonesia. Seven years after decentralisation began there is little improvement in the wellbeing of rural people. Local governments have received new opportunities and responsibilities for development, but few districts have the necessary capacity and experience to effectively reduce poverty. This report provides a portrait of household poverty and wellbeing in Kutai Barat, a district that was only established in 1999.

Towards wellbeing: monitoring poverty in Malinau, Indonesia

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2007

Poverty is a persistent problem throughout Indonesia. With decentralization, local governments had a new direct role in alleviating poverty and local wellbeing. At the same time they could do so in accordance with local realities and development needs. Yet, there is little improvement in the wellbeing of rural people. Local governments may lack the necessary capacity and experience to reduce poverty effectively. This report shows how a local specific monitoring system can be developed and applied.

Exploring the Socio-Economic Situation of Plantation Villagers: A Case Study in Bago Yoma

Reports & Research
November, 2007

... Massive scale plantation forestry in Myanmar began in the early 1980s as a drastic measure to fulfil the increasing demand for timber and to prevent the conversion of deteriorated forestland to agricultural land. More than 30,000 ha of forest plantations have annually been formed since 1984 (Myanmar Forest Department 2000). Myanmar has also launched a Special Teak Plantation Program in 1998 which has an annual plantation target of 8000 ha in addition to the normal plantation scheme.

Institutionalization of Conflict Capability in the Management of Natural Resources: Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Experience in Indonesia

Reports & Research
September, 2007

This paper explores the conflicts between badly-affected local communities and logging and mining companies and analyzes how such conflicts can be addressed effectively.

Forest Lives: Lessons on Sustaining Communities and Forests from the Small Grants Programme for Operations to Promote Tropical Forests

Reports & Research
September, 2007
South-Eastern Asia

This regional synthesis paper is part of an overall effort to share the knowledge gained in five years, from 2002 - 2007, of implementing the Small Grant Program for Operations to Promote Tropical Forests (SCPPTF). The findings, lessons, and recommendations presented here emerged from the grantees’ reflections, site visits, project documentation, and discussions and inputs from the eight in-country teams, as well as from the key staff in regional support organizations.

Land, Forest and People: Facing the Challenges in South-East Asia - Rights and Resources Initiative

Reports & Research
August, 2007
South-Eastern Asia

This is a regional overview of the main legal and regulatory questions concerning ownership or access to and management of land-based natural resources. Using the Listening Learning and Sharing (LLS) method, RECOFTC, the Southeast Asia office of the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) and other RRI partners from the Asia region produced a regional overview of the main legal and regulatory questions concerning ownership or access to and management of land-based natural resources.

Loi n°2007-055 du 18 septembre 2007 abrogeant et remplaçant la loi n° 97-007 du 20 janvier 1997 portant code forestier.

August, 2007

La présente loi est composée de 84 articles repartis en onze (11) titres. Ce texte prévoit la mise en valeur des forêts (Titre II) et les défrichements des forêts: organisation, et lieux des défrichements (Titre III).

RECOFTC Annual Report 2005-2006

Institutional & promotional materials
July, 2007
South-Eastern Asia

"Twenty years ago when RECOFTC was born, community forestry was just emerging onto the global scene as a viable policy option to restore degraded forests and to provide livelihood support for local communities living adjacent to forests. These two objectives remain today, but to them has been added a plethora of other objectives including poverty alleviation, environmental services, equity and governance to name just a few. In short, community forestry, along with other forms of forestry, has become more complex."


Multifunctional forestry practices as a land use strategy to meet increasing private and public demands in modern societies

Policy Papers & Briefs
June, 2007

The present distribution of forests and the degree of their transformation by man are the results of natural factors and cultural development. The limit between forested areas and open spaces, as well as differences between intensively used forests and those showing small or no traces of human intervention, is determined by social needs and values, economic opportunities and political regulations. Forests are currently perceived by the population as physical and social spaces profoundly influenced by timber use and forest management.