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Land Restitution in 2016

Reports & Research
August, 2016
South Africa

The following is an account of a grassroots movement led by a group of NGOs and communities who went to the Constitutional Court, the highest court in South Africa, to challenge the law dealing with land claims.

They wanted the Court to declare the Restitution of Land Rights Amendment Act 15 of 2014 unconstitutional; and they won!

Sembrando Resiliencia en las Pampas de Jailia

Reports & Research
August, 2016

El caso muestra las capacidades para generar mayor resiliencia ante el cambio climático y un imperativo para detener la migración. Se trata de un caso de retorno a la tierra de campesinos que habían salido del país, atraídos por la solidaridad articulada de tres comunidades que se decidieron por habilitar el riego para la agricultura.

Nomadic Custodians: A Case for Securing Pastoralist Land Rights

Policy Papers & Briefs
August, 2016

As part of the Global Call to Action in Indigenous and Community Land Rights, this brief puts the spotlight on the need to secure land rights for the world's pastoralists, as pastoralism is practised by an estimated 200-500 million people. Pastoralists manage rangelands that cover a quarter of the world's land surface but have few advocates.

"Pastoralists have been widely accused of being economically inefficient and turning their ‘over-grazed’ pastures into deserts. But these presumptions are not based on evidence and are usually very wide of the mark."

Legislação sobre o Índio

Reports & Research
Legislation & Policies
July, 2016

Este livro da Série Legislação, da Edições Câmara, traz o texto atualizado das normas que dispõem sobre o índio no Brasil: dispositivos constitucionais, atos internacionais, leis e decretos. Ao final, apresenta uma lista de outras normas também relacionadas ao tema.
Com a publicação da legislação federal brasileira em vigor, a Câmara dos Deputados vai além da função de criar normas: colabora também para o seu efetivo cumprimento ao torná-las conhecidas e acessíveis a toda a população.

Relatório da missão ao Brasil da Relatora Especial sobre os direitos dos povos indígenas

Reports & Research
July, 2016

Nota do Secretariado

O Secretariado tem a honra de transmitir ao Conselho de Direitos Humanos o relatório da Relatora Especial sobre os direitos dos Povos Indígenas, Victoria Tauli-Corpuz sobre sua missão ao Brasil de -7 a 17 de março de 2016. O objetivo principal da visita foi identificar e avaliar os assuntos mais importantes que atualmente enfrentam os povos indígenas no país e acompanhar as principais recomendações feitas em 2009 pelo anterior titular do mandato.

Strengthening Women's Voices in the Context of Agriclutural Investments: Lessons From Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
July, 2016

This report, which focuses on Kenya, constitutes one of four country-wide assessments produced under the overall project. It draws on a literature review conducted by the Kenya Land Alliance (KLA) with additional inputs from IIED, as well as on primary field research conducted by KLA in April 2016 (see Section 1.2 for further information about the research methodology).

Balancing Development and Community Livelihoods: A Framework for Land Acquisition and Resettlement in Uganda

Policy Papers & Briefs
May, 2016

Land acquisition for development projects by government, private investors and land speculators is a critical source of tensions and conflicts in many parts of Uganda. Following the discovery of commercially viable oil reserves in 2006, Uganda turned attention to extractives and oil development as a matter of national priority. Evidence of this assertion can be found in the recent 2016-17 national budget allocations, where the portion for oil development is substantial.

De la guerra entre ayllus a la producción de coca en Asunta Chica

Reports & Research
May, 2016

La familia Condori del Ayllu Layme que migró del departamento de Potosí a la región de los Yungas de La Paz. Se estableció en la comunidad Asunta Chica y tuvieron que adaptarse al clima amazónico y la discriminación de los oriundos. Plantan y comercializan la hoja de coca. Todo esto sin perder la esencia espiritual, ritual y ancestral de sus orígenes.

The right to shelter: An evaluation of the land transfer programme to Mahadalits in Bihar

Reports & Research
April, 2016

This is a working paper and the project is part of a larger research agenda which attempts to understand inequalities within groups that are recognised as disadvantaged by the Indian state. Specific focus is the set of groups labeled as Mahadalits by the Government of Bihar, who are a subset of the SCs in the state.

Author(s) is particularly interested in whether programs for Mahadalits suffer from the same problems as past attempts at equalising opportunity through affirmative action.

LEGEND Land Policy Bulletin 4

Policy Papers & Briefs
April, 2016

This LEGEND bulletin provides an overview of the main themes discussed and key messages identified by the LEGEND Core Land Support Team (CLST) during the 17th Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty.

In Defence of Life

March, 2016

In Defence of Life follows the struggles and triumphs of four communities resisting large-scale mining projects in Colombia, the Philippines, South Africa and Romania.


Courageous environmental and human rights defenders from these communities describe how they have suffered and why they are standing firm to protect their families, land, water and life from destruction by mining.

Their inspiring David and Goliath struggles demonstrate that when injustice and destruction become globalised, so does resistance.