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Rietteelt als mogelijke bouwsteen voor een duurzaam water- en bodembeheer in natte veengebieden

Reports & Research
December, 2014

De teelt van riet is één van de mogelijke alternatieven voor het huidige landgebruik en systeem van waterbeheer in de veenweidegebieden en kan helpen de bodemdaling te beperken. In deze haalbaarheidsstudie komen aan bod: de thema's water, bodem, broeikasgassen, natuurwaarden, maatschappelijke aspecten, en economische aspecten. Vervolgens komen de mogelijke functies aan bod: waterzuivering, waterberging, bodemdaling, buffering van natuur, oeverbescherming, biodiversiteit, biomassateelt en recreatie. De marktprijs van rietbiomassa is momenteel te laag om rietteelt rendabel te maken.

Down on the farm: Wall street: America's new farmer

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2014

The first years of the twenty-first century will be remembered for a global land rush of nearly unprecedented scale. An estimated 500 million acres, an area eight times the size of Britain, was reported bought or leased across the developing world between 2000 and 2011, often at the expense of local food security and land rights. When the price of food spiked in 2008, pushing the number of hungry people in the world to over one billion, the interest of investors spiked as well, and within a year foreign land deals in the developing

Drylands: Sustaining Livelihoods and Conserving Ecosystem Services. A policy brief based on the Sustainable Management of Marginal Drylands (SUMAMAD) project

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2014

The drylands of the world occur on every continent, covering some 41% of the terrestrial surface. One third
of humanity inhabits these harsh degrading landscapes, eking out a living through adaptive processes that
have served them well until recent increases of land degradation. Growing pressures from population growth,

GEF Investments on Payment for Ecosystem Services Schemes

December, 2014

The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
(MEA), The Economics of Ecosystems & Biodiversity study
(TEEB) and the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity
and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) provide a comprehensive and
useful framework to understand human dependence on ecosystem
services and how best to protect these services in
perpetuity. In these three authoritative studies, payment
for ecosystem services (PES) is listed as one of the

Combating Land Degradation in Production Landscapes : Learning from GEF Projects Applying Integrated Approaches

Reports & Research
November, 2014

During the Fifth Replenishment Phase of
the Global Environment Facility (GEF-5), portfolio
monitoring and learning review were introduced as key
components of knowledge management in the GEF Secretariat.
These strategies were intended to address the need to
generate knowledge on innovative practices, experiences, and
lessons from projects financed by the GEF. In that regard,
the Land Degradation focal area strategy for GEF-5

Cambodia Development Review - Complete issue March 2014

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2014

Cambodia Development Review is published four times a year in simultaneous English- and Khmer-language editions by the Publisher: CDRI Cambodia Development Resource Institute in Phnom Penh. Cambodia Development Review provides a forum for the discussion of development issues affecting Cambodia. Economy Watch offers an independent assessment of Cambodia’s economic performance.

Securing Communal Land Tenure in Northern Tanzania Using Certificates of Customary Right of Occupancy

Policy Papers & Briefs
November, 2014

Communal lands are central to the livelihoods of many Tanzanians, particularly to pastoralists and hunter-gatherer groups. But a number of factors can undermine the security of these lands remaining ‘communal,’ in turn threatening the livelihoods of many people and cultures. This brief sets out a new mechanism for strengthening community land rights by securing local tenure through acquiring a Certificate of Customary Right of Occupancy (CCRO).

Forestry, food security and livelihoods

Reports & Research
November, 2014
Saint Lucia

Without human intervention the countries of the Caribbean would be covered in dense tropical forests. The higher the annual rainfall, the higher the trees grow. However, the reality is that especially on the islands of the Caribbean most of the original forest cover has been removed for agriculture and housing purposes. Land use is not static, and so for example, the expansion of the banana industry increased the rate of deforestation on several islands.

Moving Forward

Journal Articles & Books
November, 2014
South Africa

Within the framework of modern governance, accountability means acknowledging responsibility for delivery. The UN system, as a global public service, needs to set an example by providing information to its member countries, governing bodies, partners and other stakeholders on its major achievements and resources in an easy-to-read format. Yet many of the activities carried out by the UN system in general, and FAO in particular, are not well known.